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20o9o44ss <br />Exhibit "A" <br />Fart of Lots Foar (~{) and F1ve (~, Block bra (~), In SoWman's Suhdlrlsian to fire City of Grand Isiund, <br />Halt Goarrq-, Pleluaslcr, described as: Commendag at a point on the Easterly line of rot Fopr (~)~ 5ix <br />(t7 iect Nartbyresterly oP the 5eutheaat corner of :aid Lot Four <e). thence is a 5a~ direction <br />along # line paralki to the 5optherly Itne of said Lot Four (4), sr distance of Chte Handred~ty.Rfive <br />(12.5) [eel to We Westerly Itne of said Lot Four (~, thence ba a Soatheasterly direction along We Westerly <br />lines of said Lots Fogr (n and FWe CS). a distance of Fifty (50) feet, thence is a Northtxsterly direction <br />slang a Ilse par'alki to the Soatheriy Ita4 of said Lat Fopr (~, a distance Qf Otte Hua~lred ~Cq~-iiYe <br />(1ZS) teet to the Easterly line of said Lot Fire (5), iheace la a xorthwrateriy dit+cction slang the Easterly <br />lines of said Lats Fapr (q) and Fire (S7, a distance of Fifty (50) feet to lira point of beginnlrrg <br />