~: ~ t~av A:E..~ ~ ~ ~ T~ ~~~~~, Thee
<br />' MittlPnmR and FNtan Eu ireit Vi~kttAtt. P1; i~lQo-
<br />-~° ~.~ s. ~ t~ e t't~ `~
<br />3AM$8 5f. RIDER and.KATE3SRINE C. RIDER, Husband and Wife, each in His and H.er awn riglxt
<br />aae# as stpaut3e of each. ether
<br />herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br />~ in con~iddratuan of FORTY-FOUR THOE3S:4ND, NINE HUNDRED AND NO/ 104 ($44, 900.40) DOLLARS
<br />~~i
<br />~ receiv+ed from gtanteee, data grant, bargain, sell convey and cen£irm unto
<br />r
<br />'~ TIMOTHY .l. AITKEN sad CYNTHIA M. AITREId, Husband and Wife
<br />as;oint teuauta with right of atu•vivarshxp, and xcot as tenants in common, the €ollowing described. real property in
<br />E Elan C47nntp, Nebraska
<br />-~
<br />i ~o hs°o and .o izets she nixovP deanrif.~:il Frreaxzarx ta~.thGr- w:~h rll to:.a a.:.re "~r~dxt~°_^_*.r and appnr-
<br />4 tenancos therefo beianging nnto the gta$tees and w their assigns, ar to the ixexra and~assignso£ the stay=_vor of-
<br />r,}3em forever.
<br />And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their assigns axxd with the heit~s and assigns
<br />of the ears-ivor of thrnx that grantor ix lats•Pully seiwod of said prernseq : that t.hev are free from encumbrance
<br />'• except easements and res rictio of record and exscept the unppaid. balance of a First tiort
<br />Lean i'r, tYxe original arrant of ~37 BOO~0 fn fever of Mortgage plus Incarparated of Grand Zslane
<br />as r~ord in current T~1-00 14'3 of the records ;af Ha11 Caunty, Nebr., which the grantees agr
<br />$as i ~a'tn'tor hsv-good right and :acv€nl authority to eoneet• the same: and that i:rantor warrants and wiEl defend
<br />rl2e tills to said-premises against the lacvfnl olaima s~f all Irersons whomscsever.
<br />It is the intention o€ all parties hereto that in the event of the death o.€ either o£ the grantees, the entire
<br />! feN simple tatle-tap the real estate shall vest in the snrvivinR grantee.
<br />D>:ted December 22 19 S1
<br />t
<br />r
<br />1~~~ fdef..,...... ............. ~Caiaier3ne C. lfi ei ........
<br />,, t
<br />~iT.ri: E D ~ -. ~. ~ ..~- ~ t 27n Fku._.,.:_>. .dray of ~ _! .. :_ t;. _~ ._... , Iq.....%, b¢fotz
<br />~° - '
<br />' ss.
<br />I _ -~,~ , -- -- . _ _' Coantq nw ilt¢; stnd¢rsd~ad o A~otu:'rs ~rLb&r, disdy cnanear'ssiaraed and rtuadzfi¢d fAr 1,
<br />~ in scxia6 royax(~; ~ersaaraidt~ ~m¢...._...
<br />f .Iaxaes T~: &ider
<br />;.
<br />to r k7srru~m do dre tt~r aden€cad person ©r p¢rrmu tarhose naone is ~r n<rmes are
<br />{SEAT:} ¢1Jised YO tea fa>rex~oeng instra»x¢nt and ccrknnsu{edp~*~t the rsccaatton t{xcrco~ to !7e
<br />i t~s. her or S;tP! r zxadxaxtcxrg arS and d¢ed.
<br />ti txEorind Seed this vtat~, rrstd year deal siac:ta usritterz.
<br />t11An -wn:r - -
<br />.1€!rC[EIM~LIw' .~rtt~xry I'xrltei:.:
<br />~/ h~a Iq. 4G Ll ilk :..: -~.::~.._ .~. __.~:...
<br />. _ a
<br />;:f ~~...r ~~;s+cn £.~Jxir"eS"'t7tts;...... _.__..d¢~° o{. _..... ~_„-~ _..__._., :4... ....
<br />u"I:~TL O'F` TI$SRls/itiA ) ~s .
<br />to
<br />uC~d+`N'£'Y ~F HltLX. 1
<br />Gtt tE:itia !?th aimy of s?ecea~er-, z5n1, Exefcsre me, the undersigned a Ntatar~^ Ptxbie„ dulw eotauaissfcatxed
<br />an< ~,-n LL€3asi fes lit aa.4d caxanty, p~sanaT.Iy came, 1Crstherine C. Rides', tea me known. to be tBx`
<br />i.},c~t:~al gerasrrn ~,°k~~asr± az: i. ~t:ix~d to the fcsrego.Tng instrssm+~nt +.artd ackncwrdged rho +rxe t'kcars
<br />[i3r,avf' *a he :sc+c :~i~-st%zrv etc :iqui d~ee's.
<br />,~f.~ a~ Ssssl the day and year last€xave written.
<br />LQIt~111 ~*~ .
<br />~~:~~~~ ~` E r t ~l ,'`iCt°Sxr!t i^!t?~lze.
<br />)4
<br />