<br />k
<br />~.~~13~~~~i~ Mt~R"T~I~GE
<br />3ath to€eember $i
<br />'i'Hi3 [IVDi~..,ITLrRE, trade ;hs ...--_ _..._._.__--__.__. dad af`.~,_., ____. ____.__.~_._.._._. ig -.-, by ew± twtww•n
<br />Da~rid L. Renuel. and RocheZ7e ~I. i~ennel, husband and c,-ife, each in h.is and her cu~~ right
<br />and as spou:;e of the other-,
<br />oi.~~ai~--CJnney,Nebruka,asmnrttta'gur. ~ .aadF[rnnoFscSteat:5awimg9:uulLoan.psae~eiatfgnaffuutdlaavd.iwrpor:t;ion
<br />:xganu~ ~.~^ axiseias uadrr c;K !ao.~s o[ i:< L"n~.:~•cti S:~.a of Arnerii+~ Yritfe :its prieccipaf offiCC. and glade of bttti~vecraY GrenC Isl~.ud. Neriraska. ;i:
<br />wfTtiFS4E"ff~T: i?iai :aid rtn;~cgagar S __. Far atul nra[ivnof the samof --- _--~-
<br />**Three Tnovsand Ten and i3afZ©©Chs** `3,CEIP.JQ~
<br />---- --DofFarx f5~- --~~+-------t,
<br />t:et receipt ai a~lucn i. !iercCy atknawl~tkrd. t9a~ !n these ¢KS rnartg'~e an:1 wairinc onme~asfiortitiyyc, its staLdG9eois and assigns;
<br />foreuo. nll t:;e rolbao•~~ dratsiberfrtial..rs3;aie. siXUaie3 in fue COtu]¢r of _ L3.`=.~ ~T, ~ _ __
<br />aed Scare c:' 4cl~raska,. to-wil
<br />Lot iEinety-tvo {9?), is Buenav3sta Subdiv3siaa, as Addition to the City of
<br />Grand Island,. HaZZ Gountg, f3ebraslca.
<br />T!~, chrrw i:h sE? ~cr:sng,.:vr cnadatio~.9:.'aa$ttn5.r pfuat$~B'rq?tipment atuf fixtures, iiartudaztfS stteeas... nwnm},~, +~aarra xndnw» un+f
<br />rx n., a nn .~i-sow saa~3ee c r btiada. tt:rasS an ar u~ canaectf4n wit$sau§: properly , w!seE}~r tM snore are cmw lacaced an wrid prapnrxp ar herrxfirr
<br />plaaxd lhc:ea~~.
<br />TO ffAVF; ANG "?Y) H<7Li1 T'~fESA;.hTE,, tu~aat :er e+at3: afl-aad: strgnfar t.tae t'en~senta: Aereditamanca and ap¢urtc:aara:ca therrru..ntrc trr•
<br />ka ~, or in un rx~ss s " ' (areuer, anti ~a.matst tPaatiLte~ to the same. m 9 sa::'
<br />{#Jprta6ning'. .. brQ.al191C.~.._. tfareh}' 4%SYananC._____ wltfi
<br />rrart.gagrr tna-- G. ~e 3 ......_.._,,. ar~......_.. , u.c chedciFerp: harmf, tfw Farfal awtt~. _ ~.... a€ the prentisea. aLwva: canceq~ed and descrifxxi.
<br />azc._ are ... ~msd of a pmt. anal ndelear•co c eer~atr. of in$erftaade thnaxein, fraa. a.Rd dG28r of atf. eacursbrazecea, arcd that . t . hc: °... w:;.
<br />wr~rm•.t aria ::eiend th.e utLe t4irera f.xewu. alts n.4e..;°;:~ rtazxna and damsadsaf al: parr+attswbamaiyevrr.
<br />f'ixt1YIBEJ A? t4'A Y'S, and t$i~ imtTVS~eu is rxxc.~tad axxi: evtaed to sacaxr t-$a pxynn'xiti of tha svxnaf .....__,,...... ._.._...._._.. ___...._._,___.
<br />•*Three Thousand .en and Voll ttlths*'* _._.._._._Dafiara~a~.3,4Ifl~Q~ ___s_._._.._._....~__.k.
<br />arch r:~arst .hrs. _.. [ay4LMrz svh _~:r, ~`us~~tan r.,... -:v::teta asmaY t~adse sad payaf~ie m said.:nsrrcttagea vauSax tttie2armsand rnnai-ttcvnx
<br />of c:wr prero>.eeor;. ~:a*a m sear data 6carws"r. asc 4^+e~xrsc res's~Y..er~ea:satad bq satd...xnerrtgagar.~...,,..._w,aaid au~tigaisae. ;gagsibfe as cxpresrart
<br />ir: uid no!i+, and u; saturo ~w pmrfa-rranc¢ r~? ~ t.$e tiatrca atxfadart~itioas contauaati tlzxrept_ 7'$e terms of said are. $eratiy incnrparat~d
<br />!+wtia b]' this nderaxa.
<br />It is tba ia•.eas.wa arri agtxrmaat of r3rey+istiaa $er~s tfutttxta:pxtrtgaga aha{l aLnm,xecuceany tnuresdvearra-mac9e w said: martga,~ar:.Cz~
<br />by <sid tncrt~agte. aaci an_i and all :adehredaeax is iCdi;.an ta.-t$eamanne agave- atatav! w$icf_ said: csartgagar:s.. ar anp. af.:t$am. rruap: awe cis
<br />raid suxc~z, k.o,,.~wer evedre>~d, wlut.hrl b4 aor,=, took addau3xtar as$u++iae: 2'$isrXx+rcKage ~,.haFf resnsin is lull Scree and..: effecttiatwtr^
<br />the l.a.-tae Mrerir and il+eer hairs. poas~r~J rtx:.x~eseniat:.,r. -vaasstab ~d aasi~gs; anix: all s.^-~aYnta 'seCtiked harHSttdC.. ndittdiry; #l:tu ~:
<br />ysh-ar~:ea. arc pud ra t~ii ~"$!1 t-et~ost.
<br />"Ilr aecrtgaga: ~_- hr+eGy itaigc _~_ :c sa+c :ncrt~i~roe.-afI rents and iaCmIDSearesing ac an,: axis sf3 e:nt?_a Scam said.:praprrty arai
<br />Sraeby aacbndae siiII ,=~+'41<8~ or its agent. at ~ e,1uc~_ uorm~45efa3slt, to twke t»sarRe of said pcaner-'.y and ~. ii~c a1F r•.hc-s ruF:~c:,,r:~<
<br />thes»E_=om uxi apply tha lime Co Cax, aaymrnt e{ m::ur?-,+_- pril~9pai: ' - ~ 6r+rsan:ae. teYYr,. zse'.E,+_cmea cs_ _ ~usirs c. :. •:provre~et:..
<br />neoeeKUry ankrpsui propvtp ;Hte~arabkowditior., or to o:hty' Ciiae~i'es ~ prwtded far L~•rda ~ u td~ re~te hereb3' ~. 'iv erv9. '!'nze
<br />rntas'lgnmanc saaLl c,atinurr~in Sarec anti; iksR u~znid ca;_=yx2 u; ~ra,d note p fvf:}' peal-'i2:n !gamy, 05 aa,~.-m:,,,, h_r,.i ru.c '~rll :, . _._nrn r
<br />~Srrv+.,nt ve ref.a.-d eexd :nc~'tiipae in tkao cnlfatien •;r •.~sic sum. 6a f~rer]c6uetor ~~ihs~..vw.
<br />'I`'.x SeiEu¢rc ~ tL~r..,-r;~,ipee a? usert any n -. :gbs !K,:vtnder at soy dvt =tai.t _aS ~e m ~run~ s ~ a ~as•.~r -
<br />rs ng@: t Hsssz Cte
<br />lance at en9 ?air•.r tim%. and ai EnwC upon and ea . ,-_._. camptiaece ~;ee ai: t}:e u•rari ar~d p a.=s,c:, _ _ vu ._ ed .:, t^1 >st~n~;a
<br />i. ~x}xurx_ t(Iag,~~ shall taane is 3ie •.nnid t~ s~:d _i._z ,gecgee tLe en.r.-e nousuac uue :c nertvntiet 4° :i ur3a; the .errs mn ~rrwi.. irr.,~
<br />s. __, ~rz harebr ssc•sai'w1. av.'~tayf fntR'S6 adver~. ar. • ,ny ^steasfc+~ cs refx~eLr t~ wrf :n ncco~~< ,n. *~ic6 ~. .e .arru a~ e . ~ ,q..i.
<br />;.i~xn~-. tniif~dm.'srt~-~7r_ ?-,-s't~H cnaoprv wilts ~e3 ere q:~aoeicare uE "taut note nad u£ clan mnr!ges; +i~ntc 4h~•.ra peesentx; ha;f iw- vn:d:
<br />atbltKiac fa sin to fs3l Keras urd d4peC. ;+~ saidtrwi7.~eee shat; tree CUtfr:d :c, c.*ae puaraexswn e1 stl r~; .;fed prx~er_y, sad amy, a4 iGs opeN, n.
<br />drew _ 5iia w~i~Ya4 zwzd-note sad fYIF =-'~..'. -- a+~n+-+•~•-:aid cEot3r-0af to be irr^~!!?s?_~y di:e and rva i,i rn u~x.a+r ch,
<br />ssr liixa ~ tet#ar iartat action tiu pratsea i~ light. Aarr4b+,•••~, a awed. pg' - n.,,-ca.;u..
<br />:~axastf{~urhati`nebmlireg st;wr+usia3aaif errsr¢w tathebcKfz£tt at the i7cnas, a.7uc ~tca_ sdmiascrnt~n_ auu~x+o=. anct assety}s :si ~h~,
<br />rt.~.4;. aat4~w::~tr~eo„
<br />Fr '~f'T'tYff..'3~ 1Yt~?E3t$.~?'~, wrce: kLectgaKar i3_. 3i ve. _. eereuatt, sat _ ~~tL'1S_._ taxi 5._. _c'k d~w~ aYeci q+~ J.r~ a~.,...
<br />.racsaa_ ' ~*k ~ J ~ f
<br />r3a, s~ er ei °
<br />~t~ cf~e c l tr-az;el
<br />