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-~ ~ - 204945594 <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE1/4 <br />NE1/4) and a part of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter (N1/2 SE1/4), all in Section <br />Thirty Two (32), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in <br />Hall County, Nebraska, mare particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the northeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter <br />(SE1/4 NE1/4); thence running southerly along the east line of said Southeast Quarter of <br />the Northeast Quarter (SE1/4 NEl/4), on an Assumed Bearing of S02°17'50"E, a distance <br />of Five Hundred Eighty Nine and Seventy Two Hundredths (589.72) feet; thence running <br />S89°18'39"W, a distance of Forty (40.00) feet, to a point on the westerly right of way line <br />of Blaine Street; thence running S 19°46'40"W, on the westerly right of way line of Blaine <br />Street, a distance of Ten and Sixty Seven Hundredths (10.67) feet; thence running <br />S02°17'50"E, on the westerly right of way line of Blaine Street, a distance of One <br />Hundred Eighty Faur and Forty Faur Hundredths (184.44) feet, to the ACTUAL point of <br />beginning; thence continuing S02° 17'50"E along the last described course, a distance of <br />One Hundred Forty and Seventy Six Hundredths (140.76) feet; thence running <br />S02°3713"W, on the westerly right of way line of Blaine Street, a distance of Seventy <br />Three and Forty Nine Hundredths (73.49) feet; thence running S89° 16'00"W, a distance <br />of Three Hundred Ninety Four and Twenty Two Hundredths (394.22) feet; thence <br />running S62°03'27"W, a distance of Eight Hundred Forty Two and Ninety Five <br />Hundredths (842.95) feet; thence running N89°52'21 "W, a distance of One Thousand <br />Four Hundred Fifty and Twenty Hundredths (1450.20) feet, to a paint on the easterly right <br />of way line of the Saint Jae Branch of the Union Pacific Railroad; thence running <br />NO 1 °02'30"W, on the easterly right of way line of the Saint Joe Branch of the Union <br />Pacific Railroad, a distance of Eighty Faur and Forty One Hundredths (84.41) feet, to the <br />southwest corner of Meadowlark Estates Subdivision; thence running N89°16'04"E, on <br />the southerly line of Meadowlark Estates Subdivision, a distance of One Thousand Three <br />Hundred Thirty Four and Seventeen Hundredths (1334.17) feet, to the southeast corner of <br />Meadowlark Estates Subdivision and to the southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter of <br />the Northeast Quarter (SE1/4 NE1/4); thence running N02°20'43"W, on the east line of <br />Meadowlark Estates Subdivision and the west line of said Southeast Quarter of the <br />Northeast Quarter (SE1/4 NE1/4), a distance of Four Hundred Ninety Four and Sixty <br />Four Hundredths (494.64) feet; thence running N89°19'02"E, a distance of One Thousand <br />Two Hundred Seventy Four and Fifty Six Hundredths (1274.56) feet, to the ACTUAL <br />paint of beginning. <br />