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<br />L[f~10
<br />.- n eol6$ 1/2" Iron Pip. found Unll$s Olh"wls. Nol.d
<br />a-Indlcall$ f12" Iron Pip. w/Surv.y Cop Plac.d Unl.ss Olh"wls. Nol.d
<br />A -Indlcal.s ACTUAL Olslonc.
<br />H-Indlcal.s HECOHOEO Olslanc.
<br />All Olslanel$ Shown On Curv.s Ar. CHOHO Olslonel$
<br />
<br />~K
<br />..:.- N.W Caf. NE1/~ S",. I,
<br />1I11 ~ "0 N - 1/ 10 W.raUIII/
<br />l:j, ~ I/i' Pip.
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<br /> - lllW
<br /> NW1If HIII4 lij
<br />:u ,,.,~.. '" t
<br />I !
<br /> ~...
<br /> lllW
<br /> Location H81ch
<br />
<br />
<br />.L.~J181 Oescrlotlon
<br />A Iracl of land compr/slng 0 pori of lho W.sl Half 01 Ih. Soulh.asl Ouarl"
<br />(WI12SflI4) of S.cllon On. (f), Township T.n (10) Nor/h, Rang. T.n (f0) W.sl of Ih.
<br />61h, P,M" in Hall Counly, N.bfaska, mo" parlicular/y d.scrlb.d as follows:
<br />8.glnnlng 01 Ih. soulhw.sl corn" of sold W.sl Half of Ih. Soulh.asl Quarl"
<br />(W/12Sn/4), Ih.nc. runnIng nor/h",y on Ih. w.sl IIn. of sold W.sl Half of Ih.
<br />Soulhoosl Quarf" (W!/2SE!/4), on an Assum.d 8.arlng of NOO'01'28"W, a dlslanc. of
<br />S.v.n Hund"d forly flv. and Thlrly Two Hund"dlhs (145,J2) f..I, Ih.nc. running
<br />N89'52'J2"E, a dlslanc. of Thlrly Two and F/fIy Nine Hund"dlhs (J2.59) f..I, 10 0 polnl
<br />on a curv.; Ih.nc. runnIng soulh.asl"ly on Ih. arc of a curv. 10 Ih. 1.11 whoso radius
<br />Is One Thousand Th". Hund"d fI.v.n and filly Four Hund"dlhs (IJI f,54) f..I, Ih.
<br />long chard 01 which b.ors S4('J5'55"E, a long chord dl.lane. of S.v.n Hund"d FIlly
<br />and Nlnely Six Hund"dlhs (750,96) 1..1; lhonc. funnfng S02'06 '46 "E, 0 dlslanc. of One
<br />Hundr.d Slxly Four and S...nl..n Hund"dlh. (l64./1) ,,,,, 10 a polnf on Ih. soulh line
<br />of sold W..I Half of Ih. Soulh.asl Quar/" (wI12Sn/4): Ih.nc. runnln9 S81'5J'14"W,
<br />on Ih. soulh IIn. of .ald W.sl Half of Ih. Soulh.asl Ouar/" (w//2snI4), a dlslanc.
<br />of flv. Hund"d Thlrly flv. and Nlnely flv. Hund"dlhs (5J5.95) f..l, 10 Ih. polnl of
<br />b.glnnlng and conlalnln9 5, 120 ac"s mo" or I.ss.
<br />
<br />S.E. Cor. 50/4 S.c. I, ~
<br />"ON-I/IOW,Found I
<br />Ilr= Cop
<br />f.S/JCIi~~ .!!!'.~, --.- . i-
<br />- "2181.l2T 5 81'!jJ 14 w ~
<br />
<br />Dedication
<br />
<br />hu.band and wlf., b.lng lho own.,. of Ih. land dl$cr/b.d h".on, hay. cau..d sam.
<br />10 b. surv.y.d, .ubdMd.d, plall.d and d.slgnal.d as 'KNUTH SUBDIVISION: Hall Counly,
<br />N.braska, as shawn on Ih. accompanying pial Ih".ol, and do h".by d.dlcal. Ih.
<br />road rl9h1 of way a. .hown Ihor.on 10 Ih. public for Ih.lr us. fo"v" and fh.
<br />.os.m.nl., If any, oS shown Ih".on for Ih. locallon, conslrucllon and malnl.nanc. of
<br />public s.rvic. ulllill.s fo"v.r, lag.'h.r wllh Ih. r/ghl of Ing".. and .gross Ih."lo, and
<br />h".by prohlblllng Ih. planllng of I".s, bush.s and .hrub., or placing olhor
<br />obslrucllons upon, ov", along or und.rnealh Ih. surfac. of such .a..m.nlsi and Ihal
<br />IhI 10"golng subdivision as mo" parllcularly d.scr/b.d In Ih. d.scr/pllon h".on a.
<br />app.ars on Ihl. pial I. mad. wllh Ih. fro. cons.nl and In aceordane. wllh Ih. d.sl".
<br />of Ih. und"slgn.d own". and proprl.lors,
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. w. hay. aff/x.d our slgnalu"s h".la 01 Grand 1.land,
<br />N.braska, Ihls~day of Fdmtn"l ' 2009,
<br />
<br />~vor's Cerllflcal!l
<br />
<br />I h."by cor/lfy Ihal on F.bruary J, 2009, I compl.,.d an accurel. surv.y of 'KNUTH
<br />SUBDIVISION', Hall Counly, N.braska, a. shown on Ih. accompanying pial Ih".of; Ihal
<br />Ih. lois, blocks, slr..I., <lv.nu.s, all.ys, pork., Commons and olh" grounds as
<br />conlaln.d In .ald subdivision a. .hown on Ih. accompanying pIal Ih".of a" w.1I and
<br /><lccural.ly slak.d off <lnd m<lrkod: Ihal Iron m<lrk". Woro plac.d 01 all 101 corn"s; Ihal
<br />Ih. dlm.n'lons 01 .ach 101 0" <IS .hown on Ih. pial; Ihal oach 101 b.ars ils own
<br />numb." and Ihal sold survoy was mod. wllh "Io"nc. 10 known and "cordod
<br />monumonls.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />N 89'S2')1" E
<br />
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<br />I
<br />I
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<br />,~. W112 $/E#/4
<br />$,@. 1, n@M g fJUPW
<br />UJiiJpd,UiI(j}
<br />
<br />CURVe OATA
<br />
<br />
<br />o : 04'22'14"
<br />;\ - JJ'/6'I9'
<br />, . J91.88'
<br />L . 16/.6i'
<br />C . 150.96'
<br />
<br />...
<br />
<br />.J..QLL
<br />(4.629 Ac.)
<br />
<br />
<br />Oedi<ol. ~O' '0 CO""'Y,Road Ri9h1 01 Way
<br />
<br />Wildwood Drive
<br />m.9S' A $ 81'!jJ 14" IV
<br />
<br />s.w. Cor. w//iStI/~ Sec. I,
<br />TlaN-R/Ow.F""nd
<br />'fait Pin iii 'u' Iron
<br />
<br />~tit.~ ~urveyor No. 5!8
<br />
<br />dllJ2LQ'L1111.
<br />Submlll.d 10 and approv.d by Ih. Hegional Planning Commission of Hall Counly,
<br />Grand Island, Wood Hivor and 1M VII/agos of Aida, Cairo and Oonlphan, N.braska,
<br />
<br />~C~~
<br />
<br />~Qfrman
<br />
<br />/lh reI I <7,...L.c!Y1
<br />001.
<br />
<br />Approv.d a'L aee'plod by Ih. HaJJ Caunly Boord of Sup",'.ors, Ihls-1..L day of
<br />~.~ ,2009.
<br />
<br />
<br />P(~
<br />
<br />Dr\ ~._ g~:::h.1urA.
<br />C Iy Irk
<br />
<br />,~-~~~
<br />. ~'f,
<br />(5.01) . ~~~:-:;:;;.'
<br />, .,C'i>.,....,...:,:J'<"
<br />r,'~/' ..c'''''', )'- '.
<br />J tl ""- l"d 0,
<br />; .1 ~-~~. ~-l """'~
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<br />
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />A ckn 0 wle d (j emen I
<br />SIaM Of N.braska
<br />Counly Of Hall ss ~
<br />On Ih'~day of f>;,lm'tI , 2009, b.fore m. . /
<br />o Nolary Public wl/hln and far ;;;r,jl;ounly, pOfsonally appeared LARRY J. K. UTH and
<br />KARtN L. KNUTH, hu.band and wlf" 10 m, par.onally known 10 be Ihe Id,nllcol parsons
<br />who.. "gnalu,.s aro off/x.d hOf,lo, and Ihal .ach did acknowlodgo Ih, ox.cul/on
<br />Ih"eol 10 b. his or hor volunlary acl and d,ed.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEHEOF. I hay. har.unlo subscrlb.d my nom. and off/xed my off/clal
<br />s.al 01 Grand Island, N.braska, on IhI dol. lasl abov. IUrlll.n,
<br />My commission .xplres_h~"'M~ f,'t 1'0/1'
<br />~,
<br />
<br />~
<br />
<br />
<br /> .<>", .~I
<br /> <> -,
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<br />
<br />ENOINEel/lNO .t SURVEYlNo
<br />
<br />Sh..1 No. I Of I
<br />
<br />