<br />'L'I'i~S'.i$EsS DEED t.~~` T88CtJNVEYd~kN~.1t'
<br />UPICAGC Tz'rt.E i2?SLT:ie'1i!~C~ C~iMP~$Y`i, Txz~st~ and Grantor, in
<br />performa:TCe of said trust and by virtuae of t:te pow~:r and authority
<br />gic°en in ann by such instrutne~sts, aAd in consideration of Une
<br />Ual.lar (~I.44} and ether good': and valuable consideratian, r_sceipt
<br />of which is hereby acknowledgedr gutclaims and reconv~eyG to
<br />EiEIN~l+IAN ENGZI+IEEAItdGr INC., Grantee, the following described real
<br />estate z.n Hal'1 County, Nebraska.
<br />A part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Qu~rtsr
<br />(NW~Sw~) of Section Twenty-seven (27}, Town&hip Eleven
<br />{11.}, North, Range Nine (9), west Of the 6th P,M., in Hail
<br />s^,.t,.e>unty, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point on the west Line of said Section 27,
<br />Township 11, North, Range: 9, west, said point being located
<br />324.0 €eet North of the Northwest corner of the Southwest '
<br />Quarter of the Southwest: Quarter (SW~tSW~) a£ said Secta.on
<br />2"7`r running: thence East parallel with the South line of
<br />said southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SWT~tSW~)
<br />a distance of 660.4 feetr running thence North parallel with
<br />the: West line of said Section 27, a distance of 336;.4 feet`,
<br />running. thence west parallel with the South line of said
<br />Southwest Quartet of the Southwest Quarter (Sw~SW~C) a
<br />distance of 6fi4.4 feet, to a point on the west line of said
<br />Sedan 27r running thence South along .and upon the West
<br />l:ne Cif said Section i. i a di3tancc of 330'.4 ~L?Ct to u`le.
<br />poa.nt of beginning, containing 5.494 acres, more or less,
<br />subject to County Raad.
<br />Itll that part of the Southeast Quarter (SEA} of Section
<br />'T'wenty-seven.(27), Township Eleven {ll}, North, Range Ten
<br />{14), West 4f the bth.P.M., in Aal1 County, Nebraska, lying
<br />South of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, as shaven on
<br />the Government Survey thereof.
<br />Th:as conveyance is made in satisfaction of the obligation
<br />secured: by the firust peed recorded as pacument ~7?-446338 an
<br />tlx:: 1st day of November, 2977, in the Office of the Hal]. County
<br />Fiegistex of Deeds.., pursuant to Nebraska Revised Statutes,
<br />Sect o~^ fi5-1.:414.
<br />47tEO(7TEp t t~''t ~ ~" , 198 i .
<br />. Titles ~f~ ~,
<br />}ss.
<br />. •~ On the 9.R day of ~=~~s+a.~~ , 1981, before me the undersigned,
<br />a Notary Fubi~cr in and far said county and state, pe sonally known,
<br />who bear_g by ~e cult' swrsrn, did say that he is the .G'/- President
<br />of the car~scratknn named. in the forsgong peed of Reconveyance, and
<br />that t?ze seal affixed thereto is the cor~scarate seal of said.
<br />eorparat.an, and that said peed of Reconveyan~e was sa.gned and
<br />sealed an behwlr of said carparatian as ^€rustee by authority of
<br />is aoarrl of 3irectors and the. said:-~ ~'. •-~„~•.~.r~~»•~,,~-T.~'
<br />a~-ienawledged r~~~t. inetrc:ment to Sae the free act and dead of said
<br />coxporation.
<br />