<br />ESEMF'~'T
<br />
<br />t+tHE;ZE~S, HEhI%:'fA~3 ;'N~INEhRiNG, T'1VC', r a;~d FIEI;`I~P'tE1T4 EATC=TN-
<br />EER1:iC, INC. ,, 'Debtor, is the aefner' of a' certain freer of Viand
<br />cazaprisin; a part of the Snuth Half of thee:SoutheLLst C~uarter
<br />(S:~S%~) os Secticsn Twent.) Seven (27), Township Eleven (lI),
<br />North. iange Tern (lG) , tdest of the 6th P.S. , in Hall County,
<br />Nebraska,.. mare particularly described as follows
<br />t3eginnirg at a point on the Ldorth line of Husker Highway,
<br />said ooint i~eang Five Hundred Seventy Nine (579.0). Feet
<br />i~'est and ritty Five (55.Q) Feet North of the Southeast
<br />~orntr ~~~= said Section Twenty Seven (27); taaence Wester.Iv
<br />parallel to the South Iine of said Section 'l~aenty Seven
<br />{27), anc aiorRg the North line of said Husker Highway,
<br />a distance of One Thousand Four Hundred Five and. nifty
<br />Six iiundred_hs (I,G05.56) Feet; thence deflecting right
<br />tl8°2F'3G" and running. 2lorthwesterly a distance of Three'..
<br />Hundred'3inety One and Eighty Seven Hundredths (391.87?
<br />Feet to the SoutIseasterly line of the Union Pacific
<br />?.ailroad, thence x~s~rtheasterly along sand Southeasterly
<br />lane of the Union Pacific Railroad a distance of One
<br />;oua --d Four unused F sty and Twenty :o•.:r W .dredt:^s
<br />(1,4d+G~~241 Feet.; thence Easterly parallel to the South
<br />Iiae of said Seeticxn ent•;r Seven (27) > a distance of
<br />.Five hundred Sixty Three, a:zd Eighty Five Hundredths
<br />(5fi3.-~5) Feet; thence Sotxtl~erly parallel to the East
<br />Iine oz said Section Twenty Seven {27), a distance of
<br />Eight Hundred. (80~.~) Feet to the place. of beginning, and
<br />WfiEi2EA8, CARf~II.L, T?~CORAORATE~, is the owner of a tract
<br />of Iand directly to the east thereof.
<br />?'~QW, ThEREFORE, in consideration cxz One 'L3ollar ($l. Gt3) ,
<br />re<ceig~t of whic2~ is Frereby acknoytledged, and the benefits they
<br />tusy derave therhfrom~, and ether good and vsluatle consideration,
<br />said ~fein~man Ersgineering;, Inc. and. Henxrnar. .;r,ineering, Inc. ,
<br />Debtor, have. agreed as fellows:
<br />That Cargill> Incorporated, its successors and assigns
<br />forever, rz~ay coYastruct, maintain, deepen, 'keep, and. repair
<br />any open ditch upon: property descrit~ed-as follows:
<br />A tract of lazxd comprising: t~xe ~lortherly Sixteen (I~a.O)
<br />Feet of the Southerly El,;ht H}.~dred Fifty.. Eive (855-. Q)
<br />Feet or the tJesteriy ~r ive E?+.indred sixty Three. and: EighrY
<br />Five Hua4redChs (563.85) Feet of the Easterly G7ne Thousand
<br />one Iuncred "Forty Tao and Eighty Five Hundredths (1, 142.8'5)
<br />eet cf the Southeast. {juarter of the Southeast (?carter
<br />z Sz ;S%-':} of Section 'Tcaenty Seven (27) , Tovmshp Eleven (ll) ,
<br />:~tc~rth, ian~,e Ten (lt7), 4Jest of the 6th P.i~, , in Hall County,
<br />1VebrasF:a,
<br />so as CO sufficiently drain the. tract of Cargill, I~seorlrorated,
<br />;n such naaaxnr~r as Car~J~i1l, Lncc~rpr~ra.ted. deems a~3~.=isai~le. It
<br />is `urtber ~grEed ti~at 4's;"+~ntGL' shall have equal u*tlimited access
<br />to sand Cract or drainage purpc~~es and that in the event that
<br />Grantor, i?- succQs~crs ax 8ssi.gns develop the. tract so as tC)
<br />z+~quire aba;~darx:aerit o the. easement, that i~rantee will grant
<br />an.,:i coxrre~ s~aciy rab:szadaztment nrov;.deci that Crarte,e xs ~;ran,te¢i
<br />an e:sel~:nL fir ~fr:zinafie pesaoscs prc~v:dirzg equal draa.z;<~ge as
<br />the o ~=n.~i eas~.T.e> ~, wth~sxst cost to Grantee..
<br />