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204905359 <br />Exhibit "A" <br />That real estate located in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />which is described as follows: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quorter of the .SauthwesC quarter (N~1/~SWff4), <br />of Secfian TwenCy Twa (22), Township Ele~n (11) l~rth, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th. P M:, in the <br />City of C'rand Island Hal! County, Nebraslrn, mare particularly described as follows; <br />Binning at the northeost carver of said Nartheas# quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NL"l~~S°1~4); <br />thence running sauthery an the Bost brae cif sa;d ~vUrthea5t Quarter of the Southwest (?carter <br />(N~f~!45~1/~J, ore an Assumed Bearing of SUO'~'32~k; a distance of ~ghty (6t7.ttt]) (eet to o point <br />an the southerly rlghl of way line of fanner lark Road, and to the ACT1l~'IL pr~Int of begiianingF (trance <br />continuing SOt1''LtQ'32~ an Che east lure of said Northeast fluorter of the Southwest Quarter <br />(NE1/45~1,,r'~), a distance of l"hree f#uradrecl Seventy (370 ~) feet: (hence runrrinq Nr~g'r2'~1 ~Y, a <br />distance oP .Two Hundred' Twenty five (22b:t1flj feet; thence running Nt1f1"q0~2~, a distance of Ninety <br />(9q.p11) feet, thence running NB9"12'S1 a disCance of f Hundred Seventy Flve and Seventy Four <br />H~rndredths (ar7b,7~) feet; thence running Nt10"Cxy'2b"W, o dfstarrc°e of Two Hundred Se+renty Nine and <br />Sr~rty hundredths (279.6/1) feet, to a point on the southern right of woy line ~f Former Park h'ond,• <br />thence running ..5`89'14.35"~ an the soutlaerty right of way lure of Fanner 1"ar& Road, o distonce of <br />EighC Hundred vnd Eighty pyre Hundredths {~p.$1) feef, to the ACTUAL paint of beginning and <br />carttaining 5,6(~ acres mare ar less, <br />