"i:?~ IS3P}aeCY'C.r.~w~A ~'L:£~_~Tt. GrJY.t:AFATv`x5 AStiI3 aAK;REg:,4: '{~j ~ v "Ta
<br />"P'hsl.the: ~ Mortry~at wi31i'ray the trfiirrht.~tln+!'xr. »s h~r>rink+•fsrrc. itrcwridcrd:.
<br />That thr Ito-t,cngcr :s iknr „v,r,..r rvt v:~i.t i+mF+rrty :rr frr ~nypkr ant2 has ~uttct ri%@et and lawFuk authority trr obi a::<t
<br />cwnvey tive aarrsr axx$ flirt thr xarrx is Prer: and rums of acr..• limn r,r c~r rumtrrance; aced thaUAfiortgagrar wail warrant arich delrtxf va~e
<br />tzkta En aanrlpts+.gacsa± a>; aitmt thrr rkaican ~.t ai] xrenri>ns whastty~.rarr~
<br />Tt+ ply inymr?iise;rly .ahrn dnr and F±aysb]e~-93F generat taaey, spec•ia- taxes, sp+eciaE ersaesxmrntx, water chart; ,se••er .r r-,.
<br />ice c3sar~ex. arx3 other ta:rr snd ehnrge-ti a~:ninst sand. property. a.nd g1t Gsxes lrvirYk on thr drkrt secutred hexrby, and to fu: ns'rt tar
<br />M+arfgagee. upumt ngv.Yr, v.-ith the :,n~rnai <sr dtipti~ter~ript~ ttsrre£or. Thr MArrgagor agrees theft them shaft Fw sdderF is
<br />each manthly t}avnrenr r.r}wr.-Y] ne..-under <r under thr evickeescr• nt tight: cc>rurerk hrrrby an amount. eraEmate~ci h} fhe \i .rt~a~a~r
<br />4o he sttk~iru~nE to enab]e the ~Eari::agrr tat pay, as tteey 1>ec-ome dEne. aHtaxti3s, rrasa.~rrtaenta, and rims#ar eharEkes upgn thr prcro~
<br />axes sntljeCt thcrFYr.. sn~y heficier;cq h~causye erP th4t iarsxtffiCirnrY <:,P srac4r ariditigna! ptlyn3onk=s vhat] hp Pnrkhwkth. "ck~ixas8a~:i by ihr
<br />Mat't7ragor +vi[2t thr httvrt,; ,~t};re upon demand ty- the MurtEEagee. Any drfauli stndr•r this }wragra{ah sttaii he dee~mrr! at rlr(aulY in
<br />paymt+nY... csf- tax¢ia!x,. aaxestaotentts„ r*r .ssmitar charges requxxed ka.*reurnier.
<br />The. 03,wrt>nagux aKret~:s that titers vha-k also t.e added t<? each mc+rrthl}' payment of princepa.t and tnfera?..C reyuireriherr.-
<br />under an amount es4fm~trvi by ctse Mnrtgager Ex the xe:3Ttcirrnf, t+. enable flit Martga~ee to y>:rp, as ¢t haar•ames du:•, the bnsuranrr
<br />ptrrrtium ..n xny rnsu rants pope} rFrHvemd Err the $,Srartee_ Any drfiaienry heeausr :eE the insutFieiene} of airzch udditiranat. pay-
<br />ments shak2 kx Qurthwith dei'itari by ihr 4tnrt~agrrr with the SlnrtgstFer u.}!w.in demand !rv thr Morfxa~rr. Any default und~rr this
<br />paragraph :;teat]. ta. tieentrd a tiPfau]t re the payment ar€ insurance y~rnmiumrx: ]t the prs]ir>~ ar pu]sr: tees detpertilyd err stxcb as tnt~mr-
<br />nwnerx pr s!k rtEtk tx>kic•iec, and tkrc+ dr]x>site err stxxutTscient ¢r> }ray the rn-tre premium. the A7rrrtgage*e ma}- a{n]y the deposIIit to
<br />pay pterniums .-sn rrskH nquixt4^I to kx- im:u rrr] hY E.hi*-~ n:rtr',~aKe..
<br />F'aymerx~ ma:.it'r hp 4h~ (steart},agsror under the af?deF~ puaray rn~e 6t~ stray, at t}m <xptian rzf iiat^ btdrrtgagec., kxs he]d~by iE and
<br />ctantming]e<{ sw,tE: ott:rr + _h 'r: mie ,a rtx o~w~rr F.m xa Frsr r}tr psgmr'nt nl s+.tFh ,trots. >are1; ,r n:zF so n;rpiitvr., surf; pay rru:nt~e are herrFtc
<br />{rirrtiY,cri x seeua:sty ftrr E?se xr, iwiek ihs}ane'<P rt ,.hr= n,c.naare ~=:ei krt d:ze,;
<br />T':: pr ;c atrr, .P,,}r rr ... ri marnt.tan f•.>r th..• r.r,.-iit. ~,i rF:~ ;$<~rr •„ r,, _- r, str~.~;; rira lire :.i .hi!: m*r rt~rs~r car&'tna] p..i}icic•~.s and
<br />, .r..
<br />renrwafs theta€, dr]€tis•r ,a:,.t z=.t e.ayn t~•gu>r rh >;e;~rxit=. r. ..rn .. -.,,m ~. .surizrs; ugavenst fire ax*ei ctt.ar in.urable
<br />hnzardir arcariaitirs, and .s n,,. raa~Irw as ttrr P,lcart~sa~r~ rn:e> rey rrr° rn an aztroutct «yua} Ya t;ir ituiebMdntwa ser~area3 by this
<br />,Sitaripage, and ue c~mpa.,, .. _.~,.i~,t ie. ._ .. 2 ,rcr~,v; e., ._ ~ ~ a. atr3+. ~~?rausr r,. t. ~_ r of acrd in toxin aecrpE;ah]r by the 'tfvrtga-
<br />gee_ .n «rwr «cent~ as}• ,r.x.src ,,-. .. a.,.,,! • t •r F».,, , .,, .w ,.f n: iv. acs :rr, •.he ?~teri~nr, ~, :raay Ftrr,cure•~ ra,rzranrr r,ttt the
<br />irnttraM~rIIt:k„ psy the }zr xrsr,.,xv .r- retsr. .anz, u.] <z,rv. ~rr<_..,, ... r.-rz. her e3: ,.rr,> and frypah]e with ;ateresE at the ratz- ~t
<br />'Furth irn snarl tsntl<t rzntti , -ntr: .a..:] ~ soft ,.~.. ., vr. 4 :,, a r --..r.... ., ,.t ty+~ ,>,ar. -.< <dw bftartgagcr t.. Furry ~~ta xu.ly renrwais
<br />att are hereSn rerkat~irrx9 >r ,st}.xrs t, rr~s ~rng a .n .e..x:a .,,.i .,, .., ~.i,a!]. at SFxa• ,ert ,.? thx^ -19.~rt&utyra. +::xrntituta ¢r dafttuit
<br />.,.-„',:-. .:< .«.,..,.+ x. ah.~ .,...,r .. F] .. ., _. f -.. .~. a_. .~. e„ ,., efa.a}r. ,.,t ra, e n .-. n.: ztf cf :ht• :ut-
<br />Car.'!r{{ Ft PF.mrimr.
<br />any ,<urM1S re-.~-u.,f „r rt re;Hy,.~.~ i a>t ~E '., i.at ~, .:, ~., ra .t rt.a...::c ra xv Yet r ss.rt cf b7` :hF Sdur{:_:a~.,r
<br />and ap{xii..s! '. xaew•rsr(1 '4hn ;rxvsr:: ~.:, .~: ht i errte ,.. ,.. e<! ... .n r*£ hti 4r>rt~uMrv, s;reF= --,am*. e•tt]5«r •..:Frrr}tY :ar in
<br />_ ..
<br />asst .na„v k>e ;~>d r.,vrr a ~: LFte <S, _,. ;w-r: ,,:a,r •.. tr } -.n , r ,.-, i uzic9new~ tuts Eusq;a r .4tm•,r Lziacv .ar far anq
<br />C+:,ahl1C purpars-` '_r 5}~J#Y,'t r. 0-.1- ~- ]-,: ~, r yfatata` veti~ ::iC ittt~rt't... t' . I,GiY ,~n rt,: R:]a't.',,°ake t:x. the' S.A,t s r'NCilr_. _ lllre» ]xerr
<br />kry 9vrf..rr svr-3, papxnerzt - ~ ~ ,- : ~ -~ - .. -
<br />`i"ez pn~rs~h ,- :. ~ , . ~.'au ~ sop L ,ra i-rxt* .-r ra+~rr+.+ nrt r_e n.,„- <,r }.ercuE..r. m: ..+e .rcmr»a°w ~]+.cn sraq r*e^
<br />.
<br />.-nn":r r?xrnagcsS .... , ,- , -~ ^ - . ,,- ` Fr. ,.:..<]z z. e_ -,=. x. i sac :and ,rr< frost ar.z_: noeerYuu, ~; itx.n c,r atktrr !tarn yr
<br />,r ., r -er ~_ x ..
<br />sia_u. ,~.i ]ten n . ~„ - r ., ,, , . .. , . ~ ~. ,< r , r e. : -t~.c ., - t , r. _ n
<br />.-t .nt a:= ef?rr .. ~ .;?w . y;tre tc, csf :r
<br />cx=.d pr,>pecrly >r .. r.. , ..E-., °~ - _r -»e~. z, , r da a. , ~E hrr ,az. ro-~trerrt : re^ pry: {w r#c !.rsuw c.- .--,{ sina]I tin,cvxmr
<br />}r-.~Yaiua~c., t s i.-.:. r,r - ::,,...,_ v x.p a ,>r- >.. - a +< sit r.•r,. nr wrl: r.i ?:ay. `pith rrhtYect.
<br />-s -r*=n:. , r~a:,
<br />€tx the murtgctp. ci ._,..::~. u,~r tN, ,..,. ,. •,
<br />'i'haF s ~~ui_ e". ;•cran>~r- Far a; , ,rt t .crc-..9 f.- ea;x+•rr .e ,avrxcnn>.. s «•ra.,~+sr ..- ~,rr. r,i~l. smprrvrrnerak. ur u.nramrtaticxa
<br />patacxzeetxng, zrr , r>rr .htr rrgh4 r.#~ ecn.nv~nt sir ,.., , +,r ia. anfl -''.:rt rnanrt+: 't+.' ":Sax .,:ag.. -:,~ _. .-nts;tm3 f<r als :.rxapcrt~z is cans,
<br />a+:eards. sass! rct , o;t„-r i` yasz*rst cvr ..^+kiref i1~, ~ o xm:.,,xtk h+. rtz Ut?rrs, a' rose •.t~iirxn pn e~mn . ~.;,,-sty in an:! i~.rrecr~vte m iLs
<br />~N'If nam!' ,i ~'. ... ,..; -iT T.rtb'rrt1:..B :: :. .:--~k~- :~. ~-. ,..." k WeL{le n.5 r). .. r Mlfl,^L rS!r C: . .- i ~ 43$€Si darn
<br />f til a£-x_ ='til sraC}:
<br />cxrrn}>•~~rz[uatv'+n_ :.wan1?, :4.,xtvaxs'K.. ia7:1.. ,i .~. ., .a.,- F>rt+a"^„R :, err =.t:rrkaY u;,ut..ar°s au. itte `.. _ ,zv. a*n rnaW•. slur drduetsn~
<br />' -,
<br />?hk~.r+r3- Hn stA iCs rxpx-:m-s. ~r-wsr aq> rtr-~.:rrr~r- trvretYVavati !, :. st xr•r afs~r$°s+ ttta -.::as> -. ,. ra rzy C~nrh 6t~ :r•e~ sr• :ae ~t i'ne?t~,Y-T'i;k 39<aN~
<br />)<~~,t' 3t¢.rY'K',M It ~-XeL'lrki f. i~~ itie,'+fi ~If, P:;~n=.Y a'Jl anj, .,rr.;:•-n:6atior,.. 3>A'di <;;tll N._ -~. :;?nj. ,l;i5 x.! .r. t~:.; ~aTNi ylrt{CO1rfdAi }},y ins
<br />~S{ilT'CQr1R!'P stag t'Yrt3ATe
<br />-carat , „A-,+- .~ r3i'-srx F,< Ea-d•~n.: anyr,P Eire n vTnans ?=..r~-tr,_ c`-~ 3S artR~ may ,i=:. x.fr,rEV.,ngrar"s i+a-]saki' .renr+f.Fsing
<br />x] ;tY+t>Zaslfeti: i?Y9t !tle ~tcort,Z.e.}',Hr tt3Nt^'.;L6lkd<a3fa%}` aC[ it tnsv :.,~>n IeY4'e~crAry to prcetbc2 rhr? here tiaer4+rsf~ ttaat tlSe '`2nrigagAr wi]Y
<br />rrpa}' u]):,n drmarnd a;:v . ~r.^.r>-?: ra;!f nr ~S,•shutyad iiY tt:e ~iart~sXer fry a»y of thr aFtenrctpcr:epranrrx: and such azr:shryrtir~rtSier with
<br />initrexi titsrrc»sn eft the >atr .> w;rf .; rm sar=i rarste_ultalt txrssrmaa ^•r aavrh adr3t4ionai indetitrdntrers- iaercbr a~cureyt-and may 'hw in
<br />o-Fudrri in grr•: .~c cre ''or 1-. :rr s: i .. -<- arxi tae paid cart e+t the rs ;r rs ssr r. rcrs^e4~ckt' of Hste of sstid prFrnisrea~ xf nrtl ntherr'caese-
<br />paad; t!wt zf shut; rot dx <:~t>eor;Btsr- t r~r!,~e rinrE,p,.a~er tc iraquatr ,xxttr ttw, 'uzxlFa3ity of any ]rrn. ?arrumhranc:x»c. ur .*lains in a[t-
<br />vrtnCratf ruaamys as rs3c.vv aur.<.cr;zwf. ,. s; rs..tI;.:t1C hamrn-rnastained .ksaiE: be^ e+msirased affi-: rz*~tfus;nrEg ikra Pliurt#a~^.r Euadvarmw. any
<br />:aoa.nya Sac asp such {su r, c~ Inns to do any set httr~szzadar; a»+! tbatt 4'latt~a~r+skraii~ nut: aruaaran}^.pensona4 tiaiai tarry M^cEaus~.asd arcq_
<br />thaeag tt asy .]a or asses ts> .4c. 4rwreurade.r,
<br />fn t!:r -versa .*; s;:a• ..Sr_£su1£ s,a 14 trrtgai&xrr ir. thr payment srl. arty instat]mrnt. as rrm}uirs .:d ksy t#u* ',',trrtr :fecurpal kasn;hy. ssr
<br />int?-ie• fry: hrr:nax in-=.f she „t:,i rzacr ,~ rn CF~~aia. nimrtgatar, wv tat iFar nxrtx s,=erura-d ttsernhy. t?tr! ttlart¢aSar-c}aalk tsr...atiA9rri L> ri+~t.(a€e thn
<br />dr°M et+currj hra+h-- .iyr acct 6~aY-ah]r rvi4Fuaalt nc)taCr, atzd ilia.: 4turtgager Strad! kie rnLUlyd a¢. ats »ptirrn, arlikrrrut. nutcce, eit]ser by aLarff
<br />o> by a retYfver 7> iw• >'r
<br />.:,i=at~d t: ~ Ehr~ r. ur4 thexx of, arxt >.vitFou4 re£'HrCi: to th:: as~uacY of anV seta ri4•~ f+.rr the tnde+bEerliatmb vr-
<br /><-ure+i }.rrrPr.-. `.;, .•riFr :: n,..: nn:; t.+kr^ •.crvw.•etion c*7 thr mrtrfRagedprrnrtis~t, asst to rottket anxt rrcrivr rl,e~ r.-nte. z!arorw snd pmfrts
<br />r. FeerawsE. nru] a,>pty rSr~rsmr•. i.•s.a r.wrc ...f nt.=ratirm -arts! raldeetirrn. upon fhe :nrkrl*tretraa•ans seettrrri ]ay this ratarfga~r, aasd crafts.,:
<br />rnctses and E"+r+sFatx trim hr rrrri aarg x•~i :c• t'n~ ftSortPaagre a5 ftixltarr aectrriY,v Pnr ttte paq"went of ail indeMErdne!s< art/rrrthe7r]7y.
<br />Ttr~ i{urtgxR•*r xhs}: nave hs~ prns~er 4.. ajnt'aar7tt ang aNrnt or aCen4s at trkay riessii:v! Era tEtr t:ivrprr rr a'+£ rwt>airin7; svid gtr-rn-
<br />yx.Nk; retrLrerE ;he aarnw. ;~nnf+r2inz tnr rrnts, .•vrrxura:acrd. irx,Yrarr. a.aad it maf.. pay e;Art.:t sett! EtaCr.>mr aPt exp.•nae+; incurrrd sn re-nt•
<br />rang saf !rurrrgm~sF a..e esx-ter axrbr] -f .-.i'-scrim` rfi„-reniaira t£.rret rt rss. Thos halalsrr ra-nr+ainin8, rY wn,F, shxill ht a{.pkarr! E<.watt9 thr
<br />~4ira-h,arto r.» ttw~ natrratas~e varfrAtrsiatw¢ 'S'hin sr„sa{fumret 4is t!s irrrrsinate and Fa¢+rcarsetn rsuHi attd vetsr4 upon rrlr~wv r.f this tnatr4~agr.
<br />~~
<br />
<br />