tQ Th::! Ae :~U:ti:r a ill kctp the butidin~ upon sal prtmssts in gexad repair, :and ntietatr commit ttor permit wash
<br />temrf~,tSi¢I head, nor +cuS.r thtsatd pre^,iscs to he tutyi fanny unlawfulpurpast.
<br />s ~ - Tha: ;f the premixs, cr anypart titertaf, be t:ondeenrttd urxfu the power of eminent damaa, car acquired for a pttE+lit
<br />use, the ;ismages awarded. the prEx ltd. fore ties taking af, car the cansridtratian for such ac4uisitian, to tell txttn[ of she fttli
<br />a~-,unt of ire'!tbttdaes upon thiF. k and. the note which it is given to stctuc rtmaintn$ unpaid, art hereby assigtttd try the
<br />?4icstgagor u: the Mar!yatgee, andahall be paid forthwith to said Mortgagee ro be applied by the kilter an acraunt of the next
<br />trc.~inring instalirurnrs of such ittS46ttditess,
<br />12. 17te ibSnrtgagar further ak~rtes that should this. mortgage oral Chc Hate secured hereby not tae tligib6e for in-
<br />stuancc under the t. atianat Fieausing Acrwitleiti: giy~yy ~yg From the date ftertaf lwrirttn statement of any officer
<br />of the Depatrtment of Ef~,using and Urtiaa i3tvelapmtnl or authorized agent of the. Sa.°retary of Etoustng and E.lrban
<br />pevelapmtr,t dated sahsrquent to the SF.att}i` days time from the date. of this mortgatgt, declining ita insure said
<br />.sort and this atartgagc, being deemed concitisive proof of such ineligibilityl, the Mortgagee nr hoidte of the rtatt
<br />mays at its aatian, dettart all sums stcurred fttreby immadi_~ttly due and payable
<br />i?. i'taat if tilt lforigasK~r faits to make any }+ayments of money when tht same txcome due, ar fails to conform to and
<br />axnpip with any of the+x+nditians os agmemtntc: contained in this mortgage, or the Holt which it s~ures, then the entire princi-
<br />pal sum and accrued imeresrshall ar once taecamedne and payable. at the efectian of the Mortgagee: amf this mortgage may
<br />thereupon ht inreclostd immediately far the whale of said motteg, interest, monthly payments, casts, ground: rents, taxes and
<br />L`le:COSt of txttrtdng[he abstract of bile foam. the. dsre of this lean to. the timeaf commencing such#forcclosure suit,.ared:a: rca-
<br />stanatde attorx;•'s 3:te, all of which shall tat included in tits decree of acreclosure: and the contract em4xwiitd itt this morigaRe
<br />ate tFv. rtac ssa~tred hereby, shall an alt respects tae gouerntd. construed and adjudged by the laws of Nebraska. where leis
<br />~,zte is madc-
<br />Tite ;:ovtnants herein contained shall bind, and the hcrtefits and advantages shalt insure ta, the. respective heirs, executors.,
<br />attmmiurators, sucxesson and assigns of the parties hereto. ~'itentvtr uxd, the singular number shall include the plural, the
<br />plural the singular, arcd the use of anygttttfer shall he appltcabk to alt genders.
<br />Ttsc for-gairtg conditiatts, all and singular, toeing perfarnred according to their natural and legal 6mport, this conveyance
<br />shalt be-void andsaid premises released at the expense of the Mortgagor; otherwise to be and. remain in full farce. and tfftet_
<br />tN VJiTNESS ~L'}iEREnF, the 1+Farfgagorlsi has hereunto set his hand4s}the day and year first
<br />abavt wtnen.
<br />laprtsenceof: _ r,~---_~
<br />KKR ~. ~z~c2~K •" (S>2AL;
<br />{ sEa~.1
<br />[SEAL)
<br />(SEALI
<br />(:P LI 9dt.i38
<br />STATE f3F'~tEf3RASfCA.
<br />ss:
<br />Cf)[;NTY t7E tiPaLI.
<br />t3it this.. 2~h ~y ~ De~Emtber , .#:D. 19 g1, tavfore rat,
<br />a p5tc',~, Public in-and for said Cattnty, personally carat
<br />Kevin ~. E3:at:zek a saragle g~erscsrt
<br />personally tarmt known
<br />+o be thesdcntic5i pcrsou whose n+tme #:s atf'txtd to the alaoveand#are-
<br />gtaing instrument as 1#artgagor. and tt~ 13as acknawftdged fhe said instntmtntand-:the
<br />excti ution theraxf tti bt, his. xofuntary actand'.deed. for the purposcsthereineYpressed.
<br />i n testimctesy aa~htreof; t bout>htr~untu set my hausd and affixed by ~t~isl seal at brand Island, NE
<br />as ittexta:y and dare }ast atsave writxeit
<br />f
<br />~~ -
<br />&'i'~,TFf7F'tu$k.ASiti~7 ss
<br />Fr]cd fc~r rc~cud t: i~ d~~ of
<br />at ,,'ckacit
<br />>rcardcd in Hoak
<br />i'nuc at
<br />A.D.i9
<br />M,. and estrtred in Nirmerieal [iidex, and
<br />of Mortgages, on
<br />Registtrof lyteds
<br />
<br />