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<br />200905524 <br />Flat of a tract of lazed cornprisino a part af' the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE1/4 5E1/~}) of Sectiozz <br />Trvezity-four (24), T or~~zxship Ten (10) Narth, Ttau4e Nine (9) West of the 6th £'.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, mare <br />particularl3' described as follows: <br />]3egia~autzb at tlxe Southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of tl-e. Southeast Quarter (NE1/4 SC1/4); thence Westerly <br />along the South line of said Northeast Quartet' of the Southeast Quarter (1\TEl/4 SE1/4), a distance of Eiblat ~l.u~zdred <br />($(-U.0) feet; thence de.flectiug z-il;lit 125°40' (-C" az~d running Northeasterly, a distance ai' One 't'housand Trvo ~Iundrecl <br />l:levezi aa~d '1'we:rzty-sea I3tuidredths (1,21J .26) feet to the Southerl~~ right-af-v~~n}~ line oi' 1=l.igh~~ay ]-f3(l; thence Lasterl~~ <br />alozig said Iliblzw~a}' riglii-oi'-~~~ay line, ~i distance ai" Nizzet~~ (9(l.(1) feet to the East line o1' said Section Twant7~-i'aur (24); <br />thence Soutl~eriy alo~~g the fast line of said Sectiozi't'~~~ezity-four (24), ti distance oi'Nine L[uzidred lJibhi:,y-iouz• and <br />Thirty-nine I3undredtlas (9S4.3J) feet to the place of beginziing, <br />~G, <br />