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M. <br />200904182 <br />HOMESTEAD DESIGNATION WAIVER <br />In accordance with the provisions of the Nebraska Farm Homestead Protection Act, Neb. <br />Rev. Stat. Sections 76 -1901, et. seq., as a preface to the execution, and as a part of the following <br />Trust Deed, the undersigned Trustor(s) being first duly sworn, elects to Waive the Right to <br />Designate a Homestead. <br />I /We understand that Uwe have the right to make a designation of homestead in the <br />following Trust Deed. The execution of this Waiver constitutes a waiver of rights otherwise <br />available to me /us for the purpose of affording me /us the opportunity to retain my /our homestead <br />in the event of a default upon the Trust Deed. <br />Louis Myers <br />