"i1£tsMsctgageiseat~ered~tobeiwarn .~`-~'Iiiiaxd D, u^'arrin~er _ani}_G~saadalya it. Gaxr_in~+r„
<br />Flusband and k*iSe, :ss point tenants WRrJS and not as tin;;at>t.s In (herrl~°`fi4ort~a~er"3ss7.#
<br />______.. •- ._-- _~ Qt11S~s ~--_.___
<br />~~ Fire pOIBLS` Rank ---~ (btereirt"Mortgsxpe").
<br />r.-ai is, dAdebttcf to Mortgaigae fn t!te paic+cipst seam oP ~ 20 , 0.)0 . ~J ~ eaidauced by ~tortyrgor'3 rtott
<br />dread _ Y2-r22i~&1 .(herein "^~ote"} Esmriding for ¢ryments. oL principal and interest, wit}y the halrttce Af t3c2
<br />iud~ebirlifnv~tsci'onerpaid,dueandPRyabtea¢. l~-ry`7-d5 -~.
<br />T1a~-rtxcaheppytaeet ni the i`+ote, wvith iuttrest n pmvded ttrervin, the frayment oC a4 r4her turns, with interest,
<br />adiru;ttd by Mart~zr to protect the security of the Mortgage, and the perforireanec of the cavenanLS and agreetneettts oL
<br />tltt A[/rrtgt~ur cautained htrev3, lfcrtgigor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee pie fallowing described
<br />P-Yiocated In-- ft@11 -L`ounsy, ~lebraska:
<br />rat Sixteen ~?63, P_.lock °'hre~ r3?, p_il artd Husrdri's; Addition t~ the Gitc oc
<br />Gr3ad ~=lane:, hall wt;ar,. ~;e;brask'8.
<br />'Ftr~etAtr wittr aSl buildings, impmFYmtnts, ~xttires, stt+et#s. slieys, Passageways, easnrrprats, :-igi7Ls, privileges and
<br />apfrarttteieees lo¢attd t.he:eon or in anywise pertaining the=etu; aiad the rents i4,ues and prof ts, n.versions and remai¢ders
<br />thereof; incirtd~, tint nol titnited to, hratiagt and txtodinlt .equipment and such perso:tal property that is attached to the
<br />imyro+emen~ sacs to cumtittttt a fixture: all of which, Inrtuding rcpt cements and ad~tions thereto, is hereby deetared
<br />tm bt apart or the rtai watate serured by the lien of the Mortgage and all of the f~wregoeng bei~xg referred to herein as 'the
<br />• ,.y,.
<br />IND[t~t+r Luttltrr tonseat.a-s and agrees, wish Mon>(agee•, as fcel,ows-
<br />t. Pagttrerot. To pay the irde'btxdrness and the interest thereon as pre.vidtd it°.:his Mrxrigage ;.nd the Nute..
<br />2 Title. !~xt~cw Es rite owner of the 1'rrrprriy, has tberrigttt u:ed auibaritg ttfrnostgage the Property, and
<br />wtRi-?Yi ttrat thsditra created hereby rs a tir5l and prior lien on tht• frnperlp. r~~c+'pt s5 may othenviie tie aet forth herein.
<br />~ '[fiePmprrty is suh~rt Eos hlurf~e wneraen s;qua ai ~ `_ 3 ~.__~r~< .U3;e 155t
<br />}5ocu:eert ~, ~~ .wr }4a31
<br />is dte lloryi~er, ret~xded art ~_ _ . Page _ _ "tit,. 1..<ertgege ftsrosds+ i f , >::OUnt9'.
<br />Nebraska, ~rrh Aia~tg~e iS a lien pairrr to the lien ti°r+_~awd hereYrT; .
<br />~ t3tiler ptiex firm oc tncumbranars __..._ _.__ ____ ._ _.___.. _.. _. ~_.,.:.,_.._w_~..._..•.._.,::.,_
<br />7L'1'~raRAf~t~tr. 'Fn pay when due ai3 taxes, sl:aeiaf asw.^,srnenL and alt other charges against the Pvoperty
<br />md, upaa written defr~d by Miart~tr, to add to the payments rrsauired under the ivote :xrured hereby, such arnaunt as,
<br />rotry bt au[l4eierat.tn t9abk the 4bortgyet to txy such !area, asac,sarmencn or other charges as they became Sue.
<br />irsrsrieex: Ts keep the impmvrtacr+ts iearr or hetrefter locaexd ar. the real estzte described herein insured
<br />bT 6K a~ stieh other i,arareis ss Mortgagee ma}• require, In amcwnC:'. sod with eomganie4 accepiabh to the
<br />liattgis~ss+ lad xitth tam pa~ab# to tree alortgagee, its czse of lase-under such po:iciea the ilortgagee s authoriaed to
<br />- aitjest,tobeet~- a~i-cae~to®i•r, is iti disneiinn, all ctai~tt+trrunder st its..soie option, authorirr~t toeitherapply the
<br />ytoseair to the restorHion of tAr Property or upon the iadrbtednwss securvrd hereby, but partrrents irnturrder droll ro¢-
<br />t~YI - Uir~S i<bl./nOF~ 3r'rYled bEleb} aR piled Fn Luti.
<br />5.: s'~ ,tc,>eto,.' Foe.Tsxea red lrmrrrtiee, %otwithstaading anythltrtt conWried. in paragraphs 3 and ,; hereof to the
<br />ewt[rr~; 51arEp>~irrhailpsy to-thtkl+oetayee at t¢e time u[ paying the mocahly irstall:¢anYR of prini~ipai and intert^si,
<br />nirrRFfef[tb pf the: YeidY taster, its, lsia~.'d inrutance prrraiuats, and gm'u¢d acn,ts i?t' anyJ Wiractt may attain a
<br />pcidekg o~srt tha ~otipae. all as eeasourbiy estimrked trezm time to time by tPs< .`.inrt$sgre~. I'he amounu, e~ paid ai!a:l t:e
<br />Ifeid tl~t ~ - wit6rwt intettat end applied So ttrt moment of the tterffi in reaper t to whiter such amounts were
<br />eScysps/tbW:: "I't7e tutmr paid +n ~+tt{~Itgee heeeun®er ere pted~snd aq addltienad seavrizy Poor the Indcht~dness secured by tuts
<br />,rr4gRy ~ ~ tho' ars+urtel of any de5etvrtcy betwvaxre tree actual ixurs, assessarcenrs, insurar~r
<br />ptwssdsttsrr:9'nddrenKattd.ttrrdtpasstE taerratsdee wiattYn iCl di}s efrxr drnrr>rd is mrsri~ ufranhlartga~r rf'kuesttnj
<br />prvFrena+a'Lisea~.
<br />d. -i~t~tlc,.. aria. Use. To promptty xrperr. rrttox o^ retus3d any rr<tudings or =mprovene:er~ now or
<br />tatseaC,nsraa>:htY!t¢spsrat~; ter ?<eF'f~-3hrF YCe~ty ix~t{otri ~a.'t~ti~ ~8 r~sx, er4itrswt sesst:r•. artd fire frnat me~cherirc'u or
<br />a(tMk'fi~a ura! evarpt~3 rutaxted t4 tFae Ciea hexenf; aaa tv nsrke, xulL.r w piern:H any ~auraani~ to vatat, nor ro c:ernan-
<br />iaE, +~r ioz~ir• i~~ salve ~ t3sz~ rty bq any set ar wr> to set: a:.e1 ro ^orrfaity .vyr.r aB! re~atSre~remnts of tan str2t
<br />rssitsz^t taF±.€w Pzcpatrty:
<br />