etlR~~}~TIt}11~ ~~!1~E~RANTTY ~EE~?
<br />'?'lee granter MOt3i~ D£VELOPAiENT COttF:aNY, INC.
<br />a corT;orntiox[ organised and exsting;under and;by virxtte of the TAWS of the S#ate of iIG'braSlCa
<br />:~ ronsidaratiun o! }ne Dallar (~1. ogj and other good and r•aluable consideration
<br />recrired :From. granteQ dues grant, 'bargain, se}i eou~ey and. confirm ante J. I~. rS00N and
<br />P. 'ri. '~fQOai', husband. and wife as joint tenants with right of survivor-
<br />hip and` not.. as tenants in carimon
<br />herein ~eailed the grantee srizether one or more, the follux~ing described real property in
<br />_.._....__,..__k1.~sA:t: ......._._.__.._.._<..__. _.._.,....._.. Uounty, Nebraska:
<br />l~ tract of land in 4he ~iortheast Quarter c,~ the e+7orthwest
<br />Quarter (;~E~:VN{~Z~ of SectS:on Twenty rive {251, in Township
<br />icleven X11) 'Vortla, Range Ten (I(1) best of the 6th F.'~€.,
<br />7QOre particularly described as foilows, to-wit: cor~ntencng
<br /><tt a point Thirty Three Feet ~33.(3'l south of the ;Northwest.
<br />t:c+rnsr ~sf the 'northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter
<br />F'vE's;ti4i ,) of said Section. 25 ; thence running east along
<br /><tnd ,,pon The line 33.p feet south of and parallel to t'ie
<br />ttortlx line ~f sazd section 25, a distance of t)ne Hundred
<br />f=eet ~1f1#l*}; thence running south a distance of 2[!Q feet;
<br />tsx~nce turning. and running west a cli_stance of 1DU ;let
<br />to a point on the west Iine of the northeast Quarter of
<br />the *iarthwest t~~aarter A'VL3a~"ti'l~'~1 of said Section 25; thence
<br />txiratng and. running, north along and upon the west line of
<br />the :northeast Quarter of thc: ~iarthwe:t t7uarter (nE'a~~~) of
<br />sand, Section 25 fora distance of l(?Q feet,. being tlxe point
<br />of beginning,. in Ha21 vounty, Nebraska.
<br />Ta issue anii trs hrid the slr*~~." de~ratrec3 prr~mirrar sage#hKr with YlT tenemenssi, fieredatamentas and
<br />aPPurte~aaaceae thereto i>elongsrag ucaata th,~ grant an~i ~, i+rantn ':a hems ;~n,I astsigns farrver.
<br />?lad, the grantor for ita~lfi and itsa .anccea,xorx :30 herrby covenant with the grantee and with
<br />grunte~~ ~ izeirffi and nSUip;sxa6 tEaat s±rxzrttrr „s i~sa~fc:i33° ~rse,i +rf ~sicl }srcu,iwes, y,hat 1,#,ey' are. free from eneum-
<br />branrt-
<br />ti,at gnncvr has Bond: rig2ct attd tswful unxhar#~^ #o convr~• the ~:antt~; =end tl; :r grantor crarranta anti will
<br />,iefem4 thr title to-saeail prrmr argafnst ing inwSu[ ~lnirns ~~f ~til fsaz±ti•ns „ .o„weti•er.
<br />In witness ~icereof; grantor has hex~rasato .3••,i .~~ ~~,,rTwrar. - .~ ro E,e affixed and these
<br />pre~:~ns::eigncl he its l?r~ideu#,.
<br />7tird _ ,:k...~ ~. r.: yr; 0 l$';~.
<br />_.,... iCl ~...DE'1:rE;L~;~_P "~~:F.,2+ T...CL1h.1P:c1i's.Y. ~.,..L';~~:",...
<br />Flg ,._ .._... ,,,_......~...^.....,...... President
<br />1; . i A~fltJn
<br />~T<~Ta! ,i~' ~ri~i.~41;<_a. = ouaztr ~t ,....,.d~.i.3..,....,. _,....~ .........
<br />$*~ore rue, ,i -ctntarjr ,~anlslxe.eT~xSifiecl. irssaia{., ,•„unr- ,,e-rs~ualtg ease
<br />t. ~"to can-__..~__;._.:____________.____.,.__---.________________-_-~'zesidatttof
<br />~7a e}rI'l:Lt~T''EN'e i:r~n9lra*iY. "i'~_`._______~.~___:~__________-_-_---.-a~ori:orati,:,n,
<br />@caewn kra sate t,~ he, t',a PrrsirT.nt and ids t.c.,:pe•-hoe, w!€fr ,iced rJx~S„regoing i~z~~araeat, curt steki7~aq~-
<br />=~xlgra .. ~xe?eu.itszn ~'hrre~f Vi h<° hiw ~~ .,~n#~~s- art a,-.~.i ~r~? u~ w..i: ~.,_~~r,~tCT t2ts! vnyrzaattSC3 ^ct snci
<br />-:'..Y~+S -*Lid s :xr~ rnttuc~ anci U.,at ;itt ~~.orpn:w:x: r.r t .. ~zs <r~ r ...s~ _. ~ ~s Cr.- sLes xaatt~tnztity.
<br />~i±t:;w.s -~~- tan{i na,,', notarsai: nom? nt3 _._.. ,_._...... ' .., ~ .__... =c3 _.~.._.
<br />