7'hr gxs.rctar % . C . Ixld.11S'tt"i~ 8 , Xr~c . ~.. (} (,.r ~ is i~ ~.`
<br />a ecerpnra.tinn oxganisad and existing aac3~r and by virtue a£ the lawn of the Btatt of Neb2'aB1C&
<br />in ransid~sratiou of fG'ortxy "1~eYtT`£e tYaottsand F'lve hundred dollars ($~3,5~O.I~CY)
<br />reeetvwf front nt dose -gt'~t; bargain, sell eanvey and eanfum auto
<br />i4ev~n N, Plac~e3c, An unremarred person
<br />herein aauied the gtazttee whether one ar mare, the folTowiug deaeribed rea3 property is
<br />Hai l .... County, Nebra&ita:
<br />Lit i;'QUr (~?}, Potash 5uhd3.vision, Hall. Cour.*y, Nebraska
<br />c~roT.rA'4T`a`Y~ A~#C4.4Eta
<br />CTJ34,,~PAD Tn
<br />'~u have and tea hait3 the abati~e ,lesertbed 33retctisea together with ui1 tenemeutss hereditaments aad
<br />apgttxtensaca~ thcrato belongins onus the gx°antse auai to g~ntee's heirs mnd ssa€igna forever.
<br />.1,d ;3te grouter fox ia~a3f mad its sues dates hereby covenant with the grantee sad with-
<br />~,-. rtr.., neitfi sad asst~Cty :hat graatas is La+vfuEiv seised of s€xitt , remiaea~ ttsat they €sre free from etaeum-
<br />`~r.sne~ except easements ~:z^=d res4r?.ct:icsn~ of re~orc
<br />that Rrent~r ?tea food might and iawftsi astchoritg to csansey the same: and that gieantor warra.uts satd wi12
<br />defend the tiffs tv axi3 psemisee aKainst ` Iataful claims of ail persona;whoROever:
<br />£n witness whereof; grantor has henuata cavaec! its cariaorate seek to be affixed and. these-.
<br />presenfs si~ms'd by zts-; P2'k~?d'eut.
<br />`Jstc~l December 2~ fig, Vii.
<br />~'€ r#
<br />STATta t~}F` ?;Ek3RhSlLA, l'.atsittp of _...,. ~^`~ ±.1.».._..~ ................._.........:
<br />Burs me, a notary' , u-btir. gu€sftY'se-d in ~id~ cat~nty, pexaausliyesme~
<br />ii2y~le ~4t'~l^i~., '^es~de ,.` c G.~ Ir _tfies, inc. 7Preaiden[ of
<br />a, eorparstion,
<br />«wn to at=. #?r bn she F'rcaiclP-nt ar,~ ictenti:person wtta wed the" foreg6i3atg iaatrutnettit, seed aeknaw-
<br />,~fi;~,3 ¢~ rxsrectiazg thert~f to ',,e 1:ie vnfutcta;ty nr•i rs,u dvecE rsH s~.ieb of~ear and the ralttntarv act and"
<br />,Sr,,,3 ,s .said. c~,r~n,raifn~.:ircd t4xt if.s 1TATjraFa:tS 4e+~.i'n~re:; tberetn :cffixria3 by' t3s avtflar'ity.
<br />Z~ itnR~ ~3'l4 fTRtlf.~ AII€t ilat8l'waitl$Aj '{' ••
<br />] l
<br />~~1it ~ ~ritas+rrart {,/:... '~-,`..~' -^~` ..iu+f#t'' ~'^ut'~r=~~R~_ itiEY$~l'~c' I'nbLtE.
<br />,.,_~... .....,.M..' .M .„,. ,...
<br />~~I~-~ 1Yelb Vii. ~ t connmisott etsires ~8. ..,... .
<br />