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200904393 <br />18. REQUEST I'OR NOTICES. Truster requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Trustor's <br />address which is the Property Address. Truster further requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to <br />each person who is a party hereto at the address of such parson set forth herein. <br />19. NOTICES, Any notice to'Prustor provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it ar by mail- <br />ing it by First class uir~il unless applicable law requires use of'ar-other method, 79-e notice shall be directed to the Property <br />Address nr any other address Tt•ustar designates by notice to Beneficiary, Any notice to Beneficiary shall be given by first <br />class mail to Beneficiary's address stated herein or any other address Beneficiary designates by notice to Truster. Any <br />notice provided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Truster ar Beneficiary when given <br />as provided in this paragraph. <br />20. ACCEPTANCE BY TRUSTEE. Trustee accepts this Trust when this Deed of Trust, duly executed and acknowl- <br />edged, is made a putalic record as provided by Iaw. <br />IN WITNESS WIIE[tEOF, Trustr~r hus executed this Decd al"Trust as of the~+day and year first above writtan. <br />C... <br />KENT E. LETH <br />S'T'ATE ()F NEBRASKA <br />)SS. <br />COUN'T'Y OF Hall ) <br />The Forel;oing Uced of Trust was acknowledged before me on June 1 2009 <br />`~bY n le arson ' <br />u _. <br />~91N. NOTARY - ~ qt Nt~raskil <br />.N1p1I N1. FIMAMERIAEIST6R i <br />M11 tbmm, ~ Oea. 25, 2012 <br />otar Publi~ ~_~ ~„_ ,......~,..,, ..,.._. <br />My commission expires l~. ' ~~ <br />(TO BE USED 1P `I'ItUSTOR IS A CORPORATION) <br />STATE Of' NEBRASKA <br />COUN'T'Y OF <br />)SS, <br />The foregoing Deed of Trust was acknowledged before me <br />_,by <br />President of <br />Corporation, on behalf of the Corporation. <br />Notary Public <br />My commission expires <br />STATE Or N1:13RASKA <br />COUNTY (:)f~ <br />)SS. <br />1'he foregoing Decd of 'T'rust was acknowledged before me on <br />~-,by Partner, an behalf of <br />a partnership. <br />('1'O t31~ USI1) IF1'IZl1S`I'OR IS A I'AItTNI':RSFIIP) <br />Notary Public <br />My commission expires <br />