<br />(l-mst.---- 2009 - 3 0 0 It L.i,+) i'
<br />
<br />I GEr:~:-"-~:~~ISIONS. Each Debtor's obligations under this INSURANCE. moor agrees to keep the Property mSUli::d'fJd41st the, 'a
<br />: Agreement are independent of the obligations of any other Debtor. risks reasonably associated with the Property until the Property js leleas&l -'. ~
<br />Secured Party may sue each Debtor individually or together with any from this Agreement. Debtor will maintain this insurance in the amounts re
<br />other Debtor. Secured Party may release any part of the Property and Secured Party requires. Debtor may choose the insurance company, c
<br />~ Debtor will remain obligated under this Agreement. The duties and subject to Secured Party's approval, which will not be unreasonably OJ ~
<br />benefits of this Agreement will bind the successors and assigns of Debtor withheld. Debtor will have the insurance provider name Secured Party as 0 ~~
<br />i and Secured Party. No modification of this Agreement is effective unless loss payee on the insurance policy. Debtor will give Secured Party and 0 -
<br />; made in writing and signed by Debtor and Secured Party. Whenever used, the insurance provider immediate notice of any loss. Secured Party may A
<br />! the plural includes the singular and the singular includes the plural. Time apply the insurance proceeds toward the Secured Debts. Secured Party
<br />, is of the essence. - .. .. . may require additional security as a condition of permitting any insurance 8
<br />APPLICABLE LAW. This Agreement is gov~med .by the laws of the proceeds to be used to repair or replace the Property. If Secured Party
<br />state in which Secured Party is located. In the event of a dispute, the acquires the Property in damaged condition, Debtor's rights to any .
<br />exclusive forum, venue, and place of jurisdiction will be the state in which insurance policies and proceeds will pass to Secured Party to the extent of
<br />Secured Party is located, unless otherwise required by law. If any the Secured Debts. Debtor will immediately notify Secured Party of the
<br />provision of this Agreement is unenforceable by law, the unenforceable cancellation or termination of insurance. If Debtor fails to keep the
<br />provision will be severed and the remaining provisions will still be Property insured, or fails to provide Secured Party with proof of -0
<br />enforceable. insurance, Secured Party may obtain insurance to protect Secured Party's ::x.",
<br />NAME AND LOCATION. Debtor's name indicated on page I is interest in the Property. The insurance may include coverages not C)
<br />Debtor's exact legal name. If Debtor is an individual, Debtor's address is originally required of Debtor, may be written by a company other than rn
<br />. Debtor's principal residence. If Debtor is not an individual, Debtor's one Debtor would choose, and may be written at a higher rate than
<br />i address is the location of Debtor's chief executive offices or sole place of Debtor could obtain if Debtor purchased the insurance.
<br />! business. If Debtor is an entity organized and registered under state law, AUTHORITY TO PERFORM. Debtor authorizes Secured Party to do
<br />Debtor has I?rovided Debtor's state of registration on page 1. Debtor will anything Secured Party deems reasonably necessary to protect the
<br />, provide verification of registration and location upon Secured Party's Property and Secured Party's interest in the Property. If Debtor fails to
<br />. request. Debtor will provide Secured Party with at least 30 days notice perform any of Debtor's duties under this Agreement, Secured Party is
<br />
<br />_ r~~i~€~tk~:i. change in Debtor's t)ame,. adQress,.or state of OS&.llIizl!!igu or i~ri~~~io~~:~uttl~~~a~~~~~ti~:~~1~d~ ~~t~~:S-n~i'~=~J\l~:"''''''''.'1'-
<br />
<br />WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS. Debtor has the right, permission to pay for the repair, maintenance, and preservation of the OJ
<br />authority, and power to enter into this Agreement. TIle execution and Property and take any action to realize the value of the Property. Secured 0
<br />delivery of this Agreement will not violate any agreement governing Party's authority to perform for Debtor does not create an obligation to 0
<br />Debtor or Debtor's property, or to which Debtor is a party. Debtor makes d P '" '1 fi'll 1 d S d ^
<br />the fOllowing warranties and representations which continue as long as perform, and Secure arty s fat ure to per orm WI not prec u e ecure
<br />this Agreement is in effect: Party from exercising any other rights under the law or this Agreement. B
<br />.. .... . If Secured Party performs for Debtor, Secured Party will use reasonable
<br />(1) Debtor is duly organized and validly existmg 10 all Junsdlcllons m care. Reasonable care will not include any steps necessary to preserve
<br />which Debtor does business;
<br />(2) the execution and performance of the terms of this Agreement have rights against prior parties or any duty to take action in connection with
<br />been duly authorized, have received all necessary governmental the management of the Property.
<br />approval, and will not violate any provision of law or order; If Secured Party comes into possession of the Property, Secured Party will
<br />(3) other than previously disclosed to Secured Party, Debtor has not preserve and protect the Property to the extent required by law. Secured ""'0
<br />changed Debtor's name or principal place of business within the last Party's dUly of care with respect to the Property will be satisfied if :t:""
<br />10 years and has not used any other trade or fictitious name; and Secured Party exercises reasonable care in the safekeeping of the Property (;)
<br />(4) Debtor does not and will not use any other name without Secured or in the selection of a third party in possession of the Property. n,
<br />Party's prior written consent. Secured Party may enforce the obligations of an account debtor or other ~
<br />Debtor owns all of the Property, and Secured Party's claim to the person obligated on the Property. Secured Party may exercise Debtor's U\
<br />Property is ahead of the claims of any other creditor, except as otherwise rights with respect to the account debtor's or other person's obligations to
<br />agreed and disclosed to Secured Party prior to any advance on the make payment or otherwise render performance to Debtor, and enforce
<br />Secured Debts. The Property has not been used for any purpose that any security interest that secures such obligations.
<br />would violate any laws or subject the Property to forfeiture or seizure. PURCHASE MONEY SECURITY INTEREST. If the Property
<br />DUTIES TOWARD PROPERTY. Debtor will protect the Property and includes items purchased with the Secured Debts, the Property purchased
<br />Secured Party's interest against any competing claim. Except as otherwise with the Secured Debts will remain subject to Secured Party's security
<br />agreed, Debtor will keep the Property in Debtor's possession at the interest until the Secured Debts are paid in full. Payments on any
<br />address indicated on page I of this Agreement. Debtor will keep the non-purchase money loan also secured by this Agreement will not be
<br />Property in good repair and use the Property only for purposes specified applied to the purchase money loan. Payments on the purchase money
<br />Ol~ pl![e. .1. Debtor will not. use the p,rc:perty in violation of any law. and loan will be aEPlied first to the non-purchase money portion of the loan, if
<br />-will paY'alltaxes andassessmentslevle or assessed agafiist me-Woperty.- anY;- -iliiOtllen 16 toe -p-urcha-se-:'rtfoney - po-rtlon -In -llie - 6i'dei'" in Which tIle-
<br />Secured Party has the right of reasonable access to inspect the Property, purchase money Property was acquired. If the purchase money Property
<br />including the right to require Debtor to assemble and make the Property was acquired at the same time, payments will be applied in the order
<br />available to Secured Party. Debtor will immediately notify Secured Party Secured Party selects. No security interest will be terminated by
<br />of any loss or damage to the Property. Debtor will prepare and keep appliqtion of this formula.
<br />books, records, and accounts about the Property and Debtor's business, to DEFAULT. Debtor will be in default if:
<br />which Debtor will allow Secured Party reasonable access.
<br />Debtor will not sell, offer to sell, license, lease, or otherwise transfer or (1) Debtor (or Borrower, if not the same) fails to make a payment in full
<br />encumber the Property without Secured Party's prior written consent. Any when due;
<br />disposition of the Property will violate Secured Party's rights, unless the (2) Debtor fails to perform any condition or keep any covenant on this or
<br />Property is inventory sold in the ordinary course of business at fair any debt or agreement Debtor has with Secured Party;
<br />market value. If the Property includes chattel paper or instruments, either (3) a default occurs under the tenns of any instrument or agreement
<br />as original collateral or as proceeds of the Property, Debtor will record evidencing or pertaining to the Secured Debts;
<br />Secured Party's interest on the face of the chattel paper or instruments. (4) anything else happens that either causes Secured Party to reasonably
<br />If the Property includes accounts, Debtor will not settle any account for believe that Secured Party will have difficulty in collecting the
<br />less than the full value, dispose of the accounts by assignment, or n)ake Secured Debts or significantly impairs the value of the Property.
<br />any material change in the tenus of any account without Secured Party's REMEDIES. After Debtor defaults, and after Secured Party gives any
<br />prior written consent. Debtor will collect all accounts in the ordinary legally required notice and opportunity to cure the default, Secured Party
<br />course of business, unless otherwise required by Secured Party. Debtor may at Secured Party's option do anyone or more of the following:
<br />will keep the proceeds of the accounts, and any goods returned to Debtor, (1) n)ake all or any part of the Secured Debts immediately due and accrue
<br />in trust for Secured Party and will not commingle the proceeds or interest at the highest post-maturity interest rate;
<br />returned goods with any of Debtor's other property. Secured Party has the (2) require Debtor to gather the Property and make it available to Secured
<br />right to require Debtor to pay Secured Party the full price on any returned Party in a reasonable fashion;
<br />items. Secured Party may require account debtors to make payments (3) enter upon Debtor's premises and take possession of all or any part of
<br />under the accounts directly to Secured Party. Debtor will deliver the Debtor's property for purposes of preserving tlle Property or its value
<br />accounts to Secured Party at Secured Party's request. Debtor will give and use and operate Debtor's property to protect Secured Party's
<br />Secured Party all statements, reports, certificates, lists of account debtors interest, all without payment or compensation to Debtor;
<br />(showing names, addresses, and amoUlllsowing), invoices applicabletQ_ (4)~.use".any remedy aliowedby StateOC federa11aw, .or provided in any
<br />each account, and any other data pertaining to the accounts as Secured agreement evidenclil.~ or pertaining to the Secured Debts.
<br />Party requests. If Secured Party repossesses the Property or enforces the obligations of an
<br />If the Property includes farm products, Debtor will provide Secured Party account debtor, Secured Party may keep or dispose of the Property as
<br />with a list of the buyers, commission merchants, and selling agents to or provided by law. Secured Party will apply the proceeds of any collection
<br />through whom Debtor may sell the farm products. Debtor authorizes or disposition first to Secured Party's expenses of enforcement, which
<br />Secured Party to notify any additional parties regarding Secured Party's includes reasonable attorneys' fees and legal expenses to the extent not
<br />interest in Debtor's farm products, unless prohibited by law. Debtor prohibited by law, and then to the Secured Debts. Debtor (or Borrower, if
<br />agrees to plant, cultivate, and harvest crops in due season. Debtor will be not the same) will be liable for the deficiency, if any.
<br />in default if any loan proceeds are used for a purpose that will contribute By choosing anyone or more of these remedies, Secured Party does not
<br />to excessive erosion of highly erodible land or to the conversion of give up the right to use any other remedy. Secured Party does not waive a
<br />wetland to' produce or to make possible the production of an agricultural default by not using a remedy.
<br />commodity, further explained in 7 CPR Part 1940, Subpart G, Exhibit M. WAIVER. Debtor waives all claims for damages caused by Secured
<br />If Debtor pledges the Property to Secured Party (delivers the Property into Party's acts or omissions where Secured Party acts in good faith.
<br />the possession or control of Secured Party or a designated third party), NOTICE AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. Where notice is
<br />Debtor will, upon receipt, deliver any proceeds and products of the required, Debtor agrees that 10 days prior written notice will be
<br />Property to Secured I.'arty.. Debtor will provide Secured Party with any reasonable notice to Debtor under the Uniform Commercial Code. Notice
<br />notices, documents, fmanClal statements, reports, and other mformation
<br />relating to the Property Debtor receives as the owner of the Property. to one party is notice to all parties. Debtor agrees to sign, deliver, and file
<br />PERFECTION. OF SECURITY INTEREST. Debtor authorizes Secured any additional documents and certifications Secured Party considers
<br />Party to file a financing statement covering the Property. Debtor will necessary to perfect, c~ntinue, or preser~e I?ebtor's obligations under this
<br />I comply with, facilitate, and otherwise assist Secured Party in connection Agreement and to conhrm Secured Party s hen status on the Property.
<br />~ith obtaining possession or control over the Property for purposes of
<br />perfecting Secured Party's interest under the Uniform Commercial Code ,- . - :-'~-'~'-"7'~-~ --;-- , . _. e'
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