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<br />•-lndlcalas 1/1° /ran Plpe found Unless 0lherwlse Ncled
<br />a-lndlcalas //1" Iron Plpe w/Survey Cap placed Unless Olherwlse Nofed
<br />A-lndlcalas ACTUAL tllslanca
<br />R-/ndlca/es RECORDED 0/slanca
<br />P-/nd/cafes PRORATED Olslance
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<br />_...___. _...__~.----I--^----- L^" __...... .. _... _... -~---
<br />675.55' P 7673.00• RrT N H9'8056'"'W'
<br />s.,~ f4° °r•5'i
<br />L.~.nal De~1.L~111..~.tt
<br />A Iracl oI /and comprising all 01 Lols Three (3) and Four (4), Black Faur (4),
<br />Gldeon's AddDlon to the Vl1/age oT Donlphan, Hall Caunly, Nebraska and pll a/
<br />vacated Slh Slreel /ying wall of and adjacent to the west Ilne c/ Lol Four (4),
<br />8/ack Faur (4), Gldeon's Add11/on, lc the Vlllage c/ Donlphan, Hol! Caunly, Nebraska
<br />sold Iracl containing 0.5$7 acres more ar /ass.
<br />sv6dYirh Jn,ae
<br />roY,M J~i Pipe
<br />S u rYe v o is S~[.t.(.fl.~~.
<br />/ hereby cerl/Ty Iha! an May 12, 1009, / comple/ed an accurate survey o/
<br />'CIOEON'S THIRD SU801V1SlON', !n the Vlllage o/ Donlphan, Nebraska, as shown on
<br />Iha pccompony/ng plat lhereof,• Thal the /ols, blocks, slreals, avenues, n/lays, parks,
<br />commons and olhar grounds as contained /n sold subdlv/slon as shown on /he
<br />accompanying plat lhereol are well and accurately slaked o// and marked,• Iha!
<br />/ran markers were p/aced at a/1 !ol corners; !ha/ the dimensions of each !ol are
<br />as shown an the plot; Thal each tat bears 1Is own number,• and Thal said survey
<br />was made wllh relerence /o known and recorded monuments.
<br />~~~tt fk~
<br />o ~~Y
<br />$em$~78 ~ peryl 0. organ rel, Reg. Lan Surveyor No. 578
<br />~~~/ o. gkoPp A
<br />A~zproval ~sr~.+
<br />Approved and accepted by the V!lloge o/ Donlphan, Nebraska, !hl~(.,,,_doy
<br />oT~ua~_, 1009.
<br />~la~nning rec r
<br />I~
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<br />DedlcaRlon
<br />WHfLAN, husband and wl/e, and RANDY L. STARMAN and JULIE A, STARMAN,
<br />husband and w1/e being the owners of the land described hereon, hove caused
<br />some la be surveyed, subdivided, plaHed and deslgnoled as 'GIDEON'S THIRD
<br />5UBOIVI5lON' !n the Vlllage Of Donlphan, Nebraska, os shown on the accompanying
<br />plat Ihereo% and do hereby dedlcale /he easements, 1/ any, os shown !hereon /or
<br />the (ocallon, conslrucllon and molnlenance o/ pub/!c service uli/lllos, loge/her wi/h
<br />the right o/ ingress and egress /here/a, and hereby prohlblling /he planling of
<br />trees, bushes and shrubs, ar placing other obslrucllpns upon, over, along or
<br />underneath the sur/ace o7 such easements; and that the /oregoing subdlvls/on as
<br />more parllcular/y descr/bed /n /he descrlp/lon hereon os appears an /his p/al /s
<br />made w1/h the /ree consent and In accordance wllh the desires o/ the undersigned
<br />owners and praprielars,
<br />/N WITNESS WHEREDF, we have a/T/xed our s/gnalures here/a, al Grand /s/and,
<br />Nebraska, thls~day o/~4a~, 1009.
<br />T V~
<br />~~anald P. Whelan Ran y L, la
<br />, ~
<br />olricia D. helaW n Julie A. Slamma~
<br />Acknowledgement
<br />5lale 0/ Nebraskoss
<br />Courtly Of Holl
<br />On lha.~~doy of ~q 1009, be/ore ma,_..1~e_~y(~ ~ i
<br />a Notary Public within and Tor sold County, personally appeared DONAL p. WH£LAN
<br />and PATRICIA D. WHELAN, husband and w1/e, and RANGY L. STARMAN and JULIE A.
<br />STARMAN, husband and wi/e, and to me personally known to be lho ldenllcal
<br />parsons whose slgnalures ore alTlxed hereto, and Iha! each did acknowledge the
<br />execu/!on lhereo/ to be h/s or her volun/qry act and dead.
<br />IN WITNESS WHERE F II hgve hereunto subscribed my name and a/Tixed my
<br />o/T/cla/ sea! o/ ~ (Ba2', Nebroska, on /he da/e /asl above wrlllen.
<br />My commission explres_Exbeupe~r~it .
<br />GOYAILXYIAA' •sd,dW6Nr~
<br />tlFAYL Y. 6UwPeNfI1F1
<br />'~,__ ~ ~ Y Comm,Lp IN. 11,901Y
<br />`"_ pCr ( c ea
<br />G/DEN'S lH/RD SUBD/V/S/qN
<br />~~9A909~ ~Bv~~~
<br />