A~RZ'GA.~F. r-, •{ ., ~ , ~
<br />t/r ~. ~- 4 i ~~ ~'i t~ ~
<br />'tills Mortgage is ea0ered intiu between __ Rr>bert Green and 't'itle .~. c:.ree::, Husband
<br />_ ~, _ _..~(hererc .N ~S1rt
<br />-------~--83rz idt T2 r~sgar'a) atatd
<br />_-•~I-Y7L F?f]I~'L: 1A31S:.~. ^^ ~,~,._> >_ tl~ercm•:Mluti~ypeen).
<br />~tgaQor is intieEred to :Uivrtgage±• in LY!e principae sum of S ~ ~G00.00 __ , evide¢c•ed by Morigaytnr's sole
<br />dHed__1?!~2/Sl {heron "'dote").providing for'pa5v~ent_; of pr5nc#pai and interest, with the batanoe of the
<br />i¢dabtetlaeu, if not sot>rter paid, dtte asd payable on 1 ~ 23 $ 3 .
<br />Tloartsurr the payment of the Sdote, with ;merest xs provided therein, the paymaat o[ all other suers, wilt, Interest,
<br />adraner~9~hy ~totfgtsgcr In prolareE tier secatrfty of this Mortgage, and ltte performance at the covenants and agreements ot.
<br />the Mwt~aQaar coutairxd herein, Mortgagor dons hereby mertgage and convey to Mortgagee the following deacrihaxt
<br />propertg° tardted in I?aIl --_ Jaunty, Nebraaka:•.
<br />Lot Tr?n {.10), in Block "E", in Farkview Stxbcait-~siQrt o£ 'Y:Ys$ northeast
<br />Quar;ier (*.iF.~} oz. Section TWe?ttV-nice (_'yi, and tha karthtzest quarter (":W`--;;)
<br />az Section ~enty-eight (28) , Tbwnehip Eleven (ll; , ?<rartBi, Itaskge. Nine (S~ ,
<br />k:est of ttte 6th :'.~ . , Part of Parkview, ?laJ1 County, ?~lehraska
<br />
<br />'fegettaer +aitla sfi btrildirpi, impm+xemeats, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rights,, privileges and
<br />apputtenaners looted thereon +tr is any.+sar-prrtarning thereto, and the reins isstt~ and pro~tes, reversirins sad ~retaainaiaua
<br />thereof: itsciudmg, but not litteited '-o, Mating and cooling equipment and such persottr? Pmp4rty that is attsched to the
<br />irnptrreterrats su as to constitnu a fi><lum; alt of ><biet,, inrludirrg replacements wind addition=.. therela, is ?s4teby declared
<br />to he a part at lhr nai etcute securer! brv the ,ten of the 31artgagc and all ot'the fal;teg6inQ being tteterred° to herein as tan
<br />Mn'tpRor tlarttter con~Rrr8n4 leaf a~i+es, with Mortgagoc, ab fWiows;
<br />I. Ttyatmt Ta pay tha en am! ttre Interest thereon as provided in ttlis Mortgage and the lsfate:
<br />Y. Ttlke. Mwrt~or is the owrarr of the Pnap~erty, hxa lave ra~ttaterk autho€ity: i~> martpxgr the f"tdpetty, sad-
<br />s^axarats that the {ten created iaereby is x fast and prior-lien rm ttse Property; exeept as may o2h_erwis.t: th' :.el forth herein.
<br />or7s 'IAe P¢opeKy is subject ass a '~`a~~'~i~ ,_ .._ ~'j5?$_ ntyTri2't"S- Ra7eti~ _,_~
<br />is the fiinrtptgee, recorded at alrasNrr~~t^ ',__ ;•„~_., _,_.._. of the 9int3.gage fl+rttords. of 3;~7..'t:. ._,..._,_ founty,
<br />Nehrasau, rhia'h llrartga~ is a lien prior ac :tar dirarr~sttd lserrpry,
<br />:~ C?thrr pROt tiers ax cectur,+~ranehs: _ ~ _~___y,~_~.w:_.e_ __~__.
<br />3. '11-rat, rlsaatmeaa~ Ta pay tchen due alt txxe~, ,pre#yl assessments arfrl alt other ~tha[ges aRairrst ihk ProgertY
<br />nerd; upon written demand isy Morttaltre, to add to the pavrnrnta required rrn+der for t~ utry.+cured hereby, snot xr¢ou¢t
<br />may. tw suCIIe}e,~t to erta6k the ~ Ln pay such taxes, asnrsstmenu or other cfixrgrs as they Hecorte due.
<br />d. laask'aexce: Ta keep. the impresse>eents sow ac isertaCtes located nn the real estate descriitt~3 herein insalsrd
<br />apldlit by-Gee and sneys other 4taiards s Mortgage rtny inquire, in anmunis and with cvmparizy acceptable to ~i~e-
<br />R aed wdSA lost p>tyabte%o the !4foxt~ee. Fn cave of !us*a ur_der such poficWS Wa Afoagagee is authorised to
<br />^ijlte€,:caaNeei sad ~, in iks d;zexreion.ai claims-ihereuader at its sole option, a~ut.honzedi~~eitherappiykhe
<br />paoiordr is ttte reatocation of the Pt•oyert:y ar apoa the indebtedness soured irereuy, but payment 9:arennder shall ea¢•
<br />tta~a rustil true-s~ws,faavra!d herby are pasd in tuH.
<br />5, u F~cox For Trntes aa+,d luwcatrsr. Nrdt+~nthsGandin{l anything ron:ained in preragraptts ~ artd ~~ hereof to t8e
<br />cobitOty,.~3Aa{i par t,r the SE(ors;agre at Lire time of paving the mrmth:,: SnsEr,limruLs of pn_cecipat and interest,
<br />srasad+~ltth of Eam yeatip =sta. asar>~usrm!s_ haaatd it,suraacx pat`mitunc, and gre.und rnnts tit` any) whirl::nay attain a
<br />pvtaprt4~ seer t6Er D#at4~e: ati as taratkanahlt; a atinsated fmm tune to tune Ly the ~fortgaga•e. TYe arnounis sn paid shall he
<br />held Tag the hkef~ s~haat ln6era~ earl ap}aliaed W the payment of the i,tms in rc~sprct to wh3~Sa such azrauats ware
<br />'$Ryad, "4TSr cw~tr paled ter t$attypdetr hereunder are pledged as rdditxonai Fvrinty far the iredebtrdness sert:rmd by tltg
<br />. Ant ism Pa'y to ~r tPle astoaitt.aaf any da=ifeivnn• between tote a~raual itt~x9s, ass~smetats, .rsptaay~e
<br />eaa aa$ d rtmLS and the de>,~usits lietertrxsler vrttlx"ta ;f3 days after Aecnand u nod, upon ?dort~.rgor mgtiea~tiajt..
<br />par_aranrrnt 1.
<br />$- #bnglsiR..'klaiat+.6>~etr-aed..l.~.. Tiz t»vmtatii;~ rryract. rr..etssrv or e~Fivild any F.ye}din~.e ar irnprnwtr¢ttdtanavrtrot:
<br />ABeeeatttar sstr tike ltsogfrtY;r: ku keep the ?'rrwrrep tin most eandd~lan road r~xsr, aritive>a:.t waste, ~tnd fraa« l~etrrr one~ccttanae'a~or
<br />ax~[r f4rm1 ~ ts~atraatx x~u~nrr?srat~ W t4r l kr_n >fitreof: u=ss In nuke. nut€~ ca iwrmar tag nuirtaoer ,t, e1t6t, atwr rho dixnte:
<br />eh +krir»tigsir thrt vafrrc tad tSse ~r+a~sl~r ttg vrt'r ec! r;r raz±erartem .t asrt: a:atd ice !-ca~~?c 7s~tt, t,l: ra~rutav^tru~n>t „i Farr wc°itSz
<br />stspra[t t t 6'fs+P ~'tvpraiy
<br />
<br />