-~~~~ ~1L E~~,~ €~RT~.~~E
<br />F?'c.Aivk D. 6IOW, ur~liArri~d
<br />of the Cmnt:r nrf HELL sad State of P~EBRASKA h,.,,.s,,.t~,, caY2ed the party of?ttte Etter part, in
<br />totttiieration °+ ~IF"iY T`HGUSr~Np AND N(}f1DD________________ _ -- -- --~- ....r~L>s,
<br />ia~ hoed paid, do t+ezebs g~aat, Da~talo, adl sad tva~ rtato tba 1 Fed~at savisti~ & Loan;Astorta#ou of Grand island.
<br />Grano Lslrnd, lQebratia, a,~tiS. noraaad aa~pns, tBe fouowlag rest elate, ~tu~ad lr~. HaLL
<br />Canals. state nf. !kEf3i<RSKA ~ toerit:
<br />LuT Txc~iTl' T'riRLE (23'~ div BLDGK' T1dD' i2t IPd DREPdT1;QOD SECDPtD SUDDIVdSdOtt, CdTY f}~
<br />GR„SiD ISLi~_~;i7, tiAL1 G{tUl`dTY, PdEBf:ASKA
<br />ToiRether with all the tttereuato ttnlao~ng, sad all covenants: In all the title deeds. rnaning with said .seal estate,
<br />sad all the recta, !pant and prpolts arlsiag them after default in performance u# any: covenant as^ sonditioa herein eon-
<br />taiwd; and vrtKraata the title theirto perfect and steer eatcept for this mnrtgag+e.
<br />Durittr the this maetgage is iA fozer the mortgagors agree:
<br />First Tapax alltamand special levied agafmt sold premixes. including all Cages and assessnte~s lamed
<br />upon thbt tam. or the debt. sccared lay this mortgage.
<br />Seeatad. Ta tt~ au: ~ tluzreoo:t in~rcd a,"at.'pt 1~ ify .-w ii°htnina anti torpedo is sonic eomrans, to ~' ap•
<br />proved by t2n soli! Hwae ITrderal Savings tc Goan Association of Grand Leland in the sum of $ t flstlra~S (f? value for..
<br />the benefit of the slid oeiation, sad fts successors or assigns; and to deposit said policies with said Association, and: shall not:..
<br />ctrmmit, ~ suffer ens weals oa said preatisna, sad shall put and Creep said rest estate iz'.titdings and. improvements in good::
<br />olds;
<br />'T>ahd. 'L'o pay ar cause to he paid to the Lianas Federal Savings 3c Loan Association of Grand !stand, its successors or
<br />aaailtaa, rite of f ~dFTY THGUS~ND AND- ~itiJ1D0__________________________________.._--L)fJLLARS,
<br />p>sya6le as follosra:
<br />~~D,dtDD.QD E D£CdM#3ER l8, 198
<br />Frith iaterrtt thetyion payat,7e~, wxcadiag to the tenor and effect of the one eertaia first mortgage n said mortgagors,
<br />Bearing eves date with these prt~aottts. ~+fter maturltg said bond draws interest at the rate of sin cent per annum.
<br />If said rain sad asacssmeata aro got paid`whea due, ar if the tsuildings an said premises-are nok irtsuxed as abdee prv-
<br />riled, cxr if an-v M acid interest is ndt paad 1v~ due; rhea said wholi~l~ shalt hets~rme due immediately. at the optlon of the
<br />said Association, acd xhall thereafter drax Satiated af`#he raft :f rtin eetu per aseuum::
<br />2~ mwtdaSor_ hereby- asaign'._ to said mvrtgai;ee alt re»ts and: inanme arisinK at an'y and. ail times from said.
<br />pmpecty and hereby authorize said r_tortgagee ur its agKnL at iLS eptioa; uprmi default, to. tales charge of said property and
<br />collect all reins and inrnme therefrom aai apply the mate in thz payment of fateteat, principal, ftssttrance pzetitfums, taxes;
<br />ssw~ments, repairs ax impxncame~,its reccssar.: to kaz:p soot a~ope.^ty itt. teaautable eatzditioa, ar to okher charges ar pay-
<br />mcnb provided for herein or i^ the cote hereby scK;rirEd. 'Chia taut :ssigamea#: shall continue in force until: the uapaid'bai-
<br />ariee of said Hate is fully paid. '[7~e taking. of pos5~i[ion hereunder shall in no meaner prevent or retard sand mortgagee in
<br />the coilectioa c+f said siuas by frsrnci~xure or othet~eise.
<br />V9aedher said debt becomes doe hp lapse of t}me, or: Dy tessa¢ of the failure of the :party of the first: part Yo comply
<br />with say eandit3an herein, =he said Hoare Federal Savings. dc: Loan Association of C=rend: Islank(, the successors and assl~ts;
<br />shall bare the right to 'begin the iorerlosure of th#s mautgage at once on the whole debt hereby secured,. and. to include
<br />ihtrein all razes, xsa~smeats. tnturaaee+e premfumc and costs, paid ty it or them: or said Association, it4 successors or
<br />asiia<at, may foreclose only as to tb~: sum- past due,. without iatury to this mortgage. or #lue displacement ar imParmrait
<br />of the !Sere fher!wt
<br />Amd Rht sa_d first paef,*.and the: makers afsaid note, espee#ally agree .and declare tBat the separate estate of each and
<br />erery one of them, including t;ttkh that oow owned a~ that hereafter acquired,. is Pledged and bound far the paymenk of
<br />the debt herby sectned.
<br />After the corcmru+remeot of say 43it is f rite giaintff tttereim shalt lfe sntitted totlte itatnediate possession of
<br />said pzemites and zhe appointment of a n^eeiver therefor, nutwi~.they may. he the. homestead of the r~cttpant and
<br />aatwithat^s~diny thr pmtic~ IiadlP for tine debt mss t}e valve~at, and.. Slue fitat PaztY hat'alsS constnts to the appointment of a
<br />Tteerivt+r tuna tbs. pr'od~on of this itnieraurt~, evithnst other evidettee.
<br />
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<br />~'Ae foregaiag rwtulitious sail xgaeeattnxa, ail .and singular; t!eing fult,ffi pea€ormed, this conveyance snail ht vuid, otiner.
<br />vupe xo Je sad remain ua full force and .:
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<br />d tlt~._.,_ _ ~,-~;,a~. Decepnber ~ 1~:, z~ ~l_. .,_.1
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