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<br />Sac. !2, If IN-R9W LSecfion Lina --,"`~ Found .~urvay Marker
<br />Fpund Aluminum Cap
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<br />Ap ~ pp ~ ~ Q ~ ~ dl found I/2"Relarenca Pipa,iJ
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<br />/~ v-ndcq/es I/2" Iron Plppe Found Unless Otherwise Noted
<br />~~ o-lndlcales !/2" Iron Plps w/Survey Cap Placed Unless Otherwise Noted
<br />A-lndlcgles ACTUAL 0/slancv
<br />R-IndlcoNS RECOg0f0 Dlslanca
<br />! hereby certify that on March J, 20D9, I cgmpleted pn uccurofa survey of bEVALL
<br />SUBDIVISION; HaII County, Nebraskp, as shown on the accompanying plot thereof,• that the
<br />lots, blocks, streets, avenues, allays, parks, commons pnd other grounds ps contained in
<br />spill subdivision os shown on the accompanying plat thereof ore well and accurately staked
<br />o// and morked,• that iron markers were placed of all tat corners; that the dimensions pf
<br />each lot are as shown on the plat; that each tat bears its awn number; and that said
<br />survey was made with reference tv known and retarded monuments.
<br />~~CpW ~ F~ 9 i
<br />o fa'CS-678 D 1 p. arge7l rei, Reg. La d~yor Np. 578
<br />~^y`(Q fu~yo~°~
<br />• SOR
<br />~-/Znro eels
<br />SubmiNed to and approved by the Regional Planning Cammissipn pf Hall County, Grand
<br />!s/pnd, Wood River and the Villages of Alda, Cairo and Doniphpn, Nebraskp.
<br />Ap eve, and accepted by the City o/ Crond !stand, Nebraska, this_~~duy p/
<br />~~_.._, 2009.
<br />o`.°„,... "~. ~;~"
<br />~~t/~~w.f~.a.,yso a ,Aaya~~ f y er
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<br />•~p,(v and dccepted by the Hap County Board of Supervisors, thi~~~day o/
<br />~1lrE'~...m_. 2009.
<br />~air~~ re pgrd ~ au y er
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<br />al Descrintion
<br />~~ract of fond comprising p port of the West F/al/ a/ the Northwest Quarter
<br />(Wt/2NW!/4J, o/ Sacfion Twalva (17), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of
<br />the 6th. P.M., in FIaII County, Nebraska, more ponc~ularly described ps lollows:
<br />Beginning of the northwest corner a/ said Wesl llal/ o/ the Northwest Quarter
<br />(WI/7NWl/4f; thence running Saulhedy un the west line of said West Hpl/ of the Northwest
<br />Quarter (Wl/ZNW1/4J, pn an Assumed 8eoring pf 500'06'17"W, v distance of Fvur Hundred
<br />Ten (410.00) feat, to the ACTUAL point o! beginning; thence runniny 58756'98"f, a distance
<br />of Ona Thouspnd One Hundred Fourteen pnd Twenty One Hundredths (1119.71) feat, to u
<br />point an the northwesterly right pf way line of Union Pacific Railrqur/,~ thence running
<br />569'0228 "W, pn the northwesterly riyht o/ way line of the Union PaciliC Railroad a Distance
<br />of One thousand Two flundred thirty Nine and Sixty Three Hundredths (/2J9.63) loaf, to 0
<br />point on the west line p/ said West Naf! of the Northwest Quarter (WI/2NWl/4); thence
<br />running NOD'O6'17"E, pn the west line p/ spill West Hpl! al the Northwest Duurtar
<br />(Wt/ZNW)/4), a distance p( Fiva Hundred Eighty Twv end Fifty Fvur Nundredths (582.59)
<br />/eel, to tthe ACTUAL poinF o/ baginnrhg pnd containing 7.446 acres more ar less.
<br />~..~ .~1.~ Q.~.
<br />husband and wife, being the owners o/ the land described hereon, hove caused same to be
<br />surveyed, subdivided, platted and designated as 'DEVALL SUBDIVISION' Ha!! County, Nebraska,
<br />os shown on (ha accompanying plot lheregl, and do hereby dedicate the rood right a/ wpy
<br />as shown thereon. to the public /or their use /oravar, pnd the aosomonts, if any, ps shown
<br />thereon for the location, construction and rnainlenmrce of public service utilities, toyelher
<br />with the nghf o/ ingress and egress thereto, and hereby prohibiting the planting o/ trees,
<br />bushes end shrubs, or placing other obstructions upon, over, along or underneptlr the
<br />sur/ace o/ such easements; and that the /oregoing subdivision as more parbculprly
<br />described in the descripfinn hereon us appears pn ibis plot is made with the free consent
<br />and in accordance with the desires o/ the undorsigned owners and proprietors.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we hove affixed our signatures hereto, of Cmnd Island, Nebraska,
<br />this E4+J day a( ~~, 2009.
<br />^' r~ ~o..~n d`~E ~zt4P _
<br />D. Daval ~ t yp L. Deep!!
<br />L~knowledg~.ment
<br />State 0/ Nabroskass
<br />County 0f Holl // r
<br />Dn tha~dpy o/--/y(acpu.,..._._.., 2009, be/ore me,._. Q .S'o ~ i rt i
<br />a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared ONALD tl. 0£VALL and
<br />TDNYA L. UEVALL, husband pnd wile, and to me personvlly known to be the identical
<br />persons whose signatures are oNixed hereto, pnd that each did acknowledge the execution
<br />therea/ to be his or her voluntary act and deed.
<br />IN W/TNE55 WHEREOF, I hove hereunto subscribed my Homo and of/fixed my official seal
<br />of Grand Island, Nebraska, an the dote last above written.
<br />My commission expires~~a[a~G?rCdly.
<br /> ar+DUl Hawn - eel d NRx1Ai
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