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200905497 <br />State of GA <br />County of Fulton <br />On this date of 06/22/2009, before me the undersigned authority, personally appeared Rita Knowles <br />and Christina Hnang, personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed on the within <br />instrument as the Vice President and Vice Pres. Loan Documentation of Mortgage Electronic <br />Registration Systems, Inc., a corporation and Wells Farga Bank, N.A., a corporation, respectively, <br />who, both being by me duly affirmed, acknowledged to me that they, bath being authorized to do so, in the <br />respective capa 'ties therein st ,executed th ithin instrument far and on behalf of the corporations, as <br />the free and vo ntary act deed, or the c si eration, uses and purposes therein contained. <br />Witness v hatul and f cial se 1 on th d e hereinabove set forth. <br />i'd~a~y Public: Kelli Woo ver ~--'~ <br />My Commission Expires: 06/14/2013 ,~` woQi°•• Kellf Woolever <br />~'~~*r~`~ NOTARY F'UBIIC <br />~ r Fulton County <br />:fj ~~~ q• <br />~y ~f~ ,-'~~ State of Geor~la <br />~, ro~~~.o~ My Commission ExpirMts <br />~•„„.,~~N,,. ]une 14, $013 <br />