<br />SHC3R~ ~'~F2M - --.
<br />PFtBP~RTY INFRROYi'~MENT roan number---~I~g______g~~~n____ary~.
<br />^ a~ FoRb No. 2i i" tRty. ty.{90! ~ ~ ~!~ ~i r~ c~. e- r~,
<br />air 1~. ~ L L ~ ~~~ ~ a.l L` ~ ~ L3 4~ ~~"j J
<br />~3AT.._t~~_Q.,_..AF~GI.I'~'i.;.T.5..I3:._.-~3,.. tn~md.and._~trife..--._._....._...._...___------------._
<br />hereinafter called Mortgagarta, in consideration of the sum nf.~,'~_'1~I4~tiS~.=~~'.F~-~ui•.~5~1~C1.....-.~.-
<br />f$ S ~ an absolut~ie. inciudingtaollf whlu'ch is hereby ackaowIedged, do hereby MORq`CFAGE
<br />and ~ 7-igttts of Irot>zestaxd and inheritance, unto FIRST'
<br />\fortgag;ee, its successors and assigrta, the followiuug desczbed real esta~e, situated 'to....~.}_~.° ................._..
<br />Gourtty, State of NEBRASKA, tn.witt
<br />Iii: Fighteeia (1$) . Black Clue (l) , ?sland Acres Ntarber 'Tree (Z) , tseirtg a replat.
<br />ref Lets One (1) . itit7 (2) , iYtree (s) , Five (5) , Six (ia) sad Seven (7) TslaKtti
<br />Acres, pity of Grand Isl~td, ?Mall {:.cn.atty. tiebraska.
<br />TO FfA'{w'E ANA 'I'n HOLD the real estate above dtibed. with all appurtenances thezetinta
<br />belonging unto the avid :~fartgagee, forerer, provided always, and thia rnrartgat[e is upon the express con-
<br />dition that if Ltae aforesaid Jfortgagors, their heirs, execzttaars, adtniniscratirrs or aagigns shill pay ar cause
<br />tm be pond to the stud ?~2ortgagee, 7#z+ surcessot~s tar assigns, the principal sum hereinxbove set forth, all
<br />according to the t~aor and effect of a certain installment nuts of said ~fortgxgans bearing t:veri date with
<br />this mortgage, and shah pay Lazt~s and ants Ievied u n said icai t,stxttt, and all other fazes, levies
<br />aril a nra }etried upon this mortgage or the trots wlxish thg r7c>tte is given to secure, before the
<br />or an~r inst,tiEtt7Fnt thereof llecom delinquent. then tlii.4 :.^.ortGare Lo tae void, otherwise is remain
<br />in full. fomt*.
<br />IT IS Fl'RTHER AtR£ED (1} 1'hatsf the usnid `,Ir,rt~ncur shall fail to y such taxes, the
<br />~'lor~eae^r +:a.:~• , a4 :he same and the sum r~o adrxztceri with u:tcrryt ~tiall Ere paid lay said Aiartgagore,
<br />an:I rhea 'rc,rt,fa~ •i:A[l stand as security for the same. (2) 'l t n, `.9o:tcsen:±a covenant with the Mortgagee
<br />=hat rbrc am lawf,;ll^r ecized rxf said real estate and cavenant to ct-a.tt,nt and defend the said. real estate
<br />,rnarst thr ~awt.~E rlafian5 irf SiLI pe,~xsrut< whtu-~oever: f;l) That an c se~ ,~f a for+r_clrasture of this rrtartgage,
<br />;i:e pi~rsctff !n w~u~t: pra.ceexiinga shall tm A~ntst3ed to Lake ~tioxi .9 the pr~zti~~, p~mtect the ~sme-and
<br />~-r,llect !ae rc:nt»„ «s+aea and prta&ts t.itereof. fd) That x re to F ati• •t~ry. r,f said money tar any irtstafl-
<br />rree3;t tlarr+roi ,4nen t#.e saute tse~ritsex due, or a failure to t'r,mpt•: F~:tl: env of ttie faregofng agreernenta,
<br />.hard cntrx+r tier whole arum of rioziey laei+en st~cuured to lar~ slue ar.;i cralectible at c,rtce at the nptitrn of
<br />t;t„ ?tSorrgrt~t~.
<br />T'Ft~1ti~E'$h f)F TFiE f'RnPERT'Y: AfiS['.tiilyf'If?`, if s+il <.r any art of the Property or an
<br />ntt~m,:t ans.-rein ss ru,lci car l:rartsfeira+cl try :1~fortgay~or +~tthr~ui 49ortuteKre =prier written tv>nartxrt, excluding
<br />~rr~) rln: crr~t;ran ~f s ii::n or emumbrance subt»xhnate ~ t~'a>s '+t+,rczaKe. ib! the czration of a purchaare
<br />n~nr~~ ~-unt~• r>rz~i for htws~etwld app3iaac~e, r c ~ a trarafe•r k,v~ <9eve~. d~cesut or by operation of law
<br />,i,~tan tzr« cif^etr. :A .arrrt iettarrt or rd} the grnnt 9f any leash+>!~3 ,~;trrra of tlsr~+r wears or leas aot ccrst-
<br />`aisrtinE can ~r,uun ;.v pnrd base, \Ztzrfgagee may, at 1lfortgagek'x rstrteurr, decixre ail. the .:gums secured by this
<br />.bnrtyraxa ro r~r ~rsurrdiaxely duc and payable.
<br />if ~'.c;rt~agee ear such option to acce:erate. Moxrgagee shall mail >^rigagor notice of
<br />a~~ri~erawart asst. utrrt: nonce trhall pmvirie a period. of nirt rear Lhan :#f1 da}^rc trorn the date the notice is
<br />rr~t"'i arithin wnic:h ~l~r'Ggagor nr~ty pay the sturaq derlsr+ed ra'tre. if .4fortgagar fails to pay such zmms prior
<br />t,a tI>e e>z;sirativn o[ ~ucli period, !4fortgagee txrag, witlaut furrlxer natiee rar demand inr Martgagar, invoke
<br />r.:aer ~•svrzY of wale and cwy other peanitted by applicable law.
<br />~:g,taed e]xur~_~..._._.d>ky of.._. ___. ._,.,,,~_ _.-.---...-; ~..._..,_._...~, I9.. $y,.__..
<br />'~a,cli~l Q. ~t~
<br />^a'r~1"t'F. ~F vw~KA f'hy21:.~ £t. Sr~ttt
<br />€fz this __.„;_........_ dq of _..e~' _. 1S. $~ t,~un rue. the urafR+~d. a Notary f'tahtie; in and fare
<br />U~~ t:.K:at,. ~~~s ~~ l `?-~`,~ .,~k ~3_..~-' ~:s _~, ~_ .thy t~s~~arl; aced _wzfe.:_......,,...
<br />t~r~'~saify xsx,tiorr in rra. to [+c trx u?,nn4:nA1 q«retxeu wiury r>Qr~a star S,a Lhc s:vOVe and fo
<br />repaing 6smtrtnneta& es
<br />mn-rt~kltYr~, and ~.ra; arksmwLn~gni ~iri inati't1~]Pr1t to L~ }sir ar 3aer a-xrlraraSa~yr aC! +deed.
<br />t'/stn+s arY MAad erns ~:MS::.n.+ w~,or sc.{:~ah.~„;.--'~y"F2' °--_.._...._..__. _ _ _.....__.....___....
<br />try d8~+' =;A~t wk*x<~ r,~,Ytelc.
<br />39x ~ tr
<br />~~
<br />