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<br />84 - 006757 <br /> <br />16. Option to ForeclOlll. Upon the occurrence of any default hllmlncMr. Beneficiary sh8It IMivlI the option to <br />fonIelOlll this Trust Deed in the mennei' provided by 1_ for the forecIClIlIre of mortgIg8lI on Iftl property. <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />17. F~_1iw ~or T~ Not. Waiver. Any foreblllrallee by Beneficialy or TI\ <br />exercising any right or remedy hetMIdtf, or otherwI.. afforded by app/lcIbIe law. shIH not beawalv4lr mor,", <br />c/ude the axll'Cile of any IIIICtl right or rIt11lIdy hereunder. Likawi1e, the weiver by~or T.....ofj~ <br />defIuIt of Trwtor under this Trust Deed shIH not be dIfiIIIId to bu waiver of any ottler or similar......... <br />quemty -mng. <br /> <br />18. Trwtor Not ~ Extenllon of the time for fJIIyment or modiflcetionor ll1lOftiHdoll of-1htI'.' <br />_red Iiw this Trust Deed IJfII*d bys..fIciary to any IUClCeHOr in intlmt of Trustor sIlIII.not optI'1ItlJ<~ <br />in any manner, the IUlbilit.. of me original Trustor and Trustor', IU_ in iinerest.~j~ <br />required to _nee proceedings apinst such -.- or refuse to lIICtend time for fJIIvmtnt or 0tMrWiIe<""'" <br />amortizItion of the IUIN _red by mis Trust Deed by reaon of any demand l11lIde by the ~TNator_ <br />Trustor'slUCCIIIOn ininterat. <br /> <br />19. Beneflciary's Powers. Widlout affecting the liability of the Trustor or any odMf .... I..... for the <br />PlYment of any obligation herein mentiOlled, and without affecting the lien or dlIfgI of this TIUltOlld upon <br />any portion of the Property not mill or theretofore refealed &$ _ity for the futI ___ of aN UfIIIIid IIlIiS.ions, <br />&.Mficiary may. from time to time and without notice (i) rei.... any penon 10 liable. (iil .... the maturity or <br />alter any of the terms of any IUch obligations, (iiil grant other indultenca. liv)re!IIII or ~.or_to be <br />released or r.collv.yed at any time at &.Mficiary', option, lilY fJIIrce/. portion or aN of the Propeny. Iv) take or <br />m- any other or additional _rity for any obligation herein mentioned, or (vi) mete compositionl or odler <br />arrangemenu with debton in relation thereto. <br /> <br />f <br />:;--._-,_.._~.~-_.__._.._..- <br />, <br /> <br />20. R_eveflCll by Trustee. Upon written request of e-ticiary stilting that IIIl sums_red henby __ <br />been fJIIid. and upon surrender of this Trust Deed and the Note to Trustee for cancellation and retention and upon <br />fJIIyment by Trustor of Trustee's f_, Trustee shall reconvey to Trustor, or the person or ,*-legaNy entitled <br />thereto. without w.mntV, any portion of the Property then held heraunder-'.- The~s i~~~oL__. <br />--ll\y-mmifS-orTaCtilhlll be conclusive proof of-the truthfulness thereof. The grantee in any ~anc:e may be <br />detcribed &$ "the penon or penons IegeIly entitled thereto". <br /> <br />21. ~ Except for lilY notices. dem.nds. requests or other communicetiom required UncMr appticIbIe <br />law to be given in another manner, whenever Beneficiary, Trust~ or Trustee givtlS ~ set'YtIS any notice !including. <br />without limitation, notice of default and notice of IIlel, demandS, r~ests or other communicetion with respeet <br />to this Trust Deed, each such notice, demand, r~est or other communication shall be in writing and shatl be <br />effective only if the same is deliveml by personal se!Vice or mailed by certified meil. postage prepeid. retUrn receipt <br />requGtUd, addmsed to the address as lit forth et the beginning of this Trust Deed. A copy of any notice of, <br />any notice of sale. required or permitted to be given hereunder, shall be mailed to each person who is a fJIIrty hereto <br />at the address lit forth It the beginning of this Trust Deed. Ally party mey at any time change its address for <br />such notices by delivering or mailing to the other pertitlS hereto. as aforesaid. a notice of such change. Any notice <br />hereunder shall be deemed to have been given to Trustor or B_ficiary. when given in the manner designated herein. <br /> <br />22. Governing Law. This Trust Deed shall be governed by the laws of the State of Nebraska. <br /> <br />23. Successon and A1Isigns. This Trust Deed and all terms, COnditio", and obligations herein apply to and <br />inure to the benefit of end bind III PIrties hereto. their heirs. 14If,/It_. devi_s, personal reprllMntativtlS. succenors <br />and aaigm. The term "&.Mfi,ciary" shall meen the owner and holder of the Note, whether or not named a, B_ <br />ficiary herein. <br /> <br />24. Joint and Several liabilitY. All covenants and agreements of Trustor shall be joint and several. <br /> <br />25. Smlrability. In the event I.ny one or more of the provisions contained in this Trust Deed, ~ the Not. or <br />1ft'( other seourity il'lltnlmlllt givlll in connection witt! this for Iny reaon be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforce- <br />8bIe in any rtIt*t. IIIICtl il'Nalidity, illegelity, Of unenforceebilitystlall, lit the option of a-ficiary, not affwct any <br />other provilion of thil Trust Deed, but this Trust Deed shall be construed as illUCh invalid, ill., or unenforceable <br />provision had new... been contained herein or therein. If the lien of this Trult Deed is inyelid or unenforceeble II to <br />any fJIIrt of the debt, or jf the lien is invelid Of unenforceable 1M to any fJIIrt of the Property. the unsecured or <br />pOr1ially IlICUfed pOrtion of the debt shall be ~y peid prior to the fJIIymIIlt of the remaining and teCUred or <br />penidy _ed pettion of the debt. and all pllymentl mede on the debt, whether voluntary or under foreclosure Of <br />other enforcement _ion or ~. IIhalI be considered to have been first peid on and app/illd to the full pey. <br />mem of ttlln IlOl1ion of the debt which is not secured or not fully secured hy the lien of thl, Trust Deed. <br /> <br />21. ~ l!IM ~. Whenever ulllf herein. the singuler number shall include the plural. the plural. <br />the...,. l!IM the use of env gender shall be app/iclmIe to all genders. <br /> <br />21. ~l'I.S!!: Trume a~ this Trust when this Trust Deed. dYly IIXlIllUted and ooltnowl. <br />....... 11 mede a Mlic ~ lIS f,IroYidIId by ,_. <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />~, 111)4 <br /> <br />"...5011l <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />.-J <br />