<br />M~R~AC~ IRAN Nom. Z__..Ar~}..
<br />Std L ISr2o7 FHA
<br />mfr Xtt. aY~Lit PR~~NI°s:'Tttxt E)aviei A. Ras~ssetz aFU;i Henbane A. ~sen, Yztasband
<br />and wife; and Chris H. i3asna~.ssen, a7r. , a single man;
<br />lt~txtgagar, witeTlter oat ax mares is maaideratiaA trf the seem of
<br />_'~rty-ts~ 'i~i~sanc~ az~3 iyo^,/loU .~~_A___~_~.~.`.._~~"'._` ~°°-""~°""DULLARs
<br />Seamed to stud mctgar by "i'3x F~gatshle 8nik4ing atxt Lena AsxxXatiwt of Gntad Island, Nebraska, Mtnt, upaut 320 chance of ator]t of
<br />aid_ ASSt]filA'iI~C~S, t.utifscate S+la. L 24,017 , da }rreby grant, txmvty and atortt~e unto the sad ASSOCIATION the folbsrStt~
<br />afeara~ed ttai r.~ute, siteuted is hail Cc+tusty, PSebraslta:
<br />Part of Lets Five j~3 and Six (S) ire clock Ninety-three (43} in the Original `Fain, now
<br />City, of G'~rand Island., ~hraska, trore particularly described as follows, to-wit:
<br />Ccmt>encirtq at a point in the Westerly boundary line of Hlock ttit~ty-three (93) , said
<br />point be9rlg Forty-four d44) Feet distant t~lortherly frail the Southwesterly corner of
<br />Lai Five (5) in said T31oi:ic, tY;ante tuzsli~ a right arty le: wit2a said Westerly houzic3ary
<br />line of sand 131ock in an Easterly direction rtiruring One Hundred and Twenty (12~J) Feet,
<br />thezice twining a right angle irr a Southerly direction for ~. distance of Forty°four (44)
<br />Feet, tYs2noe tta~titg a right angle iin an Easterly directic~ Taeive (12) Feet, thence
<br />tz:rnizig a right alx~:le a3otag tine dividing line between Lots Six (b) and Seven (?) its
<br />said Hltack, in a 2JOrt1'terly dirt~.tian ?ighty-eight (88) Feet, thence turning a right
<br />angle in a, tdestt:rly ds.reetion for a distance of One Hundred Thirty-two (132) Feet,
<br />thezx.e turning a right angle along the ti7esterly boundary lime of said Lot Five {5),
<br />in a Soutiuexly direction :'Oi-ty~-four (4~} seat to tip place. of begaauaing
<br />ta`ettsra~ switir ad tlx itMmeratY, hcccdttamrnts seep ags}na~tea®acee tkcrcrsato t~cWngdng. eaci+adaztg sttaLitatl l~iaor coveriA~x, ati wiatlow s~xres,
<br />wish studta, telisalx, eraser wtndrrrt7. awseirrtta, Sttatusg„ asr csrndititxaiaa~g,aad plarahurg aml svatrr cytrilrattnt aad actxssories theYOta, pampa, stoves,
<br />refti{yeratas, aasiazalaer ftxtxats aad t~sa}ptrxnt ta[sar lxr ixerca3'trr attatlttti tea to aced in tk>nntetipn with calif real tstatt.
<br />1,rtd rixsrss the said mwigagpt tree sgrrnf aA«t dais htreisy agm that the rrr+srtesgtzr chaff sad wilt gray aft taxes aad asae~nis. levied err
<br />ssacsad upna uid primness and ttptsa this tYtartgaftt and tltc txxast secured ttttraby irt(etrt rho semi shaft hecatne ctetiaaSuettt; w fismiah approved
<br />smtrradoe xr{aan t~ Arsi{d era SaEartmex sittsarex# is the eras of S ~ 2 OOQ . 00 tny~alsfe tp saW Xti~,Sf]rLI ATf#SN aad. to tteSiwr to said
<br />,~ttS'~OL'fXT1O7al the parlit.°ies for nmS: istserradet: aad su:E to txxrtrntt tx ptraa~ any wash pn rtt aLmsu said praAtues;
<br />In .'snc trf defasslt at be perfaat arl'' stay <x!' tht tcrAn secs snaditioas at this ostsetg ar tSx boCeet stxra<si hereby, the nxxtg~rt xfsali,
<br />t>is Ladd,;. bt tdtitfed to ittaatedaatz pasae~sn at tht zntxtga5ed psr.,ttmts aot3 the ttxJSrt~tix lroereby assigns, ttauaftrs attd sets over to the
<br />utortgttl§rt aSl tbe~ rents, nrtsrrarcs sad snarrur to 6t <ftravcd frurar t7u tswrt~ged prtmmcs dtutrag. stash reeve ax the tn+rrt~ge iadtlrttdasen sftall. remaiea
<br />tstsywidy add tht aaoragatprt shelf lase filar powtr to apspraidt aAy mat m agerrta it smv dense fat the ptvpr~a of reps acid prmdasas aad ttrttittg
<br />the semi acid t~lirzz~t~raaxa,:tevcdsses as~l irts~anr, and rt earY Sny,us ~~s >ai:f .n.,c alt eaptxasm of rtpaizittg pretnits nax~uy
<br />asst txpttancs €wcuirrtd is rt~ttitgt aad tht sasde end .,i .t»Cettt=~ rentals thttfCOat; tht lsalatstre remaittert6, if say, to be
<br />toarsrd ttac tfad,xrpe of said trxsripaq~ in.3ebactSrters; tfxx a~lats ul- tftt rtstsrt>e army hx tue~tised at say time durirsg iho existtda of arch
<br />rart~etem td. any reaspRrrary warnr a tfae saax.
<br />"l)rcae'e'te~soni~s....,M•: -~ xa'c np:rn :hr E'~ :ntasaua,'fftxt rf ikon rsrct: d ae~y aafd Caen on m' btfatz alit matu~ty of mid shares by
<br />ptiyrtmnt; S+ay ter ~.-., xe.•~ AS,'Sd,':!G`C i"t'lfl~ -,,l the seen spopiF'acd in tlsr Slaattl sertueti htYttry as intetext amf ~rac~ipal on said ttaur, oa or hefose
<br />sLr Twrnc rcth „3F t ~~ Y, am'i ~ eery rsscrath. a:t.tt seed tsar is diahk' 4aaid; pay ail ratans :area! axxmrt~Yrats Ssvisd a~gtirrst caul premises aad tra thee Moxsgage
<br />zm9 he 7icnd ,r u-c] l raFt~r•lsCasrtdefe'+aaCxrsnc~ 'nrzt~saygxrx~e9d~wrs€aesufix'nthcbeaittaerarmkaihes~mesfb32,©0(}.17(1 Pal`able
<br />ac v.i XSSEk~ cil(,4, ~..-txxy io xaxi .1tb4iX'l4~ ...'~ upon dettnatd elf rYaars by et paid fpr stax~a taxes..masexaatats asuf iasaraatx with iAttrest at
<br />ilea nuxs~mrs; ~:-r~i t,ete t;:r stm in:Ytn •;ate r.i c:~.Yrrx:,i aH pF w#tiers, kScretltrtcby a~tc cs tzsgsmp;lrertt»t tcu wash an saidp~tatmies.; keep audpatTtgtty
<br />~rxrh zd the agceracnr, ana'. ~rxxiua>sa ~f t3zc F3t.n r ~ ~ 32 UJfl. 63YL6 deli! gxreo by tine mid tdr to raid ASSt)CIA77Olx1, and cam6rC5'
<br />w+l'tt a~tbt:v~u,trraesiisat ztl<i;oaairatMm and 6s-tsx3~: xksul.ACIAYi't7l+t; tletrr Clime scats nhatt'hecomc a;u#l add vaidfotlteewisc ihey
<br />s&aA iea2aua :n irrii.;>sa Ord :nay lc icec-iesc~ ae rice +>}neon <sf t1K Bird A.SSt~C~IFi3'1fiN afGCt laditre Etta tttrrae raantlrs ttr awkt arty of Sad
<br />gsr~ta or tx zYare .nom the an antra+~ fir. ssrtirg axrf rrnentitiv gmymtata, ax to peep irrrd eatrtpiy aritit Chi ~eemeni'<..aad tweditioera of ~. Band;
<br />aMi AG:xSylaRtx 3II?~ t<< tour u r¢ccsac>_ xpn~ua:cal !--»ti:sx~iait :n st?a3t 'x+r+xitKWe ptocttda~a.
<br />if Cheer ,s arty cturytr m cnsracrsttip v-t tRte Teri ~~tat. ~rcxt~yaetS lvemies, by sale at tsthexss~, t~atd F!m radtire resaalaingiadebtedaexaa saeratsy
<br />astwoai shaft. ~t sdsr q~am ui i he f;yurairk dnitdiag, end i,.c~A A~a't%~tse ;~?ttiratxtS taifrtd.3~t~raalca.,ieesvtat5tardettiatetytita¢atldp~yabiavit0'fhstat
<br />fart.hu r~txcc, aad rite tansawrxt rcrt»axarq a3ue wrier sue txxttt_ aadatrp aria:rtwru3..f~adyadditfaeatadnatrs-raadeiheatyader,ahat~t„fnmttt~
<br />,fate of cxssac .t+_ saw4 ppfxwr, t,ut rnerr~ zt :Fc rnssrn,ua trprl ra4r. s~ ltis aaaq tMn be fatceiareaf to satisfy rite smapntdaecNt ~aai
<br />boat,. aad any iv~leer t.>trmk f<z .aQo:itirnnssl ~vanoex, usge~eu:x wilts all ~saapaid by swS'lTie L;gtsttable $widasgaadl.eaaa.Astiotat#3ae ts6Ctaad island.
<br />Aktesas-s f:xr tsssu!anz, rases xnd asarssacnts, ysuf atx:.nt*.:mt =xa~nacaat-h~s. +atittt ¢xtesrtst ttstr>roa, fxom dart pf payatttri ai iSst mr.®Ynuta.
<br />~.ypl rate.
<br />As arc:.] m cite Ekrrxf sr-uaCS9.:xac<ry. ran:ir ta'26 tratrY~,peCM'Ata@fi to ctftca thetsttsrtg}~tt smty iaereaC4er advance adtiftltsnaf stzrYSS to r!u
<br />raaiaa•n tat ;:ax! H9ztrd, ;hear awgfxs x,r ,rxs^esstxs iq ustcsest, svfiictt carries Sfa~t lx witftio the stxwanty of this axxag~e the same as the funds origirraffy
<br />- seKxuol t;itcrcEry, ilea fatal asnnern: ;>f ,nrati:..~ai<%c&t rxtat4•axtx~x$"a8..arxytirn>eYtAe txa~trA4 arnotmt af4lYta morKg/ite.
<br />.: f1a¢ed time .,•'.~i C~''1 +#Y' a3 A. r1.. S9 81
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<br />STA€t Oil"~f '~5#' :±i.# +m t~ tkn 2+~ikl day at 7•k~..^E'[t3~r 39 bi .#mf~c:A~,
<br />
<br /> tSw rt f~lata:y IFOtalic let and. fear sazA t:tsamty, peraoexaSSy-tease
<br />~, ::! ,. artd ;3art~ra A. Flltduen, r~r,rl~ra at;s3. wife; anti Chris H, ~aa~azst~t, ,7r„
<br />1w a.tia"3t~:lt. :.V3tie Wtrt'r ar'~ pesss>rgl~ knaard rte.
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