<br />~~--~~kfka~~
<br />a~+ss~ ~~, ., ESTATE r~aR~caG~
<br />KNEA~t A,LT. i~£Ir' ,BT TFFESE PRESENTS, that we, Son ~. Luebs end
<br />B:srt~ury tC. Luebs, husband :-nd wife, of Grand Island; County of Hall,. SCate
<br />of ~iehraskn, as the HatzKageses in the certain AYortgage Deed, hereinafter.
<br />described, d,~ hereby oexti'fq that the said. Mortgage Deed which is dsted
<br />the 29ta dr.y of DecE:mtier, 1976, made and executed by ;~fid-America Co.,
<br />:~ '~xbrmsk~ carparation, as srtg:agas, to don. 1?. Luebs and $arbara K. Luebe,
<br />huab4gd .end wife,.and rE:corded in the office of the: Register a# Deeds of
<br />Kai.i County, i+tiebraslce:, as Docs~ent No. 7fr00754Q'-of the. records of said:
<br />office, is, as the praperty herein described, to wit;
<br />The Northerly Three Hundred Ninety
<br />Two and Five Teethe (392.5) feet
<br />of the real property descru::d in
<br />the f~aresr~d mortgage, which pro-
<br />perty has now. been platted and
<br />recorded and is legally described.
<br />as fellows;
<br />€>ats One (1) through Fifteen C25),
<br />hos}z inclusive, in Biac3c One. C2)
<br />Lots One (1} through Thirteen C13'}
<br />'troth Liic,lusl;rc, ir. °uivLm :'~~~` (2;,
<br />al:l iu 02de MiIF Subdivision, an
<br />addition zo the Gity of Grand
<br />Yeland, E4alI Gonnty, Nebraska,
<br />fully rsaiG;, sazisfixtl, released and discharged. This Release is give^ on
<br />the express terana3 and coatdC,dan that foil consideration of the payment
<br />of Circe debt r,~x3 .herein ksas been satisfied.
<br />1~2T:1E~S our hands- at Grand Island, bFebraskis, this ,; day of
<br />Iiece~ber. 198?.
<br />oa F. I.ueb
<br />,~
<br />~~
<br />',.__
<br />8s~rb$ra IY... 2+1tEb9
<br />S;~ATE dJF IiEB~1SK.~1 i
<br />} as-
<br />CW?ITY U~' ~LSLL }
<br />Qn th;s dap of becaacber, 1181, before. tae, a ?dotary Publ,i.c,
<br />du3v enm~issfoned aad qu:~li£ied for sold count}>, persoeally came don ~P.
<br />tal~rha cix: t#arbar;~ iC. L.uebs, :aasbanci ~r,d wife,. tc we personal7:y -known to
<br />fit th+e identi~ai parsons who executed !.ne ebovr.?iclesse and acknowledged
<br />the solid irrazrument zo be t.is, :tcr anti.. their :~olur,t~z}~ aCt and deed.
<br />lwizn~ss ~y hand :~rd seal at Grzcczct island irk said county the. duy
<br />a.~'td yeoe Iusr. ~+hear ~:ritten.
<br />f,~~ y
<br />-F -•t-.- : " `a.~ ~ of ~.L1"'>y
<br />' ~ZC# r~ i~~ afY.C
<br />i°~i' ~G~'dt2 ~,.Y Yi7$M1 .mFtX Ct!lY :. _ _
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