<br />~~~~~
<br />~~ ?1Q t'~~As~
<br />THibt IItUFP13'~7RZ, :Wade d$a.~ 2„ _ _ day of -- y7g,r~"i3:_~ _ 29 _s 1._ . by and 'r,NC~~en
<br />_,44<cnctr~_~:,a~tt~L~t zyu~ _, , N+t J~Gez.~van. ~uc.5aznti_ cc id iii E' -'^~
<br />dt-~---t14.$.1.,_-_-~, f)au+ty::Nooraa¢s. se ~8'a8'er5--._.., arad Grand [eland Trust tom
<br />or;aaiaed aed czisvt~ uarde~ tl~ fawa of Nebran4a witbita Fi'n' of C,rand ;ylaucf, a corparsteon
<br />~site~Kpal offxe and place of huemess at Grand Island, 'Jabraslca, as ancrtgagee;
<br />W IT2NESS£TFic Th®t said mortgyut _ ~, .tor and in : onaidec~ntlon ref thn sum of _
<br />_ x~~o~_LtFtetsctka<~ S2vert do°?~~~ a~td ~~~;~ inJ-~_-_---- -__ e__ .~~._ c.~ ,'`07_~?0 __
<br />_ ~,~ _____ - - - -- - iruaep « ~ r- _ 1,
<br />tie texipt of whnth is herteby acienowiadgad. Ito ..: lip tpresentkmtutgageatad warrz,rst ante uief zne~rtNagae, itT +acosaaors and axvegns.
<br />firrver, all. the following ataerribetf celleatau, aittaatedfntheCountyof ~._.....__~.----_--._y~..~~ ._._-----
<br />and Stale of ;Nebraska. tc,.a~it:
<br />L~f si. ~) ,: E??:~ch ~~.v~ {S1 G1~ndat~r~4t's Addi.&:c:cz. tc+ .tile GitcJ a$ t t^.i,ci ibEctr2,j
<br />Nx~i ~~CLJ'ltl_{, Plet~`,1'Ct.~~C2.
<br />.°c~ Sf)
<br />>° T.!~Qy F 1122'q,.t_' { `~ S ~ ti2 tS.;°,CC~ { ~ ? ,GPI ~a.thPnlzn ab ~tl~7t~+2-13.q.d.c.?!'I .~a ~PI~ E; (' (I ~J :'.t2f7~
<br />Eb ~i.Y.~, ~x cT~;C l'iltt~ti 1~1C?~jfl~ic5 x~cia._
<br />~ LSt?
<br />L' ~ T~'rt } ; 0{ HEc~h. L1ne { T j ,ist. Cc~arz~,az2 ~s.tci.t2a 4azbdii..ea.i,cn, i..<..tu a~ GhafTtl I~~'and,
<br />~~CL ~~rtr,tc,', ~elP~lcta.
<br />LSt?
<br />~ t Thi2 _ ;'i) Eu'e!~ T3trte¢ ;3k ~r_ Jah~a u~. trlmm~erct'S .Acf~~.t~.~n:.tn ~1ae C.s,tu o~ G.7ttiad
<br />' .~ZPZq., ~yQt'.~ l',frL€Yl~
<br />~> eb:~u,~a.
<br />Toteether eaet.k ail heating, air -' ~..ligtating,. and piumbnng e.~uipaaent acrd taetures, indudi±tg eezoan». avrnilt
<br />cl¢aore, and wuuiew shaaden tar 6iiads,.uaed,Pntr is coranectfcn with said Its, stoma wind6sx~s and:.
<br />piaead tharaion. larnparty, wheP:herthe>sasneare cars». tvtattrxiou saidpmperty or..hereaR.•r
<br />"[b HAVE .tNq'IY) HOLf7'PifE SA!~£E', Yo~etlutzarit3t all ami eingitlta~ t;ha tastamarais, h>awd3Lanxaa&5 atad a
<br />uieEis~, or in snrwiae tal~urtartanC~t thereunto Ere-
<br />~r EtMet's3. and warrant tha tltla: to the. saEne. `,'paid usurga~r_..-g--hereby +smensnl_.__._ with: wid:
<br />n+oetataa.r that ..._._:'jae ir.----..-1G2~.-.,:..~..._..at tlt(s .
<br />daizvery horeof, the lawful ownsr_,.., } . of tha Premiaas alloys conseyed awd described;
<br />arl.__._S1t3£~_. ere+aad of a Qoed and iada6ear:bla eataete of irsheritware tharain, flee ate chaar of sit mtwcumbraneas: and tHat~_ ~i~.~_wiil
<br />warrant aed dalaad ttr .'xle thareen P+ue~.er ugastt~t tha slafnta aaaf danaaaads of all Txraons whotaeosver;
<br />i'WIYIISPSI ALi"v`A Y~ and than uW.ruruwu :a artatuted and dsiiverad to secure ttte feayment of the sttxcz of ...._....,..._ ~..____
<br />_ Tirrxl~r 7_c~cL:w';rt 5 ~r,_ t~:~,a§ ~ C~0 - _____ ___ 2~j 0~;.~0
<br />+dthmtsaatcha+tvra. - -- - -- -._......r _,___.~.._ ._._......~. LbLdazal8;_.._..,._„_..~_,.______ ._.~_~
<br />to~eltsae with yard? charKae its adi~snrew ae may be dtae arm l'
<br />yablrs to said mnrtg utadar the trrmy aasd candrtiona
<br />a( the pmt~aiawYp.,nota ~t eYan date >x~a^~th saxi secured heaeb;~. ~aeentsd try said ftor 3,= in saiai mtartge~ea, ~ayalile. as expreayed.
<br />is taiti tarts, uad fq nxsxra tha 'anct-.xrs'unec .>tali thu taoatsa-and umdatonaraiz>att abstain.. 7'lte ,datum of +.eaid na#,e are haeeby incorporated
<br />ktrat by' this. t^in+auraa.
<br />Ft u thr iat~eaJae and aLraaarat of the pardw iataato-that th#s. shall. aLwsecureae,,* Itituxr. aadvacacam~ ande~ta eeid> mprtBaKor.~
<br />lay said amKSa~a, andaay and all lndahtadnnas :n additicn;tat the;arnouat:alaove statedwhicf,: sand anortgal~m, ar say of tldem, trtr[y awe tas
<br />said ~laiarr, he^a•rat -Yidenead, wiwthsr by nata.:aoeJ¢:sumatnt orawira: '['hi». a ehattl rersSain in,full totes and effect b~atwaen
<br />ike pa^tiaa Irt+rcemd tk^ie heirs. paraanal rapr~aauuivea.:.auaxarorn atod'ras until afd aanounts,isecured: hetedander, ixaeiuditag future.
<br />adv^ear. an ;lid ~u tui: wat.h iaztaaeat.
<br />~9 aaatJ.arir .aid W itsita aacat. at twat' sit remtaaad auwana .arm atatq'.,sad:. all I:imea fmm. said Rrof~tY ataE
<br />ram, upnn dafaittt,. tO.talPe
<br />thaetie~ sad a~/Pit! ttfa agar Lo Chr pararaai of iegteat. ' pf:taat 1y and eolkict all ~'nta-and tncmne
<br />~! w+nlariQ p~Ey in ta~acahi. ~~~. ~sutaaoe~;~eniuma:= uucaa; ,~ ; ~,
<br />_ _ _ tarditiaa, ar b other atoargee ~ p~3'nsants prwid®d for heeein or is r3ae ante t,¢reby secured: This
<br />~ ar+taaad asi1 n &tc. ustN the unpaid 6alw~xaf said aoteia f~r7lyireid>: Tlss'.takieg of 4topsionl,~~.spnde shall lrsno manner
<br />aaarppape i,a the oolitsitaa of aaiat same hY fd+acia+utea.or,ot:}asrrriae;
<br />'fL failita aaf t(sa aroma m aaarst wy <>f ire ri~a ~.
<br />><iwr ~, nary Lirrtime, and is irxwt wyov aM enfraca'~~:~p~aace with ail: Eha tecrnt.and es a wanner of its right to asaec4 the
<br />psro'viesrdr of utad->wx+e and oEth~ np~8,
<br />tf rtdd tgertMyn' e aAdl cant to !at paid to raid nenrd~F'ae=ihr entStt3 a~swtnt dita it 1'~'atPtiRdaer. ar>,i undt+: t~ terms sad Ismvisnans
<br />al radd. meta taraby rrtaved.. ladairga tamra adYaaxea, aud.any rsteate'irwt ar
<br />nmrwrlatherrof inaca,nistax witV; tl~temu artd pmafamarss
<br />tirtlef. sad it Mi$ tasi~r _-_~slrra7 co®;pp Kith anti tun gm.eiero ~ at4f n to aaad of chic x~oatq~g~, tty'n idwx~e preaeaFS shall bt void:
<br />"ttitwrwfaata wa>ttn a trY fora sad slfaa, sad and +ttiers,Ea~se shall ee ro the
<br />dy{ea~rt. fie a.faalr at agdyye sad ~ u - - _ _ ; paeseasian of au ut ssxi ,yrvapetiy, z.cxi nmy, at itagMton.
<br />ist talc aa? attar faQai aatiaa to to tw ihimn xatefS' due sad txe_ able, anti anew fiarmdoee t;xiv aitortty,~a..
<br />ia'~ xr rift. Apps ^.
<br />D~lDarata.~ ~~ ~ w^duiaao4l eaurt tea tht braa0.t-a#~tha t~rneseattora, adPhiraina%stoas, x ' and
<br />aaaignm:<af the.
<br />Sti 'W*T?F$~S W3~iR1YFXFT, ~'atid #1rxw~~aiF~rd.....__lAat.:;.,k~",~, aaadCC...._e.,~#C',:.$;-...---.. harm
<br />raw. ~ ~ 9
<br />-. ~ Ll~,si8y aesd ? ~^rir first-abcsvcr
<br />_~._
<br />~..__~_
<br />;~"~ -~.
<br />;a: r t e_.._ __ _~_.. _ ..__.~ ___..
<br />
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