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zoosoas7g <br />5urvevor, <br />t hereby cerlily Thal on Apr!l 3, 7009, (comp/sled an accurale survey a/ ~OSK <br />5U801V1Si0N; in Hall Counly, Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plat <br />Iherao% ihaf the lots, blocks, streets, avenues, alleys, parks, commons and other <br />grounds as contained in said subdivision as shown on Iha accompanying plat <br />thereof are wail and accurately slaked oft and marked,' Thal iron markers were <br />placed of ail lot corners; Thai the dimensions o/ each lot ore as shown on Iha <br />plate, ihal each lot bears Ifs own number; and Thal sold survey was made with <br />reference to known pnd recorded monuments. <br />~gRAgA. ; <br />~~3riAre)ay/\) Daryl D. So ganfr~Reg. L` and Surveyor No. 578 <br />P~&~'~J <br />~,~ ~ s4o ~w~~~ <br />®. p p_C4..Y.r~LY_ <br />Submitted to and approved by the Regional Planning Commission of Hall Counly, <br />Grand /stand, Wacd Fiver and the V!llages al Alda, Cairo and Donlphan, Nebraska. <br />r <br />Ghat ma~C~ Te~~~ <br />AC <br />Approved nd accepted by the Hall Counly Board o/ Supervisors, thl~~~ <br />day oL~,~, 2009. <br />~Chalrm o he oar ~r/niy G er <br />cca <br />( o <br />~~ <br />a A8W <br />Yh <br />Approved,~-ppnd accepted by the City al Crand lslond, Nebraska, fhfs-~~ <br />day of L_L..1~~_, 2009. <br />1,..~g a l Q ~~[.[p~rz <br />A Iraq of land comprfsing a par! 01 Iha Soulhwesl Quorler of the 5oulhaasi <br />Ouarlar (SWf/45E1/4J a/ Section Thirteen (f3J, Township Eleven (l !J North, Range <br />Nina (9J Wesf o/ the 61h. P.M., In Hal! Counly, Nebraska, mnra porticuiarly <br />described as /allows: <br />Beglnnfng of the soulheasl corner of sold Soulhwesl Quorler of the soulheasl <br />Quorler (SWf/4SEi/4J; (hence running westerly along the south line of sold <br />Soulhwesl quarter aI the soulheasl Quarter (SWI/45E1/4J, on an Assumed Bearing <br />of N89'43'3D"W, a dlslance a( flue Hundred Forty Flve and Twenty Four Hundredths <br />(545.24) fee% to the soulheasl corner of faglewoad Acres Subdivision; /hence <br />running N00'00'l9"E, along the earl line of Eagleavood Acres Subdlvlsfan, a <br />dlslance al Seven Mundred N/naly Nlne and Eight Hundredths (799.08) feet, /o Iha <br />southwest corner o/ Lol Eight (8J, Eoglawood Acres Subdivision; thence running <br />S89'4JT0"E, along /he south line o/ Lols Elgh/ (8J lhru Thfrlaen (13), Englewood <br />Acres 5ubd/v!slon, a dlslance o/ Flve Hundred Forty Ffve and Seven Hundredths <br />(545.07) feel, to !ha soulheasl corner o/ Lol Thirteen (i3), Englewood Acres <br />Su6divlslon and to a point on the earl line o/ said Soulhwesl Quarter o/ the <br />Southeast Quarter (SW//45E1/4J; thence running 500'0025"E along /he east line <br />of sold Soulhwesl Quarlar of the soulheasl Quarter (SWI/45E1/4J, o dlslance o/ <br />Seven Hundred Nlnefy Nlne and Efghf Hundredths (799.OBJ leaf, !o Iha pain/ a/ <br />beginning pnd canlalning 10.000 acres more ar less. <br />!? @ d 1 c~fLQn <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, Iha/ DANNY KUNZE and SUSAN M, KUN2f, <br />husband and wl/e, being the owners aI the land described hereon, hbvo caused <br />same fo ba surveyed, subdivided, platted and designated os 'OSK SUBOIV/S10N; !n <br />Nall Counly, Nebraska, as shown on the accompanying plot !hereof, and do hereby <br />dedfcale the siroal right al way as shown (hereon fo the publJc for /hare use <br />forever pnd fha aasemen/s, i/ any, as shown /hereon for the location, cpnslruc/fon <br />pnd malntanance of pub/!c serv/ce ufl!///as, together w11h the right o/ ingress and <br />egress (hereto, and hereby proirlbliing lha planting a( Trees, bushes and shrubs, or <br />plpcing o/her obstructions upon, over, along or underneath the surface of such <br />easements; and /teal the foregoing subd1v1s1on as more particularly described !n the <br />dascrfpflon hereon as appaprs an this plat is made with the tree consent and In <br />accordance wflh lha desires a/ the undersigned owners and proprietors. <br />IN W/TNfSS WHE EOF we have a/llxed onr slgnaluros hereto, of Grand lslond, <br />Nebraska, !hls,,~._doy o/ ~~, 2009. <br />~ _ -~~ ry <br />Ual7liy UI( /7Z9 ~USpn ~i. A nZa <br />~r Maya -~ Ctfy er~`~ <br />(Seal) ~+~F o? per ;' <br />4 T d <br />~ ^fT ] ~, , <br />- ''elau~ <br />N iO YAS~'P <br />Ackno>~!!lsd <br />Stale Of Nebraska <br />My commission expires d ~~~ . <br />County Ol Nall ss /~ <br />On ihe_~_day of ~,rrQG1 _ .2009, before me, 1]evJ D. ~rgen'r~~ <br />a Notary Public wlihln and tar sa/d Counly, personally appeared DA NY KUNZE and <br />SUSAN M. KUNdF, husband and w(/e, and tv me personally known to be the <br />identical persons whose slgnaluros are a/fixed hereto, and that each did <br />acknowledge the execution Iherao/ to be his or her voluntary act and deed. <br />/N W/TNfSS WHEREOt; /have hereon/o subscribed my name and affixed my <br />all%ial sea! of Grand island, Nebraska, on the dote iasl above written. <br />haul IOINIY • Wi, q x,bnw <br />PFAYLP.SO11aENFnE1 <br />XrytmX'X•Lp. 5~ <br />DSK SUBDIVISION <br />HALL , C4UNTV, , NEBRASKA <br />RDCxM'C1L AND ASSOC. L L C - CNGINCCRlNC d SURVEY/NC - CRANp ISLAND, NfBRASxA SheafNo.7011 <br />