~~Et) QF t]1'aTt~l~tlTlt}i~S
<br />~ g ,_....~,~} ~ 2 5 t~ ~~xsr~N~~.. ~~R~s~TaYSV~
<br />CARt1LYN E.. KtIEHNER and 1]f}RCDTIiY M.GUENTHER BREMER Personal Representative of tare Estate ci
<br />LILY A. GLTENT1iER Deceased. URAN70R, conveys and releases to
<br />G'ARC3LY;<`F E. KUEHI~ER and DOROTHY M, t;UEN2HER £sRFMER - - -
<br />GRAtVTEE.
<br />ttae;faisow;ng described rest estate (as defined to Ned. Rev. scat. 76-201 }:
<br />.4n undvid'ied one-half (~) interest in and to Lots Three (3) and Five. (5) in
<br />Section Seventeen (1?) and Lots Two (2) and Three (3) in Section Twenty (24),
<br />aII fat Tocariship Ten (1J) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., :call
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />An txnclivde>d one-half (~) interest in and to the Northeast Quarter of the North-
<br />west Quarter (i~~NW'~) and Two Acres 18 rods by 18 rods, located in the Southeast
<br />.darner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW?r,Nti'~) and the East
<br />Half of"the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (E~SW~;Nka~)and the East
<br />Half of Che nest Half of the Southwest Quarter (E'g47zSGd'~) extending South to
<br />the. river, and known as Lot Four (4), all in Section Seventeen (l7), Township:
<br />Tow-nsnia Ten.(l0) North, Range Nine (9) L3est of the 6th P.Mi., and the
<br />Easterly Two-Thirds (E 2/3) of Lat Four (4), Roeser's Subdivision. of the
<br />SnuYh half of the Northwest Quarter (S~Nt~4) of Section Sixteen (l6), Ttxwnsh~:
<br />`Ten (ltl ) North,. Rai1gE' LV I.n~ (~) nrc:i: t of tno pi,'h ".-- all A.ia Nall f'a~~??tY,
<br />Nebraska:.
<br />SUt1jQCt:tQ easet>y('.nt3 8ftd reStriC:tit}ns Ot reCC3rd.
<br />GRANTQR Pros det?rmined that the GRAN'f££ is the person entitled to distribution of the rt3at estate from said estate.
<br />GFtANTt3R Covenants with GRANTEE that GRAt*iTUR has legal pouver and lawful authority to ;:onvey and release the same:
<br />~ ~~rn'*f1~ n r ':r
<br />Executed ......:.........
<br />ESTATE Ut= .LILY A. Gt3ENTHEI:.. , _ , DEGEASE~-
<br />~ ~~J, ice' By .,..vj.-C~C~.y.. %' .-:-., ~~ x~!?.~ .............
<br />Person REpresentat a P'ersonat Representative
<br />S5.
<br />?-L~ °ZLTON D
<br />COUFiTY OF .,......_ ................................D
<br />The foregcing ~r;trumentwasacterrawtedged trett~re me on ............ November 25 ... }~8i^
<br />by r<~~.Q ~.,~..~.... Kt~,t~er, ,anti.; Dozathy _ M, Guex?th~~, Bresuer . , . Persnnat Representative of the Estate of
<br />................:.' ?~+y..~ „ Gu~ntD:,ter ............................................................... . eeseased.
<br />c~it& t~ra~r ~».~ ~ ,-~
<br />~~ ~~~ t.. a, ~~,:x
<br />,,, _ +bcaarsa~s~+t.~
<br />'uT111'E OF lAESRRSKl1, Cur~rtty of . _ . ............ . ....E .
<br />lh
<br />Ntrtary Public ..... ..,~,,, t~ YL.......... .. .
<br />My comr!aission expires .............. .......
<br />Fi4ttf Rot rECt3rd and entered in"J:~mcrrCaC tndett tia~ ...... . ........ . .. . .... t9 . . <~i .... o`rlaCtc 14#.. Grr^+ti
<br />tedtsrt5ed ie~ E7~ &"r~'o~d i'ag
<br />~ «.. `.iC' - .. ;;'Y t
<br />9
<br />l4 ~ SP~.C TAY
<br /><ES4i:. 3
<br />~ ~~ ~ w
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<br />~~'
<br />Graurrty ar Clepr.rtgr rau . ,- C n
<br />Y'~i~iStt~' c;r x3lft?f {~@~ Stns .. c~~:4.:.t,k4
<br />:~ ~ ~~
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