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77y r+r A'•x ; k ~1 F;' Y,r t-p <br /> ~ s .fd.__ ' : A !F""°a.1 <br /> i <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ADJUSTAULT., HA'T E LOAM RMEU <br /> <br /> UNCX" 83-02002 <br /> MY11:CE: THE SECURI'T'Y INSTRUC frENT SEC'JMq A NOTE WHICH CONTAIN' <br /> A P:30VISION ALI) ING FOR t.;RANGES 114 THE IN'T'EREST RATE. IN <br /> CRE.k ES IN THE INT'ERE.ST,ItATE WILLRES1.iLT IN HIGHER PAY,`iYNTS. <br /> DEC;'tEASES IN THE INTEREST RATE WIM RESULT IN LOWER PAYMMWS. <br /> ; tri.4 Ftidtt r is made this . A.1 _.._w day of E!I?]C:I~ 19$1..., and is incorporated <br /> into rind steal! b- de.{erned to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Txust, or Deed to Secure Debt <br /> (the „Securit;` Instrument") of the same date even by the undersigned (the "Borrower-) to secure Bor- <br /> rowers ~1atR to - <br /> <br /> . <br /> Firs* "ect.rul. Savings an..................... an A.s4ociai ion of Lincoln. a_United States ccrpora,t.ton <br /> (thr "Ler dc' of the slime dates (the "Note ) and cow ring iheproperty described in 4he Sec:urit Instru- <br /> ment and ror-,ated at :.2876 Goldenrod Grand Island;,.:Nebraska 68801 <br /> <br /> Property Address <br /> M(N)IFIC.ITIONS. In iddit on to the covenants attd agreernenty made in the Security Instrument,.Bor- <br /> iower and Um.der further covenant r.nd aeTee W fai?aw's: <br /> :1: T:tiTE1tEST RATE AND MONTHLY PA*" k4ENT CHANGES <br /> The Note has an "Initial Inters-st Rat,--" of.. _Jk Z~g.._% <br /> Interest rats., chant,es may occur on tL - ';gt clay of -...........1~e...~ bex.. 19..Ft and on the <br /> Z:~ rc <br /> 1St dray of 11 19 3.. and on the 1st day of J.1attt~............ 1f1...°. <br /> <br /> and on the lst day of . S+~i t.'d ?e-, 19..8. and on those dates of those months in every <br /> year thereafter, Each dates on which the rate` of interest may change will be called a "Rate Change Date <br /> Changes in principal and interest pa yr t.-_nts to adjust amortrzaCon of the loan to corresixmd with <br /> interrnt rate changes shall be made on the ].•t day of , S xr„t smh x.--, 1.9..83.. and on that <br /> date every year (s) thereafter. '3ach date on which the principal and interest payment may <br /> change will be ailed a "Payment Change D,.te". <br /> Changes in the interest rate are guve,xned by changes in an interest rs,te index called the "Index". <br /> Check box(c.) W indicate Index- <br /> C) i "Contract Interest Rater Purchase of Previously Occupied Homes, Natioruil Average for all <br /> Majpr'NJX!S of I lidexs" published by the 17ederal Home IA-,an Flank Board. <br /> (F) Ad,)tsta'51.e Rate Note - Monthly average yield on U.S. Treasc.'y <br /> Security>s an~lustf!d to a constant maturity of. 1 ye_~. Qubllstied by the. Fed :c.'al Preserve 9narc!, <br /> Check bor(es) to indicate lirnit-R. <br /> (1) 0 If this box is cliecked, there will be no maximum limit on changes in the i-,iterest rats up or <br /> do-,%n. The Pralirnina-iy Rate referred to in the Note, will br, the new interest rate, <br /> (2) 0 It t!aiw by)x any checked, the interest We that l imy shall not, increase more than <br /> p, <br /> •rrnt.age rants on an Bate Change Lhrte. <br /> (:3) 0 If !;hip, box is checked, the in :erect rate that I pay shall not i.~ierrasne more than <br /> percrantage 1xoirnts on, any Nate Change Date. <br /> 14) [7.' If this box is checked, the interest rate, that I pay shall never be wore than ...~~!.:.:~Q~.:..% <br /> during thi ivriod 1 have, my loan, <br /> (5) Gq It this box is Checked, the .interest rate that I pay shall never be less than <br /> dl.rinr this peiio;d I have my loan. <br /> (6) L] If thi.s box is vhec!ted, t,;e p}inArip,rl and lutem,t, payment that I pay shall not incre.sse more <br /> t4an percent r-n any Prtyrw.nt Change Date. <br /> (7) C7 If thL,3 box is checked, the ptincipal and interes', payment tl, L I pay shall not dcTrrase more <br /> than i•,ercent on any Payment Change Date. <br /> The monthly pxtyrnent, cmr•unLci will r;..lx; change on Paymonit C''hang a Dateo as provided in the NO",. <br /> Becaur4- payment changers may occur It-as o f n than interest rate changes and/or trrny be subjecet to certain <br /> limitations dcrscnbed .in the Note, the mc,rith1v payments may be insufficient at titmen to y i-cruinjr <br /> interest.. In such case, unpaid interest is added' to the principal balance of the Note will itself will accrue <br /> intro-fast thereafte-. <br /> F"rxrrx !64', <br /> 4 <br /> ' r gat I M~e niS,tli ~r~ r I~a.ay.w~ yr } 1; C; A <br /> . <br /> 3 a': yYyi Y' 1 <br />