<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is made this ~ day of , 2009, by and among
<br />METTENBRINK, husband and wife; GARY R. METTENBRINK also known as GARY
<br />also known as LYNN WILLIAM METTENBRINK, also known as LYNN METTENBRTNK, a
<br />single person and CAROL A. HEIDE also known as CAROL METTENBRINK YORK, a single
<br />person, herein referred to as "Trustor", whose mailing address is 2270 W. Abbott Road, Grand
<br />Island, Nebraska 68$03; BRUCE I. SMITH, Attorney-at-Law, hereinafter referred to as
<br />"Trustee", whose mailing address is P. O. Box 790, Grand Island, Nebraska 68802; and
<br />ROBERT G. WENZL, hereinafter referred to as "Beneficiary", whose mailing address is 2422
<br />Riverview Drive, Grand Island, Nebraska 68803.
<br />For valuable consideration, Trustor irrevocably grants, transfers, conveys and assigns to
<br />Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, for the benefit and security of Beneficiary, under and
<br />subject to the terms and conditions of this Deed of Trust, the Trustor's interest in the following-
<br />described property located in Hall County, Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />Lot Two (2), North Fork Second Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />AND
<br />The Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of Section Three (3), Township Eleven (11) North,
<br />Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska EXCEPTING Lots
<br />One (1) and two (2), North Fork Second Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />EXCEPTING A tract of land comprising a part of the South Half (S 1/2) of
<br />Section Three (3), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th
<br />P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the northeast corner ofthe Southeast Quarter (SEl/4) of said Section
<br />Three (3); thence running westerly along the north line of the Southeast Quarter
<br />(SE1/4) of said Section Three (3), on an Assumed Bearing of S 89°29'12" W, a
<br />distance of Two Thousand Six Hundred Thirty One and Thirty Hundredths
<br />(2631.30) feet, to the Northeast corner of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of said
<br />Section Three (3); thence continuing S 89°29'12" W, a distance of Seven Hundred
<br />Twenty Eight and Ninety Seven Hundredths (728.97) feet; thence running S
<br />00°31'16" E, a distance of Twenty Five (25.00) feet, to a paint on a curve; thence
<br />running southeasterly along the arc of a curve to the right whose radius is One
<br />Thousand Four Hundred Twenty Four (1424.00) feet, the long chord of which
<br />bears S 47°01'34" E, a long chord distance of Eight Hundred Fifty and Seventy
<br />Hundredths (850.70) feet; thence running N 89°28'44" E, a distance of One
<br />Hundred Eighteen and Forty Nine Hundredths (118.49) feet, to a point on a curve;
<br />thence running northeasterly along the arc of a curve to the right whose radius is
<br />One Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Two and Fifty Hundredths (1S72.S0) feet,
<br />the long chord of which bears N 46°03'SO" E, a long chord distance of Eight
<br />Hundred Fifty One and Eighty Five Hundredths (8S 1.85) feet; thence running N
<br />89°29'12" E, a distance of Two Thousand Six (2006.00) feet, to a point an the east
<br />line of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of said Section Three (3); thence running N
<br />O1°03'17" W, on the east line of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of said Section
<br />Three (3), a distance of Twenty Five (25.00) feet, to the point of beginning,
<br />together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures and appurtenances located thereon or in any
<br />way pertaining thereto, and the rents, issues, profits, reversions and the remainders thereof,
<br />including all such personal property that is attached to the improvements so as to constitute a
<br />fixture, all of which, including replacements and additions thereto, are hereby declared to be a
<br />part of the real estate conveyed in trust hereby, it being agreed that all of the foregoing shall be
<br />hereinafter referred to as the "Property".
<br />(a) the payment of indebtedness evidenced by Trustor's note of
<br />even date herewith in the principal surn of FOUR HUNDRED
<br />