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<br />_L_~LL-L--- <br /> <br />""" <br /> <br />.._..11 <br /> <br />lU,' <br />I ' ' <br />Iii <br />--~,-,,---,,' -~_..- <br /> <br />200903171 <br /> <br />THIS SECUlUTY INSTRUMENT combme.. uniform oovCDallts for oatlonal use and nou-Wlifom1 <br />coVCDlllll$ with limited. VariatioDS by jurilcliction to ooDBtitute a UDifcmn security in5lnlmen1 coverillg real <br />property. <br />UNlFORM COVENANTS. Borrowllr and Lender covenant and ap:e 8l follows: <br />1. Payment of PrInclpal, Interest, &I.lrow 1mDs, Prep8ymeIIt Charpi, aDd Late ChargeI. <br />Bonuwer sball pay when duo the prim:ipsl of, and intOl1lllt on, the debt evidenced by the Note and any <br />prepayment charges and !ale charges due IIDde:r the Note. Bcmower shall also pay funds for Escrow ItemlI <br />por8Uant to Section 3. Payments d\Ic under the Note and this Security lnatrumenl sball be made in U.S. <br />wm:ncy. However, if 8llY c.beck or other \nstruml::IIt received by Llmder as p&yllllllllllllder the Note or this <br />Securlty I:nstruIIlent is returned to Lender unpaid, Lender roay reqIIin: that any or all 8Ubscquent payments <br />duo under the Note and this Security InsIIumBllt be made in 0IlC: or IlIOre of the following fOIlIl8, lIS <br />selected by Lcmdcr: (a) cuh; (b) money order; (c) certified checlt, bank cbeck, trea8\lrer's check or <br />c:ashier's check, PlVvidcd 8IIY 8Ilch check is dJ:awu upon an institution whose deposits are insored by a <br />fIldera1 agency, In8tnmm1tality, or entity; or (d) Electronic Funds Transfer. <br />Payment>; lire deeJned received by Lender when received at the location desiguated in the Note or at <br />8UCh otheJ location 88 may be deslped by Lender in accordance with the IlOtice provisions in Section IS. <br />Lender may return 8IIY ll81lDC11t or partial payment if the paywent or partial payments arc in8Ilfflcicnt to <br />bring the Loan current. Londer may accept any payment or partial paymenI wufficient to bring tho Loan <br />CU1TOltt, without walver of lIII)' rigbls hereunder Or prejudice to its rights to refull8 8UCh paflDCllt or pIlrIlaI <br />payments in the future, but Leuder is not obUaiUed to apply $IlCh payments at tho tinw such payments are <br />accepted, If each Periodic Payment is applied lIS of Ita llCheduled due date, then Lender need oot pay <br />interest on \lIIl\pplled funds, Lender may hold such unapplil!d funds until Borrower 0lIIkes payments to <br />bring the Loan CUITelll. If Borrower does not do so within a reasoDlIble period of time, Lender shall either <br />apply such funds or retum them to Borrowlll'. If not applied earlilll', such funds will be applied to the <br />outstatllllng priDclpal balance under the Note Immediately prior to fon:clllllure. No offset or claim which <br />Borrower might have lIllW or in the future Biainst Lender sbaIl relieve Borrower from JPlIkIng payments <br />duo UIHIer the Nolo and this Security lnatrument or performing the covenants and agretlIIlCIlI8 secured by <br />this Security Instrument. <br />2. App1lcatlon of I'aylDeDts or Proeeeds. Except lIS otherwise descnlJed. in this Section 2. all <br />payments BCCllpted and applied by Lender sball be applied in tho following order of priority; (a) interest <br />due under tho Nolll; (b) prlllclpal due under the Note; (c) IlIIIOUllt8 due under Section 3. Such paymenlS <br />shall be applied to each Periodic Payment in the order in which it bocamo due. Any remalning amounts <br />shall be applied fIrat to late chIIrgea, second to any otheJ amounts due um1er IhilI Security I:nstrtmumt, and <br />then to reduco the principal balance of tho Note. <br />If Lender receives a payment from Borrower for a delinquent Perlodic PaflDCll! which iDeludes a <br />sufficient moount to pay any la1e charge due, the payment may be applied to the delinquent payment and <br />the late charge. If more than o~ Porioclie Payment Is outstanding, Lender may apply 8IIY payment received <br />from Borrower to the repll)'lIlBDl of the Periodic PaymCll18 if, and to the extent that, each payment can be <br />paid in full. To the extent that any exccs& exists after the payment is applied to the full payment of OIlO or <br />more Periodic Paymems, such ellCe8S may be applied to 8IIY late charges due. Voluntary prepaymmWI shall <br />be applied first to any prepayment charses and then 8l described in the Note, <br />ADy applloaliou of pll)'lll"lltll. lnsurance proceeds, or Miscellaneous Proceeds to principal due under <br />the Note shallllOt extend or postpone the due date. or change the llIIIOunt, of the Periodic Payments. <br />3. Funds for Elicrow ltl!lllll, Borrower Ilball pay to Lender on the day Periodic Payments are due <br />under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, a llUIll (the "Funds") to provide for payment of amounts duo <br />for; (8) taxes and IlIsessmonts and other items which can attain priority over this Security InslnUn8lllllS a <br />lien or enc:mnbrance On the Proporty; (b) lea8ehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c) <br />premi\1II18 for any and ll1l insurance required by Lender under Section 5; and (d) Mortgage Insurance <br /> <br />8016730387 8016730387 <br />NEBRASKA. Singl. Famllv . Fannie M..If/.ddl. Mae UNIFORM INSTRUMENT _ 'J M () <br />~"'INElto.'l1 .......,. ......,-JlI'>-.-t- - Fll/m30211 1/01 <br />
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