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~~^ <br />_ rn 37 <br />~ ~. <br />~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ N ~ ~ ~ r f~ ~ _~ C.C7 f~ <br />r :~ Cl] <br />~ ~ - ~~ cn ~ 3 ~ ~ cn <br />IV ~I^ ~ \.J C ~ 7~ c7] C <br />~_ C7] <br />~I+A Q <br />(Space Above This Line Fur Recording Data) <br />LOAN NUMBER; 0150293616 <br />COMMERC1ACa REAL ESTATE DEED OF TRUST °~ <br />FUTURE ADVANCES ANll FUTURE OBLIGATIONS ARE SECURED BY THIS REAL ESTATE DF,ED ?~•~ <br />OF TRUST v <br />This COMMERCIAL 17EAL ESTATI DEED Oh TRUST ("5ccurity Instrument") is made on July 9, 2009 by the <br />grantor(s) Michael R Flodman, Ilusband, whose address is 3227 Ponca Circle, Grand Island, Nebraska 68803 ; <br />and Debra L I+lodman, Wife, whose address is 3227 Ponca Circle, Grand Island, Nebraska 68803 ("Grantor"). <br />The trustee is TierOne Bank whose address is 1235 'N' St / P.O. Sox 83009, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501 <br />("Trustee"). The beneficiary is 1'ierOne Bank whose address is PO Box 5018 / 700 N Webb RD, Grand Island, <br />Nebraska 68802-5018 ("Lender"), which is organized and existing under the laws of United States of America. <br />Grantor in consideration of loans extended by Lender up to a maximum principal amount of Sixty-five <br />"Thousand and OU/100 Dollars ($65,000.00) ("Maximum Principal Indebtedness"), and for other valuahle <br />consideration, the receipt of which is acknowledged, irrevocably grants, conveys and assigns to Trustee, in trust, <br />with power of'salc, the following described property located in the County of Hall, State of Nebraska: <br />Address: 3704 W 13th, Cwand Island, Nebraska 68803 <br />hegal Description: A part of the Southeask Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE1/4SW1/4) of Section <br />Twelve (12), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, <br />more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter <br />(SW1/4); thence westerly along and upon the South line of said Section Twelve (12), a distance of 'two <br />hundred Seventy-Two and Twenty-Five Hundredths (272.25) feet; thence northerly parallel to the Fast <br />line of said Southwest Quarter (SW1/4), a distance of Two Hundred Forty (240.0) feet; thence easterly <br />parallel to the South line of said Section Twelve (12), a distance of "Two Hundred Seventy= Two and 'l'wenty- <br />Five Iundredths (272.25) feet, to the East line of said Southwest Quarler (SW1/4); thence southerly along <br />and upon said East line of the Southwest Quztrter (SW1/4) a distance of Two Hundred Forty (240.0) feet to <br />the place of beginning and containing 1.50 acres, more or less, of which 0.206 acres, more or less, are <br />presently occupied by County Road right-of--way. <br />Together with all casements, appurtenances abutting streets and alleys, improvements, buildings, fixtures, <br />tenerrtcnts, hcreditamcnts, cyuipmcnt, rents, income, profits and royalties, personal goods of whatever description <br />and all other rights and privileges including all minerals, oil, gas, water (whether groundwater, subterranean or <br />otherwise), water rights (whcthcr riparian, appropriate or otherwise, and whether or not appurtenant to the above- <br />described real property), wells, well permits, ditches, ditch rights, reservoirs, reservoir rights, reservoir sites, <br />storage rights, dams and water stock that may now, or at any time in the future, be located on and/or used in <br />comtcction with the about-described real property, payment awards, amounts rcccivcd from eminent domain, <br />amounts rcccivcd from any and all insurance payments, and timber which may now or later be located, situated, or <br />aPlixed on and ttsed in connection therewith (hereinafter called the "Property"). <br />RELA'1'EI) 1)OCUMh~N'1'S. '1"he words "Related 1ocuments" mean all promissory notes, security agreements, <br />poor mortgages, prior deeds of trust, business loan agreements, construction loan agreements, resolutions, <br />guaranties, environmental agreements, subordination agreements, assignments of leases and rents and any other <br />documents or agreements executed in connection with this Security Instrument whether now or hereafter existing. <br />The Related Documents are hereby made a part of this Security Tnstrument by reference thereto, with the same <br />force and effect as if fully set forth herein. <br />INDEBTEDNESS. This Security Tnstrument secures the principal amottnt shown above as maybe evidenced by a <br />promissory note or notes of even, prior or subsequent date hereto, including future advances and every other <br />indebtedness of any and every kind now or hereafter owing from Grantor to Lender, howsoever created or arising, <br />whether primary, secondary or contingent, together with any interest. or charges providcci in or arising out of such <br />indebtedness, as well as the agreements and covenants of this Security Instrument and all Related Documents <br />(hereinafter all referred to as the "Indebtedness"), <br />FU'TURF, AUVANCb:S. To the extent permitted by law, this Security Instrument will secure future advances as if <br />such advances were made on the date of this 5ccurity Instrument regardless of the fact that from lime to time there <br />may be no balance due under the note and regardless of whcthcr Lender is obligated to make such future advances. <br />CROSS CO1,LA'1'ERALIZATION. It is the expressed intent of Grantor to cross collaterali~e all of its <br />Indebtedness and obligations to Lender, howsoever arising and whensoever incurred. <br />0.''A(14~2UUX Copyri@ht Cnmhlianec Systems. Inc. 63C'7-FiF:AFi- 200A.12282 www.complinncesystemvanu <br />('ornmercial Real Estnte. 5ccurity Instnimcm ~~ bL4007 Pugr I of 5 SW~9l S-~N522 - Rix GIG..45G I M(rN <br />