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7~7 ~ ~ ~ ~' cn ~ f T'1 <br />IV f ~ ~ Y l1 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C7 ~ 1~Tl <br />C <br />~ rrt ~ ~ r- ~r ~ <br />w ~ t --. z <br />~, ~, -a <br />z <br />v <br />LOAN NUMBER: 16342-100 <br />(Space Above This Line For Recording Data) <br />~~ <br />d <br />COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE DEED OF TRUST <br />This COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE DEED OF TRUST ("Security Instrument") is made on June 8, 2009 by the <br />grantor(s) John E. Nowicki, and Jennifer L. Nowicki, husband and wife, whose address is 4127 Norseman <br />Avenue, Grand Island, Nebraska 6$$03 ("Grantor"). The trustee is Arend R. Baack, Attorney whose address is <br />P.O. Sox 790, Grand Island, Nebraska 68802 ("Trustee"). The beneficiary is Home Federal Savings & Loan <br />Association of Grand Island whose address is 221 South Locust Street, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 <br />("Lender"), which is organized and existing under the laws of United States of America. Grantor in consideration <br />of loans extended by Lender up to a maximum principal amount of One Hundred Thirty-eight Thousand Five <br />Huudred Seventy-three and 66/100 Dollars ($138,573.66) ("Maximum Principal lndebtedness"), and for other <br />valuable consideration, the receipt of which is acknowledged, irrevocably grants, conveys and assigns to Trustee, <br />in trust, with power of sale, the following described property located in the Hall of County, State of Nebraska: <br />Address: 924 W. Oklahoma, 1302 W. 1st and 4127 Norseman Avenue, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801 <br />Legal Description: A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of <br />Section Twenty One (21), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., City of <br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on <br />the north line of Oklahoma Avenue, where such point intersects with the east line of Greenwich Street, <br />thence running northwestly along and upon and east line of Greenwich Street, a distance of One Hundred <br />Forty-Five and Six Hundredths (145.06) feet; thence running northeasterly a distance of One Hundred <br />Twenty-One and Thirty Seven Hundredths (121.37) feet; thence running southeasterly a distance of One <br />Hundred Forty Four and Seventy Nine Hundredths (144.79) feet to a point on the north line of Oklahoma <br />Avenue, thence running southwesterly along and upon the north line of Oklahoma Avenue, a distance of <br />One Hundred Twenty One and Forty Three Hundredths (121.43) feet to the point of beginning; <br />The Southerly Eighty-Eight and Three Tenths (88.3) feet of Lot Eight (8), in Block Six (6), Spaulding and <br />Gregg's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska; and <br />Lot Twenty-Three (23), Jeffrey Oaks Eighth Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska. <br />Together with all easements, appurtenances abutting streets and alleys, improvements, buildings, ftxtures, <br />tenements, hereditaments, equipment, rents, income, profits and royalties, personal goods of whatever description <br />and all other rights and privileges including all minerals, oil, gas, water (whether groundwater, subterranean or <br />otherwise), water rights (whether riparian, appropriate or otherwise, and whether or not appurtenant to the above- <br />described real property), wells, well permits, ditches, ditch rights, reservoirs, reservoir rights, reservoir sites, <br />storage rights, dams and water stock that may now, or at any time in the future, be located on and/or used in <br />connection with the above-described real property, payment awards, amounts received from eminent domain, <br />amounts received from any and all insurance payments, and timber which may now or later be located, situated, or <br />affixed on and used in connection therewith (hereinafter called the "Property"). <br />RELATED DOCUMENTS. The words "Related Documents" mean all promissory notes, security agreements, <br />prior mortgages, prior deeds of trust, business loan agreements, construction loan agreements, resolutions, <br />guaranties, environmental agreements, subordination agreements, assignments of leases and rents and any other <br />documents or agreements executed in connection with this Security Instrument whether now or hereafter existing. <br />The Related Documents are hereby made a part of this Security Instrument by reference thereto, with the same <br />force and effect as if fully set forth herein. <br />INDEBTEDNESS. This Security Instrument secures the principal amount shown above as may be evidenced by a <br />promissory note or notes of even, prior or subsequent date hereto, including future advances and every other <br />indebtedness of any and every kind now or hereafter owing from Grantor and Jennifer L. Nowicki to Lender, <br />howsoever created or arising, whether primary, secondary or contingent, together with any interest or charges <br />provided in or arising out of such indebtedness, as well as the agreements and covenants of this Security <br />Instrument and all Related Documents (hereinafter all referred to as the "Indebtedness"). <br />MATURITY DATE. The Indebtedness, if not paid earlier, shall be due and payable on June 1, 2024. <br />® 2004-2008 Copyright Compliance Systems, Inc. 63C7-89A9 - 2008.(2.282 <br />Commercial Real Estate Security Instrument - DL4007 Page t of 5 800-968-8522 -Fax 616-956-1868 <br />