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6/12/2009 4:13:12 PM
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2ooso47os <br />E~"HIBI~' ~A° <br />A tract of land compzising a part of the South half of the Southwest ~}uarter {S1/25W~/4) of SeCtian <br />Twenty Seven ( 7), Township Eleven {I1) North, :tanbe Nine tqj Wesf of the Gth P.M., Mali County, <br />Nehrasl:a 7more particularly dESCribed as follows: $e~.nning at tine f`lorthwest corner of said 51~f2 <br />~4P1.f4• thence southerly along the West line of said S'W1f4 a distance of 73.U £eet; thence deflecfing Iett <br />S~° 4l'~13" and running easterly; a distance of 168.Q feet; thence deffectinp right 88° 3Q' 1.:~" andMrnnin~ <br />southerly, a distance of 74.64 feet to a point on the easterly ri~at-of-way line of Locust Street, this being <br />the actual place o£ beginn~~; tinence cont~nwng SoIItherl~e aTanb tine last descril~e¢I course and a10n Said <br />right-of~vvay Iine, a distance of X16:65 feet to a point of cwz~ature; thence southwesterly along the arc of <br />a curve whose radios is °3.~.a" feet (the initial tangent of which cniincides with .the. preceding course <br />pradnced), an arc distance of X3.25 feet to another poiaxt of curvature; thence southwesterly slang the <br />arc of a curve whose radius i5 272:48 feef (the initial tangent of which coincides with the final talent <br />of flue precedin4 curve produced), ara arc distance of x54a" feet; thence runr~n~ southerly along said <br />ri~*ht-ni'-v~~y line and alanb fhe final tangent of tine precedusg curve produced, ~s distance of Z62,~ feet; <br />thence easterly along the north lme of the 51./2 S'F~! J4 5W1-/4 a distance of 201.6 feet; thence defecting <br />Jeff 91° 33' QSy and rya northerly, a distance. of Z?9'"3 :Feet; thence (Iefecting ria«ht S8° ~5' 01" and <br />runninc easterly a distance of X6.74 feet; thence deflecting left SS° 1~' a1" and running northerly, a <br />distance of X5,4 feet; thence u°flectina left 9Q° OS' 14" and running weste~ly, a distance of 6.1I feet to a <br />point of curvature; thence nartiuwesterl~= alanb true arc of a curve wlaase radius is 122.99 feet {the lang <br />.chord of which deflects rib~ct 49° ~4}° 02" fLam t]ae preceding course) nn arc distance, of 8:.12 feet; thence <br />rtuining northwesterjy along the final tangent of tine precedin; course produced; a distance of 72.D feef <br />to a painf of curvatuue; thence no~fhweaterly alna~ the arc of a curve whase radius i 331-.~8 feet (the <br />initial tangent of which eoin~des with tlae grerediug course prndnced), a,n arc distance of 121.3 feel to <br />the ~icC(Sal place of beginning, <br />
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