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1UL-03-2009 02.52 PM HOMEFEDERALNOFj~H .~09~,826338 P, 02/03 <br />S <br />~r C ~ Z •~ ° o ~+ <br />~~ .. C~ <br />t'1 G ~ x:~ c ~ ~m rv <br />~ ~ r= ~ V1 `~ =" ~' ~ ~ m v <br />0 ,~,~ N ~}' ~~ <br />~ ~r ~ ~ ,fie = ) s:'> A , ~ ~ ~..~ ~ CJ <br />~ ~_ ~ ~ `1~ C7 T1 ~ ~ <br />~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~+~, ~ <br />,,, .-~ n. rra ~ c7 <br />~ ~_ C7 ~ t- A C C~ <br />~ r~ '~` m rn <br />stJl3oRn TION AwkF'E]y~']y'f` ~ ~ z~ c~ <br />THIS AGREEMENT made and executed this ~ day of )uly, 2009, by Equitable Federal 5avirtga Bank <br />L ._ __ ._. .. Itercinatter referred to as "Subordinating Creditor" (whether one or more), for the benefit ofHOME FEDERAL SAVINGS AND ,•~ ~ 5a <br />LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, hereinafter refe[r'ed to av "Secured Party". ~ i , <br />WITNIESS);TH: <br />WHEREAS, Stevan G Lee and Christine R, (whether one or mote), hereinafter referred to es "Debtor", has granted to <br />the Subordinating Creditor a Mortgage or Deed of Trust aorta May 24, 2002, and filed in the office pf the Hall County Register of <br />Deeds, nn the 30 'day of May, 2002, ea Document No. 2D0205781 in respect to that real estate described aa; <br />See Attached Exhibit "A" . <br />WHEREAS, the Secured Parry has agreed to enter into a loan transaction with the Debtor, whereby certain fonds are to be <br />advanced to Ute Debtor conditional upon the Debtor providing the Secured Forty with a first lien in respect to the above described real <br />estate, hereinaRer referred to es the "Collateral"; end <br />WHEREAS, the Subordinating Creditor is willing to subordinate any lien it may have in teepee[ to the Collateral by reason of <br />Subordinating Crediwr's MnKgage or Deed of Trust of rewrd to perfect security whenever and wherever fded in order to assure the <br />Secured Party of a Errs[ lien position in and to the Collateral; <br />NpW, TFIEREFORE, it ie agreed: <br />1. The Subordinating Creditor hereby consents to a subordinaeen of its priority position to the Secured Party and agrees that <br />its lien in respect to the Mortgage or Decd of Trust hrreinabove described, if any, shell at all times be secondary to the extent herein <br />provided and subject to the lien of the Secured Party in respect to the Collateral. <br />2. The Subordinating Creditor hereby consentsa to the Debtor granting Secured Party a first lien in all the Collateral as <br />described above to secure indebttdneaa to be advanced to Debtor by Secured Party, in the original principal amount of One Hundred ~ 1 <br />Sixty Thousand Bc p0/100ths Dollars ($160,000.00), recorded in the office of the Hall County Register of Deeds on the ~~' ~^ <br />day of 7uly, 2009, ae Document No. <br />3. So long as art obligation is eutstatuling from the Debtor to the Secwed Party for indebttdncas evidenced by Promissory <br />Notes or other instruments of indebtedness to the extcrtt herein provided in Paragraph 2, the Secured Pazry's interest in the Collateral <br />shall have priority to over the lien of the Subordinating Creditor in that Collateral, and the Subordinating Creditor's interest in that <br />Collateral is, in all respects, subject and Subordinate to the security interest of the Secured Party to the extent of the principal sum yet <br />owing to Secured party in respect to the ittdebtednees described in Paragraph 2 along with interest and costs allocable thereto, however <br />evidenced. <br />4. So Tong aq any portion of the described obligation to the Secured Party is outstanding and unpaid, the provisions of the <br />Decd of Trust or other instrument of security between the Debtor and the 5ccured Parry arc controlling ae to the Collateral in which <br />Secured Party is to have n first security interest, including any time there is a conflict between it turd the provisions of any lien <br />instrument grated to the Subordinating Creditor by the Debtor, <br />5, "Phis Agreement is a continuing, absolute and unconditional agreement of subordination without regard to the validity or <br />cnfnreeability of the Promissory Notes or other instruments of indebtedness between rho Debtor and the Secured Party evidencing <br />sums due or documents granting a security itttereat in the Collateral, irrespective of the time of order pf attachment nr perfection of the <br />security interest in the Collateral or the order of filing the Deeds of Trust or other itretevments o£ security with respect to the Collateral. <br />6. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and is binding upon the Subordinating Creditor and upon its <br />successors and designs, so long as any portion of the sums secured as described in Paragraph ]ere outstanding and unpaid. <br />7, The Subordinating Creditor dad agrees that the Promissory Notes or ether instruments of indebtednesF of the Debtor <br />evidencing the obligation between the Debtor and the Secured party may from time to time be renewed, extended, rnodificd, <br />compromised, accelerated, scaled or released, without notice to or consent by the Subordinating Creditor. <br />