•:. t ,
<br />~ 52;'i-A--~9d:GP1N41 ftEA i_ X57 ATE A~O;S~rTG~A$ifE--~rdx ClAltfe (Re~fsatttl 1962} 'Yt+~ finftmun lyearuyi :8u7~t.M Hausa. Sin.. No@r.
<br />1
<br />itsvc~w° ~[, lr ~~ 'FHr.S~: 4'1tESiTSr THAI' t ar r~,a~, Jack L. psi ttner and Larry 6. Parkes
<br />t3 1ia i t Caatnt?r nntl Swtn of Nebraska , is eanaederaxtian at the stu2r of
<br />Six thousand eight:: hundred ($Ei,'8@@.0@) r.~az.LAxs
<br />;n n.na staid. du F~ereb~ 4ELi. atnd E`O?VVES untx2 Eldon E. Ault and @ianna K. Ault, husband and
<br />', wife
<br />. (Irirxrgp~gae) ,
<br />{,( fia l l f,`auruv, and Starts-r=.f ~£~dra5k3 , tt^.e fallawir2g t3epvcribed paemiaee
<br />5itn.ated in X81 Z C~ot2nt3', a2nrl.State of NetaraSkd to-wtti
<br />LQt r~.o (Z), Slock @ne 4undred Forty-five {245},.onion Pacific.. Rai}way Company`s
<br />Second Addition to brand Island, tall County, Nebraska.
<br />{
<br />S:~biect to Mortgage for X12@@.@@ recorded as @oc. ~ &!-O~Gi~OS and mortgage for E
<br />S6,~DO.J@ recorded as @oc. ~$r-(X~4a~~y, Mortgagee agrees to remain in a second
<br />t?aortgat~e rasition if szrtgagar refirsances prior rrtortgages.
<br />T1.e t,,.. ?--^ nsw,•. racreciy' its .-.i,~e ut~ a..... ab. .. u,.p',~ lvai<..t, .: a., t ~„ ctf 1: ~_~' at?t1 rlowRC.
<br />.. s __.. ~ ..-c ,; ~... ..,,..
<br />TO F3A~ E A'~C 'x"O x1tJ~77 'he Iaremiars a6e>7. de~crifrc~{r, wtNa ail tfre sPF ztcnafRa:~ tharevaat{} helat2{;ing antra"the savi
<br />martgagee or rrnrtgng~rs caul in his, her 7r £he$r ~^trr~ xtnd axw I,rxp„a, fur{tvc+r, l,>rt~~.a,1i nlu.rys. fitted t[Iea@ prase.nta are ,trpan the i
<br />erprean eondi[iun that F .ha ,aa.L *.ax+rtgaf„er ur rexxrteoa ~. hip. iattiz r..r #be2rheirs ~+4~CUCUrRt.. sttmiaixtratorer ar as2tigteash~ll pay j
<br />,u ean9e to tx, {laid to she snkt mt}r{~u~er ++r r2Rr, rx„ ~. -, .and Yu his, hc~r cr tf2air Leers, eraxvtart2, admSnistrau}m ar aeaigna, .the j
<br />.umci Si;~ thoLLSantfi eight. hundred (~6,804.~1@j i7.~[aua;.payatFie,risfoltowFS,ta.wit:
<br />Payabla at i2°: interest, amortised over a ~ year period, payment of $.7.2.67 per
<br />month with a balloon fc~r the balance in 5 years, 3-tnixnum Ien~hth cs~ coz~tr.aet to
<br />'~e rto less than:.5 vear~.
<br />r~rnth t y ~
<br />i vritl2 'snter{-at rher[an R[ j,~ .u•r. c~e^nt ,Ir r '--,;r,. ~+ r _,1y+-, w 7 ~, 67 ~DlWlidf~ uco'ordin~ to the. r{ar2ar w2ri ePfecf of Yoe I
<br />t~iixspry xx.ar tf. ~:ia,2,.vt c_ssugxrn~s ',,r~: ~,,.~ ,ai.e Sgt r ~.ag•,m, heztriri~ o°vcrtt tfnte withtfxea3 Pre9e2Afa. and
<br />j vhatt: paey a!i fazes. ~xr .my :~t. ra ~,;; nr ~.~-.-n~ -1r ~ r* -
<br />~'1 rt dua~ r>ti.. aR7Ay tlr20r fxtcrrty,RP£'. An[f: aaasi~ern@acs
<br />lEVtia3 ;cpr,n. u2c! :a~:..ste .? .~t-. - ~ .. _.. ,. :~i n;xrn, t7~in mart a ur t
<br />E s_ort;~~e is ^rtirn :a ~+ru a.. t t rTr t., u. .. ,~ ~:.~~ t i t.~ , r KN€~ f=,e^ Hate whic}t thty
<br />t t = ~. ~ hsai,dingea ,nn avid 1lxeraises ansured for: the sam
<br />3 14,(}Ett3•~OC .. _ ;t ..r,l. ~ ,.,; -rt .. . .i„ ..err gxtgs+e?; ~>t ixrth, they tfrrse,~resestte.7re vain,
<br />~ othprw:sat tc Lv rand rr~mnin in {~,~,)!1;.., ~i~.
<br />1"P ?~ a Cri•E.T3r~~ hGtl'E' L 7 i i~ 1 t~ ~ t
<br />- ~. '~ 3axw. esnR3ar ch .:threat pn, s,r '~~ acing ~.
<br />4 irtntrllacen4 t Ya: int t hie a-~ a a v ~r c r t t r rr r. '+ ,his tx. rtp;us; r rna~ ~>uy xvch tares and ~.
<br />n¢eks 2ttlrreet ruR, ar raatu.it; it eaU *rer. - - i.tc }.r ~... ;., ._. r_r_..;,e~ T. : n: ;u -n E si;ran.,e: antl tttg suss ;
<br />. rr ,~ n
<br />j no ndvrnerd wiq: utteecwc at e ra. t `r car. ,.,ter k ~LUb ;,. i- n_: t;er<<r_ and -.is mot2ge0.c .3:ait i:nnrt as sr~•uritY for th¢
<br />~ acme, t.^-1 'ffvt a fs2n u- p.fv to : C ~c>ia xn u r ~t t rr -.-r _ yv or x r the Dior mrrrtttsge. w~h{+n the i
<br /># ware t!eccu~>, dot} c adurt _.xnF: a ~> > - ~ ~ r.tti { ~ ~sta, '.&tl cat.sa -rat ec ho4~ ::urn of money herein
<br />{ eactred to t~:rme d.t r~+ .xlaertklga z nr i . .t,.lun r ~hv rt .t„a.,re.
<br />£`I" tS FURTFIER 4Gi2E;: D 1 2a• r .-,r_ p ; ~ lore lxur.. :x is m~~rtf'aQe ;mtj alter decn't= and pending i
<br />RiJ)• therG{)C4 err apjte.ll (}tC4eiinr Rr rx'n rat l:k Y T!T w i 1 rT tE;9{- t L]a L' { tl L"'r S %e+ 3ntf '11a C41r14~ ntrA=St Ur rYa8113 r• _~
<br />Y 3p>C IrlalithrN'hLR of j~rvacYFYSt, n >t, l; i [,,.t„4ryr.. F'rcM 7..te bl)f'~f tiaiii`S.}. f[;rl ±1 2~ i].nF 3<Ia1+1 f,e Adde{i C4 ih4+ LLL+10Unt <a tlL' OIi
<br />dixree and utxxi avnltrmPtirf2 I al{ c~ ~:x ri. re-u [.r st cu[ 1 rc.c.s f ~sln; er i? rgcieetrted during stay., appeal
<br />ur erte, wu#~r aarow2ta .~heu !:r sh. -cam '~~t .~r_.4 ~; t~F~ ';;te at wt-sea t>~ t cf ~ fc,~ 1ez,r«t~,
<br />a„~a the lath i~.- ^t .fertber ,s $1
<br />Sf9 pre-~,eriea:,,tf.. s
<br />_. .. _. ~c ~lt„ne~
<br />k l ,/-`~
<br />j f~el3rdSiC3 dal ~ ,yt,. ~tl ~+OT;;RY • Strife aP rxbrasPu ~.
<br />f 3I'A'1'1v f31:' .., _ _ . f.ewnkv {,#.. .
<br />i ., _. .._._.. ~ - ~ ~Hy ti
<br />_ Htlate ma, a iratan F vt.~t~ ytanitfiea, r:~r aattt c^sstutt~: 1}exxa *.,. Rh..! +
<br />natty-came. e - . °; ~ ~ .
<br />Sack ~ 8?[~}rrvr n;~. L-r8. °ar-ker
<br />kaaru..W me to b+s tie I~v!xzt.e~~ n er prrnrrn>i w}ytx iExeetf tistr Fbre-geznr;rn~r~t stiw3 atoke2t>sri
<br />,x!{Led tha eaeetetinst
<br /># thereat t{i ire h{n, her at their 4'otunt~r5' acf 3m-1 ar~ri.. ;.
<br />+ _
<br />F EVitnas rat h.~tetl oast nr.,laruu seas a•n '~'~ ~ - % y- p ~~ ^~
<br />1 '""'
<br />~_ - ~ ~. - ~ - r -rs._.... .~., i
<br />i- b(3' ~>rn racpes~a: .d_.~ ~D~_ .~ d~ a 'J~ s , ~ ~ a . > ~
<br />d u.~#.(,1'scw = .' ve'.'",a'"...,..._..Z^TPftal;a' PniSli.:
<br />P
<br />F 9ThT'1:~ 6aP' _._,. _. _ _ _ _ ......_...' Fts#xrxci ott ~ttt2terucat rode: taxi ~iEt+tt far reooaat
<br />f„~Atr -. .-. . _ w, lit tlac €ictar of irSe2ic8s t~itx of acid
<br />. ...........: Catutty tha~.
<br />.~Y r>x.. _.,,.,. E9,..,_..-.. ar6_ .___,... „.~.,.;x'etstek s~d........._._ ...muwtfiw ...............hf..
<br />awd retYtttfa.i sr; ITra.a _ . ,;_ t,!`..._, ....;.. _.. , .. ~t ~
<br />dep.... _... .....,... ,.... ,.
<br />.... ...., . _._.. -._. ... _........1'tei;. of A'rrads
<br />....... _ _._ _. l~r}sutY
<br />