. .~ _ .s ~-
<br />TzsfE &IC~$TGAe~e?..t >,uirr~~ . cgv~lv~~f~ ~.~ nt~xE>vs_ R ~ -~°) U 6 e~i 4 y
<br />B'hmt-'tY,e iVlr~rt~,aFOr -vvitl pay Phe• tntlehtedne5!e a5: ±:erein 6eYore ptovidCd:
<br />That the :~3ort6'ag~r Ssthl owner of said pmpeny in fee simple and has good right and lawful authority to salt and'
<br />coEaVey ihr :,aerie aed that The .vase is trig. and clear of any lira or encumbrance: and that..Mortgagor wllwacrant anddefrnd tfie" '
<br />tiiletosaie! premises atiarnvt Ltap c}aim? of all peruans wh ~nweve r.
<br />To pay immrriiately when due and payable ail grneral taxa.-s, .]rcriui taxes,.speciai assessments, wafer charges, sewer serv-
<br />cecha=ges,: and other tasea and charge, aRaittai saki property,. end ali '.axes levied on the debt secured hereby, a,xd to-furnishthe
<br />1Lfidttgager, u{Ym reyartit_ wdth Lne origi:rat r,r d'egdica[e recr%ipts therefor. 'The Mortgagor agrees that them shall he~added,£o
<br />. each tstanthly payment repaired hereunc'cc or wader tiie evidence of del7t secured hereby an amounf nstimatedhy fhe hEortgagee
<br />tabs suffa~nt £o enable the hlortRaRee to pay, as they become due, all taxes. assessments, and similar charges-wean the ~~rem~
<br />isra sins=ect thereto. anv rteflCi nc_~ t~rrnuse of the atrstaffiriencp of such addit#ana# payments slia#i t>f fotihwith deposited by f'ne - -
<br />Mortgagor wish Cite 1'ortgagpe upon demand hv. thr, MortRaRea*: Any riefaul4 xander lhis pa ragzxph slrall F>Er deemed a rlet"ault in
<br />payrnerttaf tax,es,avsesntarenta, arsimilar rhargearequirpd lrerctanda?r:.
<br />?'ive Mortgagor agrees..that there staa43 also he added .to. each monthly payment of farinripal and interest required fretr.-
<br />under an amount estirnatpd by tlap ?~IartgaKpe Ga he sutfirlpat to anable the Mortgagees to pay, as it teecames due, the insurance
<br />premium uric any insurance {xtdiry delivered fv illp h9r:rtgagea. Any deficiency kserxuse of the rns~ufhriency of such atidit#anal. pay-
<br />ments'ahall he ftYrthvrttli deprmtted'by the hiortgagar with tha >+.}orsgagec upon demand fay the h}ortgagep. Am• d>fault undet•this
<br />paragraph sihafl hp drpmed a dpfsati in tlae papment of itucu rrmca premiumx. ]f the ]xxiicy or po{irics depr>3ited are such ati hcxme•-
<br />awnprs yr ai31 rialt pol5ciaa, and the deposits are insufficzent En pay the enure premium. the ;vortgagee may- ap,uly the de,ixssit iv
<br />pap prerrtitms on risks rtrc{uired to be insura.~3 1sT this ntortKage.
<br />P&wrtterxta made by the S'iexrtgaRor antler the atx»re• , aragraphs may, at the u,,xtican of the 4lcartRaBee, ba trc~td by it and
<br />cammingirvl with ±sth,er such. fumfa or iES own fnncis Ctrr lire tsayment of such itenvs, and.nntil e:vapphrd. suchpavmeets are hereby
<br />pieeiKpd as stscurity for the unpaid halarxcs of the mnrtkage andehd>rln.~cc.
<br />Tn prrxure dvhvrr t<>, and maaafasin frxr th tNrna'St of t4ae ~{ rt rRee riur,ng t!!r Lfe of this mortg~e original pohties::rid
<br />renewals thert,rf. dplrver.d a# {r-n~st trn d.ave tw>for,~ th-A r>; paraiana of anc .nr-h ; a{erar~. ancuatng against fire and other :r.•.u rahtw
<br />hazards, caaualttps,, and rnntirrgenrarv as the h}artgaKnr may require. in an atrwunt c>quai dr the indplrtedness secured by this
<br />Lv}.ongagr. and in tzsmixarue^s etrx-<,pzrrfi,• to tF.« ita,rtE, tt;er•. w-t 1 xs. payah{e rlaune• ~n favor c,f and rn fe,em a~ecatatabie to thr• blart~a-
<br />gtr- do ths• +,vpnt a,ne {solit-r r. r •,: :.~-n• wer4 <rn ar ta•t;xrr t. n ! c• - .*t t_. a•afsarat~ n. ahr M r.gage'!° may ]sinew rr arasttrance un the
<br />iroprcxvpntents, .'xsy the premruxn th~~r. f.,r and ccrr`ta .urro ,k,ait t x-.rm+^ rmmrKleateiv clue and tuoy-ahle with inter+w.t. at. the rate sat
<br />fexrth in. aast3 xu:,t~e unta# paaai scat °~~,a3: he •a•aara~i try- tht, sn+,rtKaC!~ 3^a,iare nn ihr part of the `dorigag~or co thirnish such renrwals
<br />~ ~: }aura+n reagarirat# ear salute Er, ~; anY su rras a<Sroanr:.:=rl t~ere•under +:aald. a.at th netts°2; of t}a.• MortRaKee, c~rrnstittate a default
<br />unda-r the to^rms nt ihn.:aruetKater f:. e ...„r, r< ,xf ..n ,,, ,,._ six .... .. ... . ..... ... :a:. ,.. .....r., <.n x...ar,...m.•i.. ,. r,r ,us
<br />rarnee# prerrxrann.
<br />Arty ,;wino r'*r vxvwat t a ., ~ *.taartKaRe.~ h rrac.xr ..d bass r,r : ,a.a,„e +n. xrx-r! ngax nst nxas~ h<• n•tasna~ irv :.ht• M+i rt(;ag,eC
<br />ra
<br />s a :xi i,«k `. ~fwar'rl irrr 1`avment r,# t~tx.~ ,ieYTk fxx•n•hv ;;vrnr •x~l- oar- ~. .... ,. tre,[a of the 4{exrtyagea•..aeh <stmtl rrther w.h airy or ur
<br />},art aria. be ;uYiti cruet to tkrr V'4n.rttCaRr,r Ee. hr u..ra '=x rr•p~av sa ep, bas - ,xr ir+ haxa;inew htaitrhnrs na t'+,«•rr plane nr fet any
<br />•.C;•; ~•u r, ,.. -r axh'r*r~t aatanfartrxr^ as the 4}„rttta¢rw a-n 4'arrot aR:x`tuxt, zav lawn •+n thw avurf2attn• tar ik+w fiat]] x3rnou nt arras mr{ h,era.-
<br />f-+ twi.•r~ ~,. t: Cmr+r+rnt «vvr tar_-,.k yxtztee -
<br />!. ;,.. ,r. t,d~ rena+r. r•-va•are -r rohuald any #xxnldsng. ,r em{ r.eart•nt. .. ~.. ,-r t, s a:„wr =v, raxw {,rmmaw+s which ,rasa}' 6r-
<br />•.r~:r .:,ore a, er.f r•r i. J:= :.wi r to r-;• .;axi t+rvrnxse.c era Ki>~ csx>ila Tian »trd retsarr ..,..- I'rxxrea Sanp n+^r. burin°'v 9sera or of#.°r lren nr
<br />,
<br />e9aana ~-f 1.<, ,i ,, rxUn.~.h ,uk -,r i,naaa •, n.- the hen hera^xxf. riot t,r ~x,Pf+•r r ~- rrm~ -,~rwiaal +rax• r cr an x• ,u imanx^r• ~c. • xiti. ran
<br />sr.~trt I+t'a'1" .~ rrc,. an.< ,, ., yxnv'rrrew., ur.. ., ~ .n,y u[lu~r ex,..a ,.. ~ r. ,,,,' t,rx,reeraty naa±-by e+xr,w .;ql snarl ixre'aimr
<br />1eyyvarluat ate- arty :rmrn.,~h ~r ;meow ;in vafur k+y .rev .art a,r -t+aswue~ . , -+rt. h. , ~ai'z ..,t,h :+li r. ~aarrmenrt» e# law wish rwspect
<br />to rice mrxrs,;agpri pretn ~w•ra sort ttae use tfrrrerrf
<br />"Frost skcxnld the pr+emseea sr ar y ,art ztxxnx•,xf t,r• a~ak:•n z,r ,#am.'rr;vd ]xy wrn a,f a ;nxhixc unprovrrrtevxt nr cundenmaa:xnn
<br />prcK-en+r9in:g: rxr under thw right ,,{ rmxnent xl+..maxn, ,:,r an any r'•ther marxnx-r. thr~ ;tiSortKagve• ribs]! !>,-• .: ntatSrd t.• et{ ,:xrm]x:•rasataanv.
<br />awards, scut any other payment x,r rrliet ihx^rrtu,r..cnrt !xtxntl hp entrtlyd, wt ns axpnesn, te. tuxmrnr+ame- aprya>sr in and prrwpcutp in its
<br />exwtrt Hemp any acttrxt trr Isr4rCa~[dxng, yr t+> oasts any cxsmpnr?nutxr rxr ae+ttlemernt a~n c°cxrrnrCGtr,rr with ouch taking ur damage. A!1 such,
<br />Cpytjpetctlsiinm:. awardx. ttat'1'sKexs, riXirt arf tagfia'.n a»si pnsreew3s are trr•ra+hy araciKtt trx thx• ~•t xxrtRagsv. who rr,ay. aftrrr detlxxrtng
<br />therefevaen t,li ire arrt}rcxtazra, r«l~tse anp tntmays xeo re+xrrivtd 1rY it arc app#Y the same an suty inrk•tWeednnnt necured he rphy, "I'he hlori•
<br />gaapor:,ttttewns tob-secnte..ant'h dusii~r wwrtgnmrnta. rrf gray c<nn;wnsatiaaxt.. awarrta, ziarraBea, anti cttchts trf action aria}.. rracertts a„2tte
<br />Mdttita~ee rrxsY tagUtrp..,..
<br />?'h.»t to rmar of failure to perform any csf tare ritircraxar,~ti Fartrern, tier's >}asrt~Kagasrr may <30 cs the r~}t+rtgagor', #tc ]calf wverytixing
<br />sax crxvenaaanted~, that the M<sn~agrs may a~ltradoanY. aqt ri may deem rv.•ca-sattry N* p~ratrrt ehr 1rrrn the~nvxt: that the ;4lortgagar viii
<br />rrpay upon. dpmartd any rxnxnrvn prod nr dtsini:taed lrY the hl rxrs.Kaswv Orr anv oaf the a}xrva: pur{xNU-t. and :weir mrmrys~t?>Kr'ther with
<br />xnteresE t},errsn et the curt ;.- oviriFrl in +aud noteslxaft hes'+~mw .o n ., h additxortal mdalstednp~x: i:.•,-nhv s,r!xureid and- nxazr fre in•
<br />clucled in any aircree far~drw rift nic.^ortgage and .lam fwd r;its xtr :te rents-•vr ~rtrcaeds ratsa3o at. send. .err. miYesif nototherwise
<br />~,a;d: the: it shall nest tx obhgatarv asx>n r'ar ~}ertgatq+ee Us ingasire into the val#dify of anp ~,en, r-ncvrnbran€rT+, <,r a airn in ad~
<br />vaauxlre[ ma'e+eYr ex atbvve aut#rvrezeci, iwr r:othsng tsereinxxsntaitx+ed sikal# be<.:conatrued:aarngtriruak the F,1rx2-t~ageedrsadvaraee~any
<br />-maaeTs tar any sac}. {aurptwe nor to du soy art i+erpurNtpr, and that Mortgagee-sirail not incur,aaay tar•rswrt89-peabifitytrprattse oS~ axry-
<br />ltsrryt. attr~y xio nr <xaxu4 Ea dv hennrrxder.
<br />In thv rti'rat <.F thw delasl! ]xp tl r,rtRagnr n r:e t,aYmrnt of anY insta}ln+:~nt, a=.. rnr7nirr-at by- the .Dote ~srcurcd h+-rehy, ar
<br />is xtxa ~rfc.xrxxanc~ cd thr otx? Ka.,or, in this mart); xgr : r tr thr rretr~ru re<i thrraby the ,'t.•rtga~ce .+),a?7 be wnfk(wl tar r"waste tlir
<br />- %tFbt 'nr+.;ured luerrlap due and Fa<airte with+xxt .,xU °r. :.rd the Mot tXagre shalF Fx wntitie,# at its npicon, withrntt notrt~. Tither i.,;~itawti
<br />yr ~a rpeeirer to h+^ ap7rxtntGC1_ t!y the mart fherc.~i, and wirYKart regard to- the adt~r{uecy of anv rewnty ter thy- indrt2cYinews sew- -
<br />rure.i hera^by. %^ entry urn anti take txa~es+sun of i~ nmrtgaged prep, ~e_ ar/i ,-~--rtFxct and rerrr. - t}_r r+'r t .~.-, ,roil t.,
<br />N.reret+l', amt a77F1Y the eanKr_ arxa caxfa of operation anti tc,lkrriion. uprm the inch-2:teKlneta srrrarcr' Ly this rnortgeK": ,aid ren4a,
<br />zvsue6atxt 3rrafits #rtiteCt }»-xrlsy aia+sSlCra®rf to Erie at}rrtgar;er as 1a:rthr~r - ~ueit,V d6r '-tie esnTrT<rnt of nll irx<}e}itednM.n .r•rn.-<xi hrrrkhy
<br />'Chr h}ortxaq~e, .wail have thr fx,w°rr :c, »p{r_,rnt arty scent nr ~.pnta it may desirt^ frsr Cfre Imrp~pee of r.•fxsxnng smid pzpm-
<br />+ere: rentmB the name; rofiet:iryt ihw rents. revenares one ,nev.mr and iL may pay rrvi. of srtid irarnxrte ail exprnsa. ,nnarr.si an rpnY-
<br />znaK rru} mxn,~pi,nac thr axrnr anti o. r~~11s-ar'i n>; tFr r.•ntairi therrf cocci. T'he hkla~e rt•~taixsierg: if any, tsh •s!% ~~- si>i>lrwd ts,watd tjtt
<br />dasr#rerge yf riot mortgage int1etrtextn*ec. Th(x a~aviacnnarnt it tr. #e•rrnirtatp a~tYr1 -taeicome•. nnl3 arld valid up~nn. rptea ,C ±hi•, ~nnrtttBge,
<br />
<br />