<br />7~~ y~~'s~"'~ s~p"~'+~ tiara ;~,~iti, ?ru,rt¢L¢si:v'f9 ttL°.l~x'era
<br />' 1Ml~i\~E~k~LXI`s urri~f ttef cr/tP- u;~ ra r .7:
<br />pr6VtSitorsx A tt[o'_vaIIrlnau
<br />~f4t;YaLt415 "i• •.
<br />1
<br />T~I1S R3~3~"$Ci.AtiE, madC and ese:ntediltis 23s- da~of L~ ,.4.~L
<br />lv gl , Ay ar,d betucen xevi.n 13; FlBCZe&~ 8 -$a.txgle pessrul
<br />.?f tlx Ctni my cr{ Hall , xtod Skate o#-Nrtstas6ta; party of the first pan; hsreinaf ter called
<br />the~torrgigor,nnd ..Stipe:'a714Y IdOt'EgBgE,... InC.o ,...,
<br />s r~e,r~eraieoa cxga,eized atui exns~n{¢und4r ttablttuws of ~TebS8sk8 ~ ,
<br />{tatty ott#x snow+: pr;rt. her~inxr;"ter ca€I~slfYteful~artc;
<br />'~iTi~ESSEI`:{: "that ene zaid ~tc,rtga+:.zr<fox and icv conxideratit+noFtht strm at T~~£1'' <=•~9h~ ~hotxsaad 'and
<br />?+to/IOflths-------------~..-~:-_..•_ [iniiars{5 38AQ0.Q0' }. paidbrthe-~tott-
<br />f?$€~: thw= *rec[, t of uhicrr is i}ret?y acknawlcdged. has Grantea and Sotd and by these presents doea ~Lant. Sar-
<br />~zio, tied, ibo~'ey .rnti ('on¢ir:¢e untxx the Mortgagee. its sucx4ssors and axsigns,: forever; the fnliowtttg-desdtbed-
<br />rea} estate, iEti,aed in iht it aunty of Ha El ~ . andSfatr
<br />of tiehruKka, ti .a°ie- -
<br />Zrot Frnur f 4) , P.stash Subdivision: Hail CCrunty, Nebraska..
<br />tr#'tPtr':i'<t h Prictcipai lk€cridien. c,sttT.litnTg an a#! :reres according to Cii7vcrn-
<br />ratnr ~atvcr: -
<br />"CCl F! ft4•ii :vi`i[) .i"i) i-1laLf1 !~ prcmi3e8 ailpv~t deaeribrd..~it13 alt 1114 apPfl3ttexiatLCx'3 tlter4unLe1 b6tt9n~lnQ.and_:[ncluding
<br />~dl heating, plur.[hrnq aJa,,S Iig3[tterg f:xr~¢rtx xati ~guiprtt4nt trttw trr trrr4aficr .,i i,:4hed to nr usexf in urnn4tticsn w!xfisaid rea! estate
<br />r,ntc [hc htra-tg:terr. eaa t~, r :.uetrc.or< ailt`, as.isau" {of4veF: -1"i~c 41 ,~~f~aa:lsf4pr4settiXt0. and cnvenantswith, kh4`M'ortgii-
<br />~re, dt~32 rite :`.,l~rrt~.tKur hay gunvi tig~a a> .cl! and carcmay said pr4mi c -that they are #fce #rout 4r1t°umbrana4; and that. the
<br />~taetppter aril u-arr:uts and dekend tt±e ,ante z~gainet ¢tretaa°iut ettitns, ~,f sii ~zgsclnA nvhewtrstrever; axLd the s~aid:Mortgagor her4-
<br />hc ;o-tns}urshe. ail nghte a;4 hoP_~te,[ts=F .nd :,t; r,tarr.{, rii;ttt~,. ~rixh~' in Ir_;;• :,r ir, Cguityaxnd all othereondngent ittterestsaf~the
<br />~<tritZapur itr ::nu to ! he ~i+c,ve~ic,.rai~:d^,rcmar ~ . t' K-sttt~nLiotL ixc.+ng to e+:,r vEy it4rsby eta abstYlwiCe title.. a114e sittrtsle. inc3txd-
<br />ia~s`.Irisat~utlwme;tead.:,ndo[h~srzgh. z;td•rRtcfrst,.at:a#nfesald.
<br />PRf)'.'ll"tEII 99 ~i' ~ YA. end thee'pre,rnr- arc a <ecutad a>sddeliv4rad ttpoo Lire'€atlowAng cont4itionz; to+,wit:
<br />TTtc ~tart~cer sgrers +a p t:. the MtrLxce. cu nxd4r. the principal stun of3Ytirty eaght tYL~itasand :and..
<br />2~l1Q©t~s -----° Doilars(S 38yC10Q.Qf1 ),
<br />~.,rittt entcrt^~ ;n>m date ~t Lhc ; tie ~,i Fifteen and Q[te-Fsal£ p4r c4ntvLn 4 15.50 m) pertniLttrn on
<br />rbe utrgxid tzaiance until ~a;d_ #'tr said prrtcip:;t:rtv_i esttrrest cktil b~*-pavaLle at the offi+~o od Su~+aZ2AS, MEtatgage, ~TaC.
<br />:r, Grand Is3..anci, ~~ .aratw~:Isot~rptaccasthe•holdtr©#
<br />.ix roteniay designate in ari:int. in n+enthly irs¢al!mcnts ,:#Patir hrrrdted nneCy' five and 72f100tkt&^-_
<br />-----a-- Li:>l..arst~ 495.72 ).cotnnrencingoniheiirstdayaf
<br />FE~ua v 8? ~ nd on the Cc d ~ r,t c •ch mirntft tifer4itft4r until t.he-~ncipat andin-
<br />[erest ..re 14:ay fat cx°~et,~tr,:¢! the ~r,:.r p.r;me.r,, of ,iincaC.ds nd .r[tcre:~r. i€ aext srtaerer pied. shad taGdue and
<br />~auaietF cn ¢he first d~v ~,f January, 7 ~ l2 :all according Coxhe Terms tt~x eerL^tih piomis-
<br />se w ne.[e ct teen tia[c here~r~ i[h ere.urea tr3• ihz seid !a r,+rt~~gQ.r
<br />The ',t~:rirrvgor in udc, nitre #uliy u, gr.*tect rite security of LFfiS !rf¢.rtbuee, agrecse
<br />! prat he t'<itl tsr t'rte:ruitbrrdre~. ~s hereinhciore rrovidcd. i'ri,;ie~~ i•. rc,erved :o ~,ay the det>tin whole, rJri'n an
<br />::tr~tfslisi esLati¢-tit Witte UL mare moaalrty warr.[cnts nr, the f.s¢rci{rsl that rare .tax: drte un [h4 n,>¢e. on t11C ftrsl cfrly iY# any rxllptlr
<br />gxax ++~ atattutcy' t'k~~.ie.'exf, lwwr~ cr. ?ha¢ ,written ,wi~sc ,af an ir.¢en:i n ¢o ~,er" isc- cu,_:[ pria:k~x iq gi+'4o sri~as[ thirty k3f'~I
<br />Jays ; trnet to t: t c tsv=ner t.
<br />'_ i hat, knge2hef -n°et'r, z;x-t in ^ddiiian ¢2 [he :earthly ~aFrnant: o` ,nrcncipsl wind imere,t ~yahl4 undCr the tcrtu+ ~tht
<br />r¢tvfa s,-cniea E9rr~rlsy. tt!t oY?~ptor wsli paytr. [Re hiort~.u;cP_ ore ¢ir firRt oay r,( eecfi ,-[¢ontf4 un'tkl `iRai~ r.~te is €t;dty y,aid. the
<br />frilrarrttg' siL^Ctc.
<br />ta) ~~~,r~u~m. sat:Yiueac :i= ~+s,v~'e rho kxotct.~r h¢tresi svrth [u,r s !r ~.a~ ¢ac -xrxt :nvrtga{~e=inrafree.~rvrn,ns ,e LhiS
<br />~[raas'ltitet+x cats4 :1-.r r.~¢e ae-~nrts3 t:r*rt~ air 3rr".zererl. as s o .un¢istt~ asa±EC feat *f.+Cft[`~fu rns~'YC~creuusnix• rite=
<br />>r;tr~r~e; .l .Stet aaa i;e;~: he ar.r E'cc-cs~rs r.l ll-,:,~^~ sn:: "rt' r. !'ss,•i p:r•crat.::: fcitlet~ws:
<br />.`r> iF axed g<,.#c:r[2 xa xat:i nee :ri cvut ~as~r ;tn~ tt:rs :u.xttsrr~t3e^nt .ur :c::u.e.f..cW aft rCit~sie~i i ~;r: '!n' ue'Cr~
<br />~.s-~,¢~ YafiSC~rat #f*ra~ara~ ~c t, ;~U ~s;~jtanr ;,.d';t"Lsex He~.xzvxdat~~iat i=x~^ ~r,ttaiE ,,; t P;: K,~cr <~nr
<br />1~~-~~.. ~a.~«:+!a~+~~.=+4a;•,s:, ...u++u.trxtn3rm¢'?^~~.,,f~+t,wi. :~`'t:T~Fi'r"1::~it'L.1:i.E:1
<br />;.,tr.;.~,+Attt~ ~8
<br />