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~~. ti m ~ <br />r~ c~ <br />~~ ~"? :~ ,,, W, <br />~ c,~ ~.. <br />~ r G ~, ~~ F--• o -,-, o a <br />~ ~ ~, -., cry -T, ~ c© cn <br />FT7 <br />~ j ~ ~ r x~ ~ <br />~~ ~ ~ cn C~ C <br />~ ~ <br />~w^ y~. ~ <br />C] ~- ~-- <br />DEED OF TRUST N G~ <br />z <br />o. <br />THIS TRUST DEED made this ~~ day of ~ J ~~= 2009, between <br />DAVID A. LUTH and MARCY J. LUTH, husband and wife, as TRUSTORS, whose address <br />is 9129 Indianhead Drive, Grand Island, Nebraska 68803; JOHN M. CUNNINGHAM, a <br />member of the Nebraska State Bar Association, as TRUSTEE, whose address is 222 ~ o <br />N. Cedar, P.O. Box 2280, Grand Tsland, Nebraska 68802; and IVAN L. BTLSLEND and <br />MARY S. BILSLEND, husband and wife, as joint tenants with right of <br />survivorship, not tenants in common, whose address is 15960 w. Holling Road, <br />Wood River, Nebraska 68883, as BENEFICIARIES. <br />WITNESSETH: <br />That TRUSTORS hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and warrant to TRUSTEE, <br />IN TRUST, his personal representatives, successors and assigns, with power of <br />sale, the following-described real property: <br />THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW1/4) AND THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST <br />QUARTER (W1/2 SE1/4) OF SECTION FIFTEEN (15), TOWNSHIP TEN (10) <br />NORTH, RANGE TWELVE (12) WEST OF THE 6T" P.M., HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA, containing approximately 240 acres, more or less <br />together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. <br />The TRUSTORS hereby covenant and agree with the TRUSTEE and BENEFICIARIES <br />that they are lawfully seized and the owners of the above-described property; <br />that they have good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said premises <br />and that said premises are free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, and <br />further, that TRUSTORS will warrant and defend the title to said premises <br />forever against the claims of all persons whomsoever. <br />For the purpose of securing performance of each agreement of TRUSTORS <br />herein contained and the payment of FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS <br />(5500,000.00>, the TRUSTORS have executed a Trust Deed Note bearing even date, <br />at the rate of interest and on the terms and conditions as set forth in such <br />Trust Deed Note until paid. The principal sum and interest shall be payable in <br />accordance with and upon the terms and conditions of said Trust Deed Note of <br />even date, and in any event the entire principal balance due hereunder and any <br />accrued interest shall be paid on June 11, 2024. A11 payments due hereunder <br />shall be paid at the address of the BENEFICIARIES as above described, or at <br />such other place as such BENEFICTARIES or the holders of said security shall <br />designate in writing. All installment payments hereunder shall be applied <br />first to the payment of interest on the unpaid balance, pursuant to the <br />Amortization Schedule, a copy of which has been provided to each of the parties <br />hereto, and the remainder of each payment of such installment to be applied on <br />principal. <br />It is agreed by and between the parties hereto that while title is vested <br />in the TRUSTEE and until filing of Notice of Default, the TRUSTORS shall: <br />A. Retain possession of the property at all times, except as may be <br />otherwise agreed by the parties in writing. <br />B. Maintain the residence and any other improvements located on the <br />real property in good condition and repair. <br />C. Pay all general and special taxes and all special assessments of <br />every kind levied or assessed against or due upon said property <br />before delinquency, and to deliver to BENEFICIARIES copies of <br />receipts showing payment of such taxes each year. <br />_1_ <br />