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<br /> • <br />.. <br />EX$LBIT "A" <br />200904977 <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4 SE 1/~4) <br />of Section One (1), Township Twelve (12) North, Range 'Yrvelve (12) West bf the 6th I'.N1. in Hall County, <br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point an the South line of said Section One (1), said point being Sixty (b0.0) feet. West <br />of the Southeast corner of said Section Dne (1); thence Westerly along the South Iine of said Section One <br />(1) a distance of One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty-five an$ Thirty-eight hundredths (1,255.3$) feet to <br />the Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4 SE 1/~); thence <br />Northerly along the West line of said.Southeast,Quarter aP the .Southeast Quarter (SE 1/~4 SE 1/4) a <br />distance of One Thousand Three hundred k~fteen and Nine tenths (1,315.9) feet to the Northwest corner <br />of said Southeast Quarter of tli~ Southeast (quarter.. (SE 1/d SE 1/~1); thence .Easterly along the North <br />line of said Southeast Quarter of the. Southehst Quaxt~ (SE~1/4 SE 1/~4) a distance of Two Hundred <br />Twenty seven (227.0) feet; thence Southerly parallel to the 'GPest Iine of said. Southeast Quarter of ,the <br />Southeast Quarter (SE. 1/4 SE 1/~i) a distance of Eight hundred Seven,, and Sixty-eight hundredths <br />(807.b$) feet; thence Easterly parallel to the South line of said Section Dne (1) a distance of Dne <br />thousand Twenty-nine and Two hundredths (7.,029.02) Peet to the Westerly right-off way Iine of Highway <br />No. 11; Southerly parallel to the East Iine of said Section Qne (1) a distance of 1~ve hundred Nfne and <br />~ForL'y=four hundredths (5Q9.4~F) feet to the place oP beginning. <br />_W <br />e <br /> <br />