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<br />chII'ges or to maKe lIl1Y paYments to illY existing prior lien holders or ~fici...ies. Beneficiary may pmawre such
<br />~ end maiIe such peyment. Any emounts disbuned by a-ficlary punuant te this Pantgrephe....bllGom.
<br />additiontl ~ of Trustor IlICUred. by this Trust Deed. Such nountsshallbepayeb/e upon. notjce. hum
<br />~ to TruRcIr ~ payment thereof, and shall bewintemt hum theciate o.f~e1:tbe rate
<br />payablefrom-timt to tiN on OIItstand1ng-pri...... under the No..unl_,.vmlllt efintlrllt'-.c.......llIlllulct be
<br />contnIrV to app/icable law, in wtIich event such _ounts shall bear interest atthehigllest,..,~uncter
<br />applic8ble law. Nothing contained in this .PanIgrIptt 6 shall require Benefk:laryto incur eny ....>(If.1aluI1llY
<br />action hereuncl<<.
<br />
<br />7. AsIitJnmIllt of Rena. Beneficiary shall hIVe the right, power lIlld authority dunlllthe ~of
<br />thlI Trust Deed to collect the rents, i_ and profits of the Prol*1V and of any f)IrSOftII. propen;y.....~
<br />with or without taking ~ion ot the property affected hereby. end Trustor hweby abIoIutelyand uneondi-
<br />tiontlly assigns aN suc:h rents, .IS and profits to Beneficiary. Beneficiary, however, hereby conteI/ltS to the
<br />TnIstOr's l;O/fection and mention of such rents, il1UlSlIlld profits 1$ they ac:crueand becotM pay8Ie so long 1$
<br />TnIstOr is not, at suc:h time. in default with rtIPlICt to pByment of lilY indet.tlo4lIW seaaredhenby, :)l" In the
<br />performance. of illY agreement hereunder. Upon any such dftault, Seneficiary nMY lit IllY time. eI1her In ~.
<br />by qent, (If by a r_iver to be appointed by a court, without I1Otic:l and without r9Jd to the HIquacy of eny
<br />IlICUI'ity for the indebtedt_ h....by IlICUred. (al .nter upon end take 1JOIRHion of the Property or any part thereof,
<br />lIlld in its own name sue for or otherwise collect such rents, inues end profits, including th_ pest due lIlld unpeid,
<br />lIlld app/y the same, less COlts and expenses of operation lIlld collection, including r___ attorneyS fees. upon
<br />fftV indebtedness IlICUred hereby, and in such order as B-'iciary mBy determi,.; ibl perform such actJ of repair or
<br />proteCtion &I may be necessary or proper to conserve the value of the Property; (cl '- the _ or IllY pert
<br />theteof for such rental. term, and upon such conditions &I its judgment may dictate or terminate or adjust the terms
<br />and conditions of any existing 1_ or I_es. Unle$s Trustor and Beneficiary agrlII othefwi.. in writing. fftV app/ic:a-
<br />tion of rents, iRUes or profits to any indebtedness secured hereby shall not extend or postpone the due dat. of the
<br />il'lS1lltlment payments is provided in said promissory not. or change the _ount of such installments. The entering
<br />upon and taking pcmession of the Property. the collection of such rents, i_ and Pfofiu. and the epplication
<br />--.of . afoRsaid. shall not waive or cure any default or notice of default hereund..., or invalidate any act done
<br />f,lUr1\HI!1t to such notic:l. Trustor also aslgns to Beneficiary, as further security for the perfOl'll1lrlCe of the obligao
<br />------tlOli$-SiicuiiifiiefibY. aU prepaid rents and all monies which may have been or mBy hereafter be deposited with said
<br />Trustor by MY I..... of the Property, to secure the payment of any rent or damages, and upon default in the
<br />PGrlormanee of any of the provisions h...eof, Trustor agrees to deliv.r such rents and deposits to Beneficiary. De-
<br />Iwary of _in.... notice of Beneficiary's exercise of the rights granted herein. to any tenant occupying said premi_
<br />shall bi sufficient to require said tenant to pay said rant to the Beneficiary until furt!1er notice.
<br />
<br />8. Condemnation. If title to any pert of the Property shall be taken in condemnation Pfoceedings, by
<br />right of eminent domain or similar action. or shall be sold under threat of condemnation, all _ards, damages and
<br />proceeds are herlby _igned and shell be paid to Beneficiary who shall apply such awards. d_ages and proceeds to
<br />the sum IlICUred by this Trust Deed, with the excess, if anv, paid to Trustor. If Trustor receives any notice or other
<br />information regarding such actions or proceedings, Trustor shall give prompt wrin.... notice thereof to Beneficiary.
<br />Bemficiary shall be entitled, at its option, to commence, eppear in and prosecute in its own name any such action or
<br />proceedings and shall be entitled to make any comPfomise or senlement in connection with env such action or
<br />proceedings.
<br />
<br />9. Future Advances. Upon request of Trustor, 81r1eficiaryat Beneficiary's oPtion, prior to reconveyance of
<br />the Property to Trustor may make future advances to Trustor. Such future advances, with interMt thet-.on, shall
<br />be IlICUl'Wd by this Trust Deed when evidenced by promiaory notes stating thet said notes .... IlICUred hereby.
<br />
<br />10. Remtdi.. Not ~ Trustee and Beneficiary, and each of them, shall be entitled to enforce pay.
<br />ment and performence of any indltJtedl_ or obU91ltions secured hereby and to exercise aN rights and powers under
<br />thfs Trust Deed or under IillY other .-m .xecuted in connection herewith or any 1_ now or hereafter in
<br />fofa. notwithstanding IOfYl8 or all of the such indebtedneu and obliglltioN secured hereby may now or herem:.
<br />be otherwise IlICUred, whether by mongege, deed of trust. pledp. lien, ~t or otherwise. Neither the accep-
<br />tance of thi1 Trllst Deed nor its enfcm:emlll1t whether by court ac:tiofl or punuent to the ~ of sale or other
<br />powen hemn contIinecI, shall prejudice or in lilY manner affect Trustee's or Bemficiarv's right to realize upon or
<br />enforce any other security now or herelfter held by Trustee or Beneficiary, it betng._ that Trustee and Bene-
<br />ficiary, and each of them, shall be entitled to enforce this Trust Deed and any other securitY now or hereafter
<br />held by Deneticiary or Trustee in such ortler and manner &I they or either of them may in their abIoIute discretion
<br />determine. No remedy herein conferred upon or resmved to Trustee or 6eneficiary is int8!nded to tie Illclusive of any
<br />otMr rtlMdy herein or by law provided or pennitted. but IMtI shall be cumulative lInd shill be ill addition to every
<br />otMr remedy giv.n hereunder or now or herelfter existing at 1_ Of in equity or by BtlItUte. Every 1)_ or remedy
<br />prvwiMd hemtndtII' this Trust Deed to Trult.. or 8_ficiary or to whicll1 either of them may be othefwile entitled,
<br />may be ex_ised, concurrantly or independently, from tilYl9 to time end .. often &I may Il1tdeemed expedient by
<br />TrIIstee or Beneficiary and lIither of them mey PuflUe inconsistent remedi". Notniflg herein shall tie construed as
<br />~"' leneficlll'Y from seeking II deficiency iudllment I118inst thll TrUltor to the extent tud'I eclton is per.
<br />mmedby_,
<br />
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<br />
<br />11. TrW.~~lt:i ~ion. If !III or any part 01 tlw Pf_nv or IInY i_ t'-em is sold.
<br />If_ferfllll or eon"yed by TruSlllM without IS_lOewy', prtor wrItten COflHnI. e:x;;k;;.I'''lIlai the crlllltion of a lien
<br />Ot ~ $IIl~ 10 !his Trust o.M, lbl thll creaUtm 01 . 1JU1C'- money _.tv tnterllt! fof house.
<br />I'IOld ~, (.:1 a tr~\tr by dllWi$e, ~t or by ot*lttton of law UpOfI thll dllllth of . /Oint tmanl or Idl lhe
<br />lil"fflt of 11ft"; I~ intll'llst of thm veers Of ~ nol contlillinll en ~fltm 10 PU~. EI_flcIiSfY mev. al
<br />lentllfilliary's OIftiun, dedlll'll aU the sun'll _red by lhlS Trust DMd 1.0 be ommeOl~V 0011 end pavablll; PfOV,ded,
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<br />AlIW. MM
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