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2009046$9 <br />.~ <br />Project No, 80-607 <br />April. 29 ~ 1980 <br />P~ ge z <br />LEGAL gESCRTPTION <br />A tract oP land Ln part of the NW} vf'tY;e NWT of seotLon 3y. T1.ON. <br />R9W of the bth P.M., H~-11 County. Nebraskq~ being mare partiauLarly <br />described as foll.owes CammenaLn~! et the Narthaest sorrier oP saLd <br />Seat Lon 35; thence Snuth far ? Peet the Westerly line. <br />of the N~d~ of sakd Secti~~on 35 to ~th.8 trite pnLnt•--~P begLnnLns~; thetzoe <br />S$9' 3605"E fvr 393.00 Peet an a line 77.00 feet Pram and parallel <br />with the Northerly 1Lne of the NWT of RaLd 3eatian 35: thence Svuth <br />far 360.00 Feet; thence N89` 3f-~05"W for 393,00 Peet to a pvLnt oh <br />the Westerly T.tne r~r the NW} ryf said geatlan 35t thence Nax~th Tar <br />360,QQ Peet along the Westerly tins of the NW} oi" saki Section 35 <br />to tha point of beginnLnR. (The Wesaterly lLne of the NWT of er~Ld <br />9eatLnn 35 Assumed N+~rth-Srntth Ln direatinn,) Cnntalning 3,~~ Acres <br />less road right-of-way. ~` <br />i <br />