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~_ <br />~LL ~ r <br />:+' (~ <br /> <br />{For nee ~aitb FPrEMA/FHLAr1i~ worm itrsfroweets for <br />Veter><os A ~praolleed loaosl <br />7'tts VA GuwxnrtrEea Loa!v Rtasrt is made this ................31st ..... day of , December. _ . _ . . <br />..... . . . ..... t4$7-., and is incorporatec# roan and shad !?c dermed to amend and sulement a I~torEgage, Y~ed of <br />iCrit~-oc C~p1c~e~d~ to Secure Debt (herein "security instrument'"7 dated. of even date herewith, given by the utu#ersigtud - <br />{ hCrCrn "DS)4l'Clwcr") Fn tieCnGe l3tarrnweY`s \tntC CCF ...S~1peL3.Qr. ;40Ltg3t3@.~ . IYiC.... • .......... . ... . .... . _ . <br />. . . . ....... . ... . ....... . .. (herein "Lencttr") and cnvcring 4hc Property ttcscribed in the security instrumgrt <br />aaxt located at ...~~~4. ~. k.~t 'Yaz'. A1r~nue....G rand .Island.,. ~Ebraska..ti8801 ................... . <br />cr'.ao~m m>ad.ess) <br />L`'A Gu,etursi•sga Lawry Ctavr~~~'rr, In additinn to ttts: e<nenants and agreements made in the security instru- <br />nxcns, ~orsow,crand Lcndcr #arttzcr ern°~nant :,nc3 :rgrce as try}lnwb: <br />tf the indebtedness si~urctl ttcrzha ?x ~uarantc-i;d nr insured nndcr 'f'sttc; 38, t.nited States t;ode, such <br />1E"itk ated keguiatirms issued thcrrtander :rrrd in cf#cct im tttc ctatc hcrav; shalt: gevcrn the rights., duties. and Liabilities <br />cr# Borrower and Ixttder. .1ny prnvistrrns of the scct:rity instrument err tuber instruments executed in cnnneetionwith <br />ssit# intfcbtcttrtcsx which. art: iruronsistent s~5tts said Tittc irr ltrrgutatintts, including, btri not Limited ta, the provision fiir <br />$~aymcntts£ any sum in cnnnccton witty prcpayntcnt cog the stieurcd indebtedness and tttc provision that tht: i.ctrciet <br />rsay accelerate payment n# the sccurcd irsdcbtctines>s pursuant to ('ovcnant f 7 taF the security instrument; ace hereby <br />Aunendcd tx rtegairtl etr the t:xtcnt noccssary to a~n#nrm sorb instruments to said Title nr Rcgatlatiotts. <br />tar ~Vtrr+~ss W44ER£CTF, l3+trsnwcr has ezktiutcd this L'~ Guamantced tin Ritter. <br />KYT.E~L. xlETRICK "-oOr"dM1°r <br />.,...~."~.. .. L ' .,.. <br />SSEN3aE !'. lIE'CRIC7? -sorrawrr' <br />'t# CYl~lff~l {';I4-.t m a kit, _r~~-rt~rr~rctaw t+~asutres sent t~nnt <br />t <br />