<br />
<br />3 'Phis fenrrrr is utl ist con:,ri.
<br />Eif)rl with Pkrrs9E'~°., ic....urc,i
<br />crtxltr the tteu~ taFOUr _:=tnti~*
<br />pravaiar_s of t?2e :~atiotasl
<br />Ilattaitt~ etc.
<br />THIS4iOR-fGaGS.made.:tt~eicceuted,this 29tlit day~of Docetnber .A:L7.
<br />79 81 - b?; and i+etwecn Revise B. Near" altd' D$Sne &. N~wth,, Husband and Wife
<br />~f the E'c unn r?f Hall ,and State of Nebraska,-party of the first part, h~reinalttr called
<br />?ht Mort~tgor. and &ttptxior `l~4ortgage, Znc.
<br />a ca^+oration orraniaxd nrid existing tttrtder Fheiaws of Nebraska.
<br />party- cf the ,ri, orcdpart; htreitiafttr-called 'the ;WOrtgagee,
<br />U' €Z'NESSE_TEi: Thatithe said htdrtgagor,. for and in consideration of thesum of Thirty one thousand nine
<br />hundred fifty astd: loo/IQOth3 Duilars(~ 31r g50. Qt3 }, paid by the-Mnrt-
<br />gaetc, the receipt ~~f which is htrtby acktrowledged, has Granted and Sotd and by thtst presents does Grant, $ar-
<br />gein. Sel). Ccnvcs~ :end Canfitm unto the Mortgagee: its successors and assigns, forever, the following-described
<br />re a: cattle, «ire:eted ir. ttaeCotttatpY.~i Hall . atud.State
<br />of ~etxasl:si. to tau
<br />Part of Block Eleven ill) i:xt Windolphrs Addition to the City of Grand
<br />Island,-Hall Cerunty, Nebraska., described as follows:: Cotmtencing at
<br />the Nort3teast t~orner of said Block ll; running thence southerly on the
<br />utest line o€ $auth Washstgton Street. 76 feet to the point of beginning;
<br />thence Sout2aerly on the West line of South Wasi'.sngton Street 54 feet;
<br />thestt:e Westerly, parallel to Est John Street, fi5 feet; thence.NOrtherly,
<br />parallel to tine West. Line of South Washington Street, 54 feet; thence
<br />,?,;;.stc:,Y gar.?.lal to West John. Street, G6 feet to the Aoitrt of begrutirag.,
<br />of theSixnhPrincipat 4feridian. cwtitiining in aii acres according to Gavtrn-
<br />rttent surxew-
<br />Tot H:i4 E At:ll 3'E? FSt)L.IJ the premise. ahovt descrihed, with all the appurtenances thereunto ht)onging and including
<br />all tseatinc. t`!umhing:ind sitting fixtarts andertuipttitnt new or hereafter atiachrdto etet]sed in connection withsaidrtal estate
<br />unto eht ?.t,xrgag+c. end u± its successors and assigns, fortvtr. "Che Mort>Wagor represents to, and covenants with, the Mortga-
<br />gte. tl;at the Rtortltattor iias good right ue sell eras convtY said premises: that thew are free from encumbrance: and that the
<br />.kl9rtg;tg:x u if; ~,rair,sret attd defend tx same against the lawful Maims e?f ail persons witamsaevrr; and thesaid Mortgagor here-
<br />by reiina,uishcs at.rigtttsaf ltomtstetud. and a3i martini-rights, either in saw or in equity, and all otttercenungtnt interests of the
<br />,l9artpgor ii, and ro thc~bove-described premises, :the intcntisrn bring to convey hereby an abwlute tit3E, in fee simple, inched-
<br />ng ai i riKhts ,` '.tomtvtegxi, attd other rights and interests as of artsad.
<br />PRi)V LDS t? ALW41(S. and these presents:ut executed anddtlivered upon The fni)awing conditions, to wit:
<br />The Aior+.r_,asgar agrees to paw-to the A•tortgagte, ar t>rdtr. iht prancipaisum ofThirty ore thousand nine
<br />hundred fifty and PIo-/1003ts Do)iarst53I.95fl.Ofl
<br />weth interest Matt, date a; tha_ rare ut Fifteen aas3 LA`.ae--ktalf per cetnum t 15-5fl ~o} perannutn on
<br />the stttpaid halanz e aintti paid 'iT>z .aid princspa} attdanterestshaU bt payable az the offau of Superior Mortgage, Znc.
<br />in Gran3 Island, Nebraska , or at such other ppiact as the holder of
<br />titenote,naydestgstattiswntrng,in;noathiginstalltttttttsof >~otxr httradred sixteen and "f9/lODths-----
<br />Dallars {~ 41fi.39 ). cotnrnencittg nn the first day of
<br />Pebt:saasy - i4 $2 ,and an ttie first day of tech month titertafter ants! the principal and n-
<br />terest arz fuSly paid, eaetpt that the final gaymtnt of prireipa! and inler°st, if not sourter paid; shalt be- due and
<br />p;:!rah3c on the firs? der of Jsnua.~'y, 2Ui2 : all accordiit~tothe items of a certainpromis-
<br />eery naxe rzf ; den date haresvtthexccnted by tl[e said Mortgagor.
<br />The lNarteagtx in ocdar mrrreful!~ to prxsttctll~ security of this Mrrggage, agrees:
<br />1 That ht wi)i pay ihosndeittodtttss. as heretnbefort provided. #'riviiegt is reserved to pay the de#t in whole, nr in an
<br />amrn,nt e~aa! Fi, eat ,,e nc.~ mnnttily paynttna.c an tYtt:.princpal that are new dtxe on. rht note; on nc~ first day of-any month
<br />prior tiy en+tturuti; Ysi,vidcJ. Rtztwever, That written xtttdce rr€anintrntit>tt to €><erci a such privilegeris gdvnn at Least tktit3y t:S01
<br />dn}-s ;aia; to pret9ayme^.t.
<br />:- :hat. ttc~elttrr with, :stxd in ::,iditi+«n to, the ?tonthig• payments. of prin;.ipx! :end interest payable under the terms a€ tht
<br />colt ~ctered herthb. the bt<rrtK.ngzu wail gag Lc t,'ee Riotigagte. rxtthefirst dos of Ca9h3n4ntlt ttntiltitt sai8 txxrte is fussy paid, the
<br />lo3tcsvuint: snasa-
<br />ia) =`ym:uun stif)i',aerxt tv p:vxtCc the hnlder trsrcxrt cvis3t Eunc}s;ta pxY theaexa znorrt insursnvt pstmxam tf lists
<br />;r:_r,um^zat end the r.oic ?~;,nrcd hertl3~g aTe-.inwred. ar atrwttthly cttargc./m tfcu uJ3 rnz>rr,~e inautmec°e per
<br />»rum'a,~ thee~ we +,,rtd hr r;:e :>z2~retsty ~~[ lidntstngaruitirtran tks~$gtasne"ttt. ~• r2+31trws:
<br />4Si ~` x?et1 a, );rr~w as sstd o,:yte •,a evendatsx t3rif en~~~'ntr,:~n^ air nxsurc~! emsrertut~trtd=.r"ferctt4eepen-
<br />:xxmP ,>t asu: ';atu,rta't i3aetssttr rfttC3, an ~ittavsnt ~ ~ .: s._rur; rer~a'.c art tRYe faatnda of the h, ~)drt watt
<br />4T,$'!`F=t)# X51=kA~PeyO
<br />iiaexare~ a ~.~ez2Y~ik~W. sse+•=~. ~ expp tie tN7ttk yzao! cwtK~aa s nvvt~,wit~4 siUU 'dF} e !,4" i u 1`d b
<br />