~l.p t}UEi28~
<br />xBAr ~s•rnrH::~tox~rc.:~~;w: rat, r~a~:t>h,st::~
<br />I ~ca~ Arta, i sir ~~~sE PRi;~~rrs
<br />i-FI.-,aebr. Fazed
<br />(Rev. 7-2-7g}
<br />°'T, W1iERFpAS, the eu~deraigaed tksuble Eagle, Tac_ by tames Legi~„a~res and
<br />_ of the Gasnty of ?3x11
<br />State of Nebraska, hereinafter eallPd "Mortg,cgor", has {have) executed and
<br />delivered to Gamaeodity Credit forporation, et corporate agency of the United
<br />Staten of America, hezeinafter :.ailed "Mortgaagee'" a promi,sary note evidenc-
<br />ing a lean to Ise :Wade by Mortgagee pursyaian: to the t;~s~rauodity (:relit Corpara-
<br />tiosc Charter Aet, as amended, far Che purpose "zf enabling 3lcnrtgagar Lo con-
<br />atzuct farm atazage €acilitiea ar purchase grain drying equipmenC., ar both,
<br />said promissory note being payable in four equal, annual installmerta of
<br />gzincipal and interest and being further descrihc:d as fallow
<br />Data of griaeipal Interest FSnaI Maturity
<br />Ptote Ansou¢t , Efate Date
<br />12-28-81 $44995 lO.SX 12-~2s..gg
<br />I~tOW, 'r3iER8FORE, in order to secure the payment of said note :and the several.
<br />ingC~iinpunta of nrincinal and interest, as~d arty indebtedness on aaccaunt of
<br />aAy expenditures made. as hereinafter provided, and to secure: the perr'oruusncb
<br />C€ the covananta end agYeemenes he.ein contained., Mortgagor flora kereby Araat
<br />bargain, ael1, transfer, convey, sad forever c:arrant unto A#ortgagea the
<br />follaving described real estate situated iai the. County of ~a31
<br />State of Nabra~ka, hereby releasing and waiving, all rights under and by
<br />:.virtue of the homestead exemption laws of said Statep,to-wit;,.
<br />.. _. _a ,.._.__., .
<br />A tract of lsad.comprising apart of the Northwest Quarter (hz~y} of Section
<br />'peaty-Four (24}, Toanshig Nine. (9) North, Range Ten {1D), Weat off the 5th
<br />P.tl..,Hall County, Nebraska and more-particularly described as follows:
<br />
<br />Beginning at a pxrint on the North Line of said Northwest Quarter (NSaBg}, said
<br />ptrint being 580' west of the Northeast corner o€ said :3orthweat Quarter:{NiJ~?;
<br />thence running southerly, parallel to flee east line of .said Northwest Quarter
<br />(N1f4c? a d#ataace of 3'T9'; thence zunniag easterly pazallel to the North line
<br />of said Narthvast Quarter {Nl~b) a distance of 2115'; thence rzrnning southerly
<br />parallel to the east line of said Nortlhweat Quarter {NiAt} a distance of
<br />188'; thence running klesterly parallel to tkae North line of said Northwest
<br />Quarter (in~+c3 a distance of 13£}f?'; thener running Northerly parallel to the
<br />east lia2 of said Northwest Quarter (Llfi'~) a distance of 33'; thence running
<br />wQaterly, but not parallel to the North line of said Northwest Quarter {NW'at),
<br />a distance of 9~Q`; ttaence running northerly slang the idest line of said
<br />Northwest Quarter (i~liAs) a distance of 528'; thence running. easterly along the
<br />North line of said Northwest Quarter {ham) a distance of 21550' to ehe paint of
<br />beginning, and containing 24.8 acres., more or leas.
<br />~,_ ~,
<br />
<br />
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