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L71 <br />STATE OF COLORADO <br />STATE OF COLORADO STATE FILE NUMBER <br />200500234 CERTIFICATE OF DEATH <br />1. DECEDENT'S NAME (First. Middle. Last) 2. SEX 3. DATE OF DEATH (Month, Day, Year) <br />Ronald Lee MOORE ale April 07, 2003 <br />4. SOCIAL SECURITY 5a. AGE -Last. 5b. UNDER 1 YEAR 5c. UNDER 1 DAY 6. DATE OF BIRTH 7. BIRTHPLACE (City and State or Foreign <br />NUMBER Birth de (Years) os gyg His .Mini (Month, Da Year) Country) <br />507 -36 -2817 76 June 2 , 1932 Grand Island, NE <br />8. WAS DECEDENT EVER IN 9a. PLACEOF DEATH (Check onlyone) <br />U.S. ARMED FORCES? <br />Wes 0 No HOSPITAL: r OTHER <br />Arpatient O ER /Outpatient 0 DOA ' 0 Nursing Home O Residence OOther(Specity) <br />9b. FACILITY NAME pt not institution, give street and number) 1 9c. CITY, TOWN, OR LOCATION OF DEATH 9d. COUNTY OF DEATH <br />University of Colorado Hospital Denver Denver <br />10a. DECEDENTS USUAL OCCUPATION 10b. KIND OF BUSINESS /INDUSTRY 11. MARITAL STATUS - Married, 112. SPOUSE (It wile, give maiden name) <br />(Give fond of work done during most of working life. Never Married, Widowed <br />Do not use retired.) Divorced (Specify) <br />Chairman of Board �; Via_ �;�� <br />Married Carol Lee Miller <br />13a. RESIDENCE -STATE 13b. COUNTY TOWN,RLO 10 "x 13d. STREET AND NUMBER <br />Colorado Arapahoe` 22 Cherry Hills Park Drive <br />13e. INSIDE 13f. ZIPCODE a ASeE SPAIJI-0131RgI d 5. A an Indian, 18. DECEDENT'S EDUCATION(Specity oniyhighest <br />CITY (W3pec fy No as - It ye`s, lty Cuban. �' °7 hi tc. (Specify) grade comp /efe0) Elementary or secontlary <br />LIMITS? rfr% an, Ertl 'to etc h a (0 through f2) College (13 through 16 or 17 +) <br />$boa 80110 mav� 16 <br />17. FATHER -NAME (First, Middle, L/(sf) 7& six, t s Elide6. IN RMANT -NAME and relationship to tleceesad. <br />Ral h Moore ' Carol. Lee Moore, Wife <br />20a. METHOD OF DISPOSITION Ob, PLACE ' O Dl P S TIOfl (Name of semetgry. 8re or 120c. LOCATION - City of Town, State <br />s • a 0 Burial l}kCrematioo ❑ RernWahTrom State <br />O Donation 0 Other (Spec fy) 'h i <br />Purl Str�e rematoty _ Denver, Colorado <br />21a. SIGNAT OF FUNERAL IREC1'OR OR 1ER9ON NG NAMEJ�F Aj'1DAE OF FACILI <br />I>��s' GMn r chfdiocese o � Denver Mortuary <br />.' 1 �0�, 44t vO , Wheat Ridge, f.0 80033 <br />22a. ROGI 3 R'3 IGNATURE n �;d 2be ATE FILED 01thlsy, <br />MR' <br />of 23. TIM F DEATH 24 NC " WAS CORONER NOTIFIED? <br />Month `. ,Day''`°h c Ybar' (Yes or No) <br />1110 M A rim 07 �` 1115 Yes <br />TO BE COMPLETED< LY BY "T-IN 7P1q AN_ ... -^"' ,r'' TO BE COMPLETED BY CORONER <br />26. To the best of myk owledge, death occurred abet 4s, dates pl,gs'er�nd dusr4e basis of ezaminatlon and/ orinvestigation ,In my op in ion tleath occurred at the <br />the cause(sl and m�er es stated. ,,✓✓��� 1, ^'T 'a, die and place, and due to the cause(s) and menneyes stated. <br />Signature /AJ����f9 �y " Signature � <br />pe- <br />1 28. DATE SIGNED (Month, Day, Year) -- '" 29. DATE SIGNED (Month, Day, Year) <br />2 April 07, 2003 <br />30. NAME, TITLE AND MAILING ADDRESS OF CERTIFIER/CORONER(Type/Print) <br />3 Dr. William A. Robinson 4200 East 9th Avenue, Denver, Colorado ZIP: 80262 <br />31. NAME OF ATTENDING PHYSICIAN IF OTHER THAN CERTIFIER (Type /Print) <br />4 32. MANNER OF DEATH 33s. DATE OF INJURY 33D. TIME OF 33e. INJURY AT 33d. DESCRIBE NOW INJURY OCCURRED <br />(Month, Dry. Year) INJURY WORK?.... <br />Il Natural O Pend Investigation O Yas ONO <br />5 Investigatlon M <br />• Accident <br />• Suicide 0 Undetermined <br />Manner 336. PLACE OF INJURY -At h e, hrm, iraet, ladory. office 331. LOCATION (street and NumMr or Rural Route Number, Oty, County. State) <br />• Homicide building, *to. (Specify) - <br />34. IMMEDIATE CAUSE LEY R ONLYONE.CAUSE PER LINE FOR (al. (b), AND (c);) Do not enter mode ofdying (e.g. Cardiac or Respiratory Avest)slon i. Interval between onset <br />PART and th <br />al <br />CONDITIONS DUE TO OR AS A CONSEOUE E -OF Interval between onset <br />IF ANYWHICH / anQjaath <br />GAVE RISETO (b) <br />IMMEDIATE CAUSE DUE TO OR AS ACONS UENCE F Interval between onset <br />STATING THE <br />UNDERLYING CAUSE / /n/ .� /^ �y/ _ �/ ancLEeet�h <br />LAST (c) (c) , _/ L' C.�i / �Y/ / rw-. �•,� a, jCf �f��'!< . <br />PART OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS- Conditions contributing todeath but not aced to cause in 135. AUTOPSY 38. IF YES unto findings considered <br />11 PART I (en,., alcohol abuse, obesity, smoker). (yea or Ne) In determining cause of death <br />No <br />THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE OFFICIAL CORD WHICH IS IN MY CUSTODY. <br />16= 355379 <br />ADRS -16 1- a9(Rev.1.91) �. <br />DATE ISSUED <br />APR p LOCAL REGISTRAR <br />Do not accept unless prepared on security paper with engraved border displaying the Colorado state <br />seal and signature of the Registrar. PENALTY BY LAW, Section 25 -2 -118, Colorado' Revised <br />Statutes, 1982, if any person alters, uses, attempts to use or furnishes to another for deceptive use <br />any vital statistics record. NOT VALID IFPHOTOCOPIED. <br />