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<br />N <br />S <br />S <br />co <br />S <br />...... <br />co <br />co <br />co <br /> <br /> <br />LfGfND <br />.-Indlcales 1/2" Iran Pipe found Unless Olheml.. Noled <br />o-Indical.s 1/2" Iron Pip. w/Survey Cop Placed Unless Olhemise Noled <br />A-Indlcal.s ACTUAL Dlslance <br />I R-Indlcales R[CORDfD Dlslance <br /> <br />- I ".14' on' A S 89'51',1]" f .. - <br />- -K--~.':v.- ~~/:.'~;~;:::' - - -- '-;e-ctiOfl - L-I::: -- - -- 7' ~ <br />28,f9N-RIOIY. <br />Found u' {roil <br /> <br /> -/~;hf>!f~.i.l/I <br />~ ~ t <br />oj j <br />'" <br />SWill SEIH <br /> <br />.. .._'-"".._-....~-~d ({;;;r------.-.. <br />l.2....9__IJ.lJJL!!___..1_ k 8 I c h <br /> <br />Dedication <br /> <br />KNOW ALL M[N BY THfSf PR[sfNTS, Ihal DOUGLAS C, JONfS and MIC//fLLf L. JONfS, <br />husband and wile, beiflg lhe OWnors 01 Ih. land d.seribed hereM, have caus.d Sam. 10 <br />b. surv.yed, subdivided, plal/.d and d.slgnaled as 'R/Cl/leR SUBDIVISION', HaJJ Counly, <br />Nebruska, os shown on Ihe accampunylrlg pial Il>8r.of, and do hereby dedicale Ihe rood <br />r/ghl of lYay os sholYn Ihereon 10 Ih. publia for use forever and Ih. 8Os.m."ls, If <br />anY1 0$ shown Ihsroon for the loco/ion} cans/fuel/on and mQinhmance of publio servicfJ <br />ullliJJes forever, logelh.r IYllh Ih. righl of Ingre.. and egres. Iherelo, and <br />prohlblllng Ihe plaflJJng of Ir..s, bush.. and shrubs, or placing alh.r abslruelions upon, <br />av.r, along or undernealh Ihe surfac. of such .osem.nls; and Ihal Ihe 10fOgaing <br />subdivision a,' mar. parl/aular/y descr/bed In Ihe descrlpJJon lIeraon os appears an Ihls <br />pial is mod. wilh Ihe free and In accardanc. wilh Ihe desires 01 Ihe <br />undlJrsigflfJd oWlifHS and propriolofS. <br />IN WITN[SS Wl/fRfOF, lYe have afllx.d our signalur.s h.r.lo 01 Grand Island, <br />Nebraska, Ihis~f.c.! af_~____.._, 2009. <br /> <br />..1--::-)"",_(7~~,,^,-,~ <br />-DOuglas ,Jon.. <br /> <br />J'~iuAeLJ:K{/~ <br />Mlchslle L. 'Jt:,~s <br /> <br />A c k n 01'!JHgllffi flJl..l <br />Slale 01 N.braska.. <br />Counly Of Hall 1'1 I n (> . --"__ ' <br />On Ih.?r.iA..-"ay Of..I(;~, 2009, bafare me_~_ <br />a Nolary Public lYi/hin and for said Counly, personally appaared DOUGLAS C. JONfS and <br />MICHELL[ I. JON[S, husballd and wif., 10 m. personally kllolYn 10 be Ihe IdBlltical <br />p.rsons IYhose slgnalures are affix.d herala, alld Ihal each did ackllolYledge Ih. <br />.xeautioll IlIoreaf 10 b. his or h.r volulllary acl alld dud. <br />IN WITN[SS WH[RfOF, I have hereullla subscribed my nom. and affixed my official <br />seal 01 Gralld Islalld, Nebraska, on Ih. dol. lasl above IYrillell. <br />My commission .xpiras_Edlllil"f.IJ,nZR!L.. <br /> <br /> <br />Q (-1IXqy'().L'~.. C !If t i fie ate <br />I hereby c.rllfy Ihal on F.bruary 6, 2009, I compleled on accllral. survey 01 'RICIITfR <br />SUBDIVISION', Hall Caunly, N.braska, as sholYII on Ih. acoompanylng pial Ihereol; Ihal <br />Ihl'} loJsj blacks. slrf:J(jlsj aV6nU8$, aJ/IjYS, parksj corntnons and olh(Jr grocmds as <br />aonlalned In said subdivision os shown 011 Ihe accompanying pial Ihereof are lYeti alld <br /> slaked olf and mark.d; 11101 iron markers lYere placed 01 all 101 carnors; Ihal <br />Ihe dlmMsiallS of .aeh 101 ore os showIl on Ihe pial; Ihal .ach 101 bears ils OIYIl <br />numb.r; and Ihal said surv.y was mod. willi r.foronao 10 kllown alld recorded <br />mallumW,,~ <br /> <br />~\.-~,!!,~,8,. <br />v.~~~\$rf~~~.."I <br /> <br />IseYJ)573) D::r?~CJi{;"7'fi?1f.g--!ca-:;;a~-SUrv.yor~ <br />~\~l c!}" ~ <br />"PJ.:':J:~ $lJfl.\I\\" ~~ <br />( D '"......\.-,' <br />.SO\\~ <br /> <br /> <br />I.!.p p r9XJ!J.fl. <br />Submill.d 10 and approved by Ihe R.gional Planning Commission 01 11011 Counly, <br />Grand 1~/and, Wood Riv.r and Ih. Villages of Aida, Cairo alld Deniphan, Nebraska. <br /> <br />~ - . <br />" "~p:>'?'~ <br />chOlif;'oi,----- <br /> <br />~c.lL 5L..~-<10'7 <br />Dale <br /> <br />Appr~:":! L'd weepled by the Hall Caunly Board 01 Supervisors, Ihls_d/n_day of <br />... .-112--- - ,2009. <br /> <br /> <br />~=f&;~ ,-Yl(I1~P-'- <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />NI Cor. fI/2NWI/4 S.C. <br />28, f 9 N - R 10 If, <br />round I/O' Pin <br /> <br />~ c, <br />'<::!> " <br />""" ::> <br />IQ<: &: <br /> }o;~ <br />~ .'<~ <br />I\lll> i;j ~ <br />h ~ <br /> .il' <Q <br />..; 'ti:,J ....!...Q1..L ~ """ <br />~"n (3.891 Ac.) fill:: <br /> <li!> .~ ~~ <br />Il.l> - RJ <br />'Oil> - 1\lll>'Oil> <br /><% 'lIill Il... "'" <br /> - t:1 - <br />~<iII;. ~ %' 'lIill <br />-0::: ~- <br />~:'::l> '^ ~ <ill;. <br />~ '<;: <br />~ "- ~::::>> <br /> '" <br /> ~ <% <br />Ii.IUJ .~ ~ <br />...;; ,~ <br />~ .ll iUUJ <br /> $ ~ <br /> '- <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />,~ <br />~~ <br />!~ <br />,," <br /> <br />S.f. .., SWI/4 Soc. 1 <br />28. r 9 N - R 10 ~ I~ <br />Found Numillum COP-=~~.,. <br /> <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />liaJ!J 0 8 S C r I f) tI 0 n <br />A lrocl of lalld comprisln!/ u puri uf Ih. [asl Ha/l of Ih. NarllllYesl Ouarler <br />(f1j2NW1j4), of Seelian TlYenly [/ghl (28), TOlYnship Nille (9) Norih, Range fen (10) <br />Wesl, 01 Ihe 6111. P.M, , In lIati Caunly, Nebraska, mOfQ parl/aulariy described as follolYS: <br />f)eglnnlllg 01 Ihe nar/h.asl carn.r of sold [asl /10/1 01 Ih. NorihlYe.1 Ouarler <br />(fI/2NWI/4); IIl.nce running soulherly on Ihe easl line 01 said [u,1 Hall of lhe <br /> Ouarl.r (E1j2NW1j4), 011 an Assumed nearing of SOO'/I'27"E, 0 dlslanae 01 <br />Eight Hundr.d [/ghly Six and flfly Seven HUlldredlhs (886,57) fe.l; Ih.nee runnlllg <br />N28'22'!J0"W, 0 dlslance of Six HUlldred Thlriy (IYO and TlYenly four Hundrodllls (632,24) <br />feel; lhanc. flilllllllg NOO'13'14"f, a dlslancs 01 Thr.. HUlldr.d Thlrly and F/lly TlYo <br />Hundredlhs (330,52) feel, 10 a poilll 011 lI,e 1I0rl/, line of sold [asl Hall 01 lhe <br /> Ouarler (fI/2NWI/4); Ihence running S89'57'43"f, 011 Ihe norlh 11M of sold <br />[asl Hall 01 Ihe NorihlYesl Ouarler (E1j2NW1j4), 0 dislana. of TlYo /lundred NinQly Six <br />and TIYO/Ily Nln. Hundredlhs (296.29) le.l, 10 IhQ polnl of b.ginnlng and canlalning <br />4.16J acres mar. or I..., <br /> <br /> ~ n", o~ <br />~ ~~ '" -, <br />ill "" NIT <br />'" t. ~ ,--..: c:J ~l <br />::::'i' .... ~j '" <br />,'; t\ '<> "');; <br />'" f -" ~~ <br />"' ::)J <br /> -. '" ~ <br /> '" ~ <br /> ul '" <br /> ", IS <br /> <br />RICHT~B_ SUBDIV/S!J2!{ <br />HAL L C Oll/Y T Y, Nt Bli/LgA__ <br /> <br />ROCKWfl( ANO ASSOC. I I C <br /> <br />fNqlNffRING ,t SGRVfYING <br /> <br />SM.I No, I 01 1 <br /> <br />GRANO ISIANO, NfBRASKA <br />