<br />
<br />200902790
<br />
<br />200101716
<br />
<br />..
<br />
<br />.-
<br />
<br />.... . " . t, EXJlIBIT "A" ,
<br />'l'tll IOU'll' nALIP.' 01' TI" "0111'111111'1' QUAmn (''''"''e) ANb TIll
<br />','
<br />loo11llA" qUA Run 01' ."'& lOUTrlW1IT QUARTln (81"'",.) AND
<br />
<br />TII& HORTII "ALP 01' 'I'll' lOUTfIVUT WARmR (N"811''> 0' nCTION
<br />,
<br />'1'1l1nTt_81% Ofi), IN TolfN81111' TIfSLYI (12) NORTII, IH'NO! TBn
<br />
<br />UO), 1118T 0' '111. fiT'I~' r ..1., "^LI. COUNTf, "RunASK^, IUCKrTlNo
<br />
<br />
<br />rOLLoWS", "
<br />
<br />(1) A 'rlo" Of hUd '.in the lIorth "lilt (H',) or th., South"..t Qvlr"er
<br />l'.~) or ".Uon 36, r.o..hl. ....h. (12) .orth, n"... r.n UOI
<br />We.1: Of the 6th r.H. """11 Count" >>abrll.ke J d..otlbtd .. rollowe t '
<br />belfhhfnf at the lleel: quarter COtner Of Seotlon 3", TOl'nehlp
<br />Tweh. ( 2) North. 1I11I"Se Tell UO) V!!IIt:, I:henol! .ollth 1l1,,"r. the '
<br />weet: Unll or lJlIld IJUl:1011 )Ii( Olle Tholl8/J1'd Thrte lIundl'ed IHne
<br />lInd "Inet, TI,t.. nU'Klredthll 1 J09.!JJ) fut, thence en.t .1:
<br />tJRht IIIlSh, 3J rut: to I:h. elthttllc Count1 ro,d rJsht-or.wII,
<br />1111" th.noe lIOrt:h Plrolhl to the w,,,t Une Of uld aeaUon 36,
<br />Dh IIundred SUen DII... 'Ut, tlcht "U1ldtedl;hll (601.50) hellJ
<br />thenoe tllllt ot rl,ht "nSle "1Y!!1l (1) hilt, tltlUlOII north ".rIUd
<br />to I;"e "u tUne or eetd S"a tton 36, 8ue.. '''''ldted Two alll' TI.lrt,
<br />Phe IIl1ltdredtlt. (10~.35) rutl 1;11I!ltat weel: "II rllhll ""11lt1l Ito rut.
<br />to tit, "olllt of beSlnnhs, nnel r.onl:nlnlnl 1.10 Dcru Mar. or te".
<br />of lfhfoh 0.99 lorell It IUJ;:'fUIIR COUllt, 1I0nd r1sh!;:-Of..we, ...Uns a
<br />tlet addlt!onlll rllht.~r.lfO' or 0.11 tier... MOre or Ie...,.
<br />
<br />(~) ^ tracl; Of lInd eOlllrrlrri/l1 the noutlt lIaIr (S'1) or tlto lIorl:"_
<br />"OIl; Qullrter IN'''') of leOUoII 36, TOWII.hip Twoh. eU) IIClrl:h,
<br />lions. To" (to w.et or th" 6th,. .IL I IIaU Count" IIDbt""h,
<br />dnorlbed ft. fOlloWDI bllslnllll".t I;h, Wut qu.rter corne.'
<br />or BeaUon 36, TownDh1" TweJ,.. Ul) "Ottlt n.IISe Ten (to) lIenl;
<br />thelto. rrorl:h lIonS the Wull 11l1e nr Ileld deot:1on 361 Olle Thoulltlnd
<br />Thr.. IIundrod OllD elld 'Klfht, 'two IIundl"1I th. (1301. 02) rutl th..,o.
<br />'ut at rl,ht ""SIn '33 "el: to thl! IIdttl:f"s anu,,!;:, rOlld t IIltll.
<br />or.wo, 1111"1 thellCII lIOllth P~I'1l1hl tl) thlt wut UII" or "old Beot1ol1
<br />36. 'lve IIundred Four' o lid BOYelltel!n IIundred tltll (501t .17) tee II , t".nee
<br />tul; .t rlsht IIIS100 Seven (7) rut thellce Dnul;h "nl'lllle1 to th.
<br />Went Une of datil Sea~loll 36, l'IllYlIlI "Ulldl'ell IIJlletl I".on ""cJ SIxt1
<br />'hl' IIundredl;", (197.6:0 hC!t I t"IlIICIt Illlot "l;rJ,ltt lItllSIU Ito hell
<br />to I:he ,'olnl; or be1l11"IIII( it"" COIII;II111111P; 1.1<' nero, lItore or Je""
<br />or "hich .099 flCtu Jit U IltJIIl'C C"ullty '.ond J..t"ht..nr_wn, lItnkl111: lit
<br />nlll; Iddlt10nal rlSh~-ot-wIlY 0.13 he.'u 1101" or lUll.
<br />
<br />'-.' j.. 'i
<br />
<br />O~ifJ~-~
<br />Robert L. Si r~
<br />
<br />ti/ljdk~
<br />ett :.;; Siemers
<br />
<br />//'
<br />
<br />:Ii
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<br />Iii
<br />I.
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<br />
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