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20090434 <br />Exhibit A <br />Legal Description <br />A tract of land in the East One-Half of the Southwest Quarter (E % SW '/ )af Section Twenty One <br />(21), Township Eleven (1 l) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6`" P. M., Hall County, Nebraska and <br />more particularly described as fellows: Beginning at a point Thirty Three (33) feet East of a point <br />on the West line of the East One-Half of the Southwest Quarter (E % SW '/4 ), said last mentioned <br />point being One Thousand Two Hundred Fifteen and Sixty-Five Hundredths (1, 21 S. 6S )feet Nvrth <br />of the Southwest corner of the East One-Hal f of the Southwest Quarter (E % SW '/ ), thence running <br />north N OD ° 00' 00 " E (assumed bearing parallel tv and Thirty-Three (33) feet Easterly of the West <br />Line of the East One-Half of the Southwest Quarter (E'/_~ SW'/4) a distance of Four Hundred Fifty <br />and Six Hundredths (450.06) ,feet; thence running S 89 ° 31 ' 04 " E a distance of Five Hundred <br />Eighty and Thirty-Four Hundredths (580.34) Feet; thence S 00 ° 00' 43 " W a distance of Four <br />Hundred Fvrty-nine and Ninety-Nine Hundredths (449.99) Feet; thence N 89 ° 31 ' 32 " W a distance <br />of Five Hundred Eighty and Twenty-Five Hundredths (580.25) feet to the paint of beginning. <br />-6- <br />NF. Amendment <br />May 19, 2009 <br />